
Analysis of electromechanical coupling facts of complicated electromechanical system


论文作者:贺建军 喻寿益 钟掘

文章页码:301 - 304

Key words:complicated electromechanical system; electromechanical coupling; electromagnetic torque; harmonic torque; micro-variable control

Abstract: From aspect of electromechanical coupling, the probable conditions that cause rolling mill chatter to lead to periodic thickness error or bring about light and s hade streaks on the surface of steel strip were studied. CM04 temper mill, a typical complicated electromechanical system, was taken as object of study to explore electromechanical coupling facts in complicated electromechanical system. Four modes of electromechanical coupling and their acting principle and law were expounded. Some suggests and measures were put forward for designing of a class of complicated electromechanical system.



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