Effects of Al and Sn on electrochemical properties of Mg-6%Al-1%Sn (mass fraction) magnesium alloy as anode in 3.5%NaCl solution


论文作者:黄俏 余琨 杨士海 文利 戴翼龙 乔雪岩

文章页码:4409 - 4414

Key words:magnesium alloy; electrochemical properties; polarization; anodic dissolution

Abstract: Mg-6%Al-1%Sn (mass fraction) alloy is a newly developed anode material for seawater activated batteries. The electrochemical properties of Mg-1%Sn, Mg-6%Al and Mg-6%Al-1%Sn alloys are measured by galvanostatic and potentiodynamic tests. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) is used to characterize the microstructures of the experimental alloys. The results show that the Mg-6%Al-1%Sn alloy obtains more negative discharge potential (-1.38 V (vs SCE)) in hot-rolled condition. This is attributed to the fine dynamically recrystallized grains during the hot rolling process. After the experimental alloys are annealed at 473 K for 1 h, the discharge potentials of Mg-6%Al-1%Sn alloy are more negative than those of Mg-6%Al alloy under different current densities. After annealing at 673 K, the discharge potentials of Mg-6%Al-1%Sn alloy become more positive than those of Mg-6%Al alloy. Such phenomenon is due to the coarse grains and the second phase Mg2Sn. The discharge potentials of Mg-1%Sn shift positively obviously in the discharge process compared with Mg-6%Al-1%Sn alloy. This is due to the corrosion products pasting on the discharge surface, which leads to anode polarization.


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