DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2015.11.006
(吉林大学 机械科学与工程学院,吉林 长春,130022)
中图分类号:TB115 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2015)11-4015-06
Electromechanical element-free Galerkin method for functionally graded piezoelectric plate with circular hole
MENG Guangwei, WANG Hui, ZHOU Liming, LI Feng, LI Xiaolin
(School of mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China)
Abstract:For improving the calculation precision of functionally graded piezoelectric plate with a circular hole, the element-free method equations were deducted by using variation principle, constitutive relations, geometrical relations and the boundary conditions of functionally graded piezoelectric plate. Electromechanical-coupling element-free Galerkin method (EEFGM) for functionally graded piezoelectric plate with a circular hole was proposed. The mechanical issues of functionally graded piezoelectric material plate were solved. The problems of hoop stress distribution and electromechanical concentration were studied. The mechanical response of functionally graded piezoelectric material was discussed, with its material parameters changing exponentially in a certain direction. The numerical example results were compared with those of the finite element software ANSYS. Numerical example results show that this method is feasible. Any problem of functionally graded piezoelectric material can be solved.
Key words: functionally graded piezoelectric material; electromechanical element-free Galerkin method; electromechanical- coupling
1 功能梯度压电材料基本方程
2 力电耦合无网格伽辽金法
式中:和为基函数, ;a(x)为与空间坐标相关的函数。
3 数值算例
如图1所示,含圆孔的功能梯度PZT-4压电材料板,边长a=0.4 m,圆孔半径与板边长比r/a=1:10。板底边电势为0 V,上边给定电势V0=-0.72 MV,板的上下边应力σ=7.5 MPa,设其极化方向为x3轴正向。材料的梯度变化方向为x3轴正向,梯度函数,本文中α取为0.5。
图1 含圆孔功能梯度压电板
Fig. 1 Functionally graded piezoelectric plate with a hole
底边材料参数[14]为:=13.9×1010 N/m2,= 7.78×1010 N/m2,=7.43×1010 N/m2,=11.5×1010 N/m2,=2.56×1010 N/m2,=-5.2 C/m2,=12.7 C/m2,=15.1 C/m2,=13.06×10-9 C×m/V,=11.51×10-9 C×m/V。
在求解域内离散1 656个节点,如图2所示,采用40×40个背景网格,每个网格均采用4×4高斯点进行积分,节点影响域因子为1.7,采用三次样条权函数来进行求解。其中力场罚函数取值为主对角线上最大元素的108倍,电场罚函数为主对角线上最大元素的106倍。
图2 节点分布图
Fig. 2 Node distribution
由力电耦合无网格数值方法求得全场应力分布,图3所示为ANSYS软件计算的结果与无网格法计算的应力云图对比,其中ANSYS采用6 256个网格作为参考解,通过对比发现,EEFGM求解结果与ANSYS软件计算结果吻合地很好。
图3 应力σ33分布图
Fig. 3 Distribution of stress σ33
图4 AB线上应力σ33分布
Fig. 4 Stress σ33distribution on line AB
图5 CD线上应力σ33分布
Fig. 5 Stress σ33 distribution on line CD
图6 圆孔环向应力σθ随角度的变化
Fig. 6 Change of hoop stress σθ with angle
4 结论
1) 为提高含孔功能梯度压电材料板的计算精度,基于变分原理和功能梯度压电材料的本构关系、几何关系、边界条件等,推导出功能梯度压电材料的无网格方程,提出了含孔功能梯度压电材料板的力电耦合无网格伽辽金法。
2) 处理了功能梯度材料的力学问题,研究了孔边环向应力分布及力电集中问题,讨论了材料参数按某一方向呈指数函数梯度变化时功能梯度压电材料的力学响应。
3) 与通用有限元软件ANSYS计算结果进行了比较,数值算例结果表明本方法正确可行且具有较高的精度。通过改变梯度函数能够进一步应用到任意梯度函数的功能梯度压电材料问题,因此应用前景十分广阔。
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(编辑 杨幼平)
基金项目(Foundation item):国家重大科学仪器开发专项(2012YQ030075);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51305157);吉林省科技厅基金资助项目(20130305006GX);吉林大学研究生创新基金资助项目(2015121) (Project(2012YQ030075) supported by the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Projects of China; Project (51305157) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project (20130305006GX) supported by Jilin Provincial Department of Science and Technology Fund; Project(2015121) supported by Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University)