论文作者:罗顺勤 王昌汉
文章页码:141 - 150
关键词:放矿理论; 随机理论; 松散介质
Key words:draw theory; random theory; bulk materials
摘 要:本文用随机理论对松散介质的流动进行分析,得出了移动漏斗、放出体及松动体的表面方程式和运动场中松散介质的密度分布计算式。建立了松散介质流动时必须满足的条件,并指出放出体及松动体均不是椭球体,它们最大的宽度不在其长轴的1/2处,而是随矿岩的物理力学性质的变化而上下移动。
Abstract: The paper presents a series of expressions for flow law of bulk materials,which were derived at random. The density of loosed materials in moving fieldcould be figured out on a formula obtained from the study. Also, a prerequisitefor bulk material flow was put forth and proved later in the research. It wasfound that draw envelope and limit envelope were not in the ellipsoid form ofconstant eccentricity as traditionally accepted, and the heights of the maximunwidthes of these envelopes were not at the middle of them, but varied with thecharacters of bulk materials used.