


论文作者:刘松利 白晨光 胡途 吕学伟 邱贵宝

文章页码:10 - 14

关键词:正交试验; 转底炉; 钒钛铁精矿; 球团; 直接还原

Key words:orthogonal experiment; RHF; vanadium and titanium iron concentrate; pellet; direct reduction

摘    要:钒钛铁精矿是一种铁、钒、钛等多元素共生的复合矿,具有很高的综合利用价值。采用实验室转底炉对钒钛铁精矿内配碳球团进行了高温快速还原的可行性研究,通过正交试验考察了配碳比、还原温度、添加剂、还原时间等参数对球团金属化率的影响。结果表明:配碳比1.5∶1、还原温度1 350℃、添加剂2%碳酸钠、还原时间20min时金属化率可以达到88%以上。对原料、还原样品进行X射线衍射分析表明,钒钛铁精矿粉中的磁铁矿、钛磁铁矿和钛铁矿通过还原转变为单质铁、含铁黑钛石。

Abstract: Vanadium and titanium iron concentrate is one kind of iron,vanadium,titanium multiple-element symbiotic composite ore,which has extremely high comprehensive utilization value.By using laboratory RHF,a new technology of quick reduction of vanadium and titanium iron concentrate of carbon-containing pellets at high temperature was introduced,and its feasibility was also studied by experiments.The effects of carbon and oxygen ratio,reaction temperature,additive and reaction time on the metallization rate of pellets were examined through the orthogonal experiment.The experimental results show that a metallization rate of 88% is achieved for the pellets with carbon and oxygen ratio (1.5︰1),reaction temperature (1350℃),additive (2% Na2CO3) and reaction time (20min).XRD analysis of the reduction product indicates that vanadium and titanium iron concentrate is reduced into Fe and(Fe,Mg)Ti2O5.




2.四川省攀枝花市攀枝花学院 材料工程学院)

摘 要:钒钛铁精矿是一种铁、钒、钛等多元素共生的复合矿,具有很高的综合利用价值。采用实验室转底炉对钒钛铁精矿内配碳球团进行了高温快速还原的可行性研究,通过正交试验考察了配碳比、还原温度、添加剂、还原时间等参数对球团金属化率的影响。结果表明:配碳比1.5∶1、还原温度1 350℃、添加剂2%碳酸钠、还原时间20min时金属化率可以达到88%以上。对原料、还原样品进行X射线衍射分析表明,钒钛铁精矿粉中的磁铁矿、钛磁铁矿和钛铁矿通过还原转变为单质铁、含铁黑钛石。

关键词:正交试验; 转底炉; 钒钛铁精矿; 球团; 直接还原

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