来源期刊:Journal Of Wuhan University Of Technology Materials Science Edition1994年第1期
论文作者:袁楚雄 刘奇
文章页码:14 - 20
摘 要:<正>In this paper the research results on the preparation of ferri-magnetofluids through colloid chemical methods developed in China are in-troduced, and the applications of the resulted fluids in mineral separationsare described. The colloid chemical method includes the procedure of oxi-dation-hydrolysis-collection-dispersion. It is shown that by adding NaOHto an FeSO4·7H2O aqueous solution, followed by aeration, an oxidation-hydrolysis reaction occurs which produces ultrafine Fe3O4 particles. Theparticles may then be collected by sodium oleate into kerosene phase andthus forming stable oil-base ferrimagnetofluid, or, alternately, the parti-cles may be coated with sodium oleate first, then flocculated by addingHCl, followed by redispersion in water by adding sodium dodecyl benzen-sulphonate, to form a water-base ferrimagnetofluid. The above ferrimag-netofluids have been used as separation media in the separation of arsenopy-rite from galena, and in the separation of gold from hard-rock gold ores.The re
摘 要:<正>In this paper the research results on the preparation of ferri-magnetofluids through colloid chemical methods developed in China are in-troduced, and the applications of the resulted fluids in mineral separationsare described. The colloid chemical method includes the procedure of oxi-dation-hydrolysis-collection-dispersion. It is shown that by adding NaOHto an FeSO4·7H2O aqueous solution, followed by aeration, an oxidation-hydrolysis reaction occurs which produces ultrafine Fe3O4 particles. Theparticles may then be collected by sodium oleate into kerosene phase andthus forming stable oil-base ferrimagnetofluid, or, alternately, the parti-cles may be coated with sodium oleate first, then flocculated by addingHCl, followed by redispersion in water by adding sodium dodecyl benzen-sulphonate, to form a water-base ferrimagnetofluid. The above ferrimag-netofluids have been used as separation media in the separation of arsenopy-rite from galena, and in the separation of gold from hard-rock gold ores.The re