文章页码:776 - 781
关键词:投入产出模型; 生产函数; 科技进步; 经济效益
Key words:input-output model; prodution function; progress of science and technology; economic benefits
摘 要:结合金川有色金属公司的实际,探讨了企业科技投入产出模型的建模方法和投入产出技术在企业科技进步评价中的应用,其核心是:在产品投入产出表的基础上,运用生产函数方法分解各部门的总产品,以反映科技进步对各部门产品生产的直接贡献,进而得到企业科技投入产出表;基于科技投入产出表,建立科技投入产出模型,可以对企业科技进步直接贡献、间接贡献和完全贡献进行分析和评价。
Abstract: This paper studies method of building input-output models of science and technologyand discusses application of input-output techniques in evaluating the progress of science and technology.The main points are as follows. Applying the methods of production function toresolving total products of each sector in value-type input-output table,we can obtain an in-put-output table of science and technology.Based on the input-output table,we can build in-put-output models of science and techology,analyse and evaluate direct contributions, indirect contributions and full contributions of the progress of science and technology.