

论文作者:任向文 石学法 杨刚

文章页码:83 - 88


Key words:Co-rich manganese crusts; systematic dynamics; STELLA

摘    要:基于系统动力学建模软件包STELLA,建立富钴结壳中Mn元素沉积的系统动力学模型。该模型包含的控矿要素有海山沉降和海水中溶解氧含量、海水pH和海水中Mn2+含量等,并假定Mn元素沉降的水深范围是最小含氧带核心到富钴结壳样品产出水深。研究结果表明:富钴结壳中的Mn元素是最小含氧带核心到富钴结壳样品产出水深的深度范围内,水柱中Mn2+氧化、清扫和积累的结果;在研究富钴结壳中Mn元素的控矿要素时,Nd同位素所记录的局地的控矿要素是不全面的;富钴结壳中Mn元素的沉积通量对于富钴结壳产出水深的变化是敏感的;最小含氧带移动,或者由海山沉降导致的Mn元素沉降水深的深度范围的变化,可以对富钴结壳Mn的成矿产生重要影响,是不容忽视的控矿要素。

Abstract: Based on systematic dynamics modeling software STELLA, a preliminary systematic dynamic model of Mn precipitation into Co-rich manganese crusts was set up. The ore-controlling factors in this model include submerging of seamount, dissolved oxygen, pH of seawater, and Mn2+ concentration in seawater. And in this model, the water range of Mn precipitating is from the core of oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) to the water depth where the Co-rich manganese crusts occurred. The results show that Mn is oxidized, scavenged, and accumulated in the water column from the core of OMZ to the slope of seamount. The local ore-controlling factors such as those recorded by Nd isotope can not constrain the precipitation of Mn. The flux of Mn into Co-rich manganese crusts is sensitive to the variation of water depth. Therefore, the variation of water depth range of Mn, which resulted from the variation of OMZ or the subsidence of seamounts, has significant effect on the precipitation of Mn. This ore-controlling factor can not be negligible.

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