

论文作者:王巧玲 黄桂芳

文章页码:317 - 317


Key words:corrosion; NaNO2; wire-beam electrode

摘    要:采用丝束电极多电极电化学法研究钢铁在不同浓度的NaCl溶液中的电位变化,并分析NaNO2的加入对体系电位的影响和NaNO2对钢铁的防护作用。研究结果表明:钢铁在NaCl溶液中的电位分布在一定的电位区间,各丝电极的电位存在差异,各区域金属的腐蚀不均匀;随着溶液中NaCl含量从1%增大至5%,丝束电极的电极电位平均值从-0.43 V变为-0.54 V,电极电位负移,金属腐蚀倾向增大;由于NaNO2和钢铁电极表面的腐蚀产物Fe2+的相互作用并生成保护性的薄膜,在NaCl溶液中加入NaNO2将使体系电极电位明显正移;加入NaNO2后各丝电极电位的分布是随机的、不均匀的,且电位分布区间增大,表明所形成的保护性薄膜不均匀。

Abstract: The potential distribution of steel in different contents of NaCl solution was investigated with wire-beam electrode, and the effect of NaNO2 on the potential distribution of steel and the protective behavior of NaNO2 was analyzed. The results show that the steel potential distributes in a certain range suggest the inhomogeneous of steel corrosion. The average potential shifts from -0.43 V to -0.54 V as the content of NaCl increases from 1% to 5%, which indicates that the steel tends to corrode as the NaCl content increases. With the addition of NaNO2, the potential of steel shifts to positive direction and leads to the formation of compact passivation film due to the interaction of Fe2+ and oxygen. The potential distributes randomly and the protective film is inhomogeneous.


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