
Factors Influencing High Temperature Thermo Plasticity of BNbRE Steel at the Third Brittle Zone


论文作者:Chen Lin Liu Yuyan Zong Wei Tian Zhongliang Ren Huiping Gao Michao Bao Xirong

Key words:heavy rail; thermo plasticity; continuous casting; brittle zone; rare earths;

Abstract: In view of fine cracks occurred on the surface of BNbRE continuous casting slabs for heavy rail in the practiced production, the effect of two factors, i. e. deformation temperature, deformation velocity, on thermo plasticity of BNbRE steel at the third brittle zone was quantitatively investigated on GLEEBLE-1500D thermal-mechanical simulator after measuring the RA-T curve of BNbRE steel. The results provide experimental data for optimizing the technology of continuous casting secondary cooling zone and avoiding the occurrence of fine surface cracks.


Factors Influencing High Temperature Thermo Plasticity of BNbRE Steel at the Third Brittle Zone

Chen Lin1,Liu Yuyan1,Zong Wei1,Tian Zhongliang1,Ren Huiping1,Gao Michao1,Bao Xirong1

(1.Material and Metallurgy School, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China)

Abstract:In view of fine cracks occurred on the surface of BNbRE continuous casting slabs for heavy rail in the practiced production, the effect of two factors, i. e. deformation temperature, deformation velocity, on thermo plasticity of BNbRE steel at the third brittle zone was quantitatively investigated on GLEEBLE-1500D thermal-mechanical simulator after measuring the RA-T curve of BNbRE steel. The results provide experimental data for optimizing the technology of continuous casting secondary cooling zone and avoiding the occurrence of fine surface cracks.

Key words:heavy rail; thermo plasticity; continuous casting; brittle zone; rare earths;


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