A prediction method of rail grinding profile using non-uniform rational B-spline curves and Kriging model


论文作者:曾威 杨岳 丘文生 解欢 XIE Su-Chao(谢素超)

文章页码:230 - 240

Key words:rail grinding; NURBS; Kriging; worn rail; target profile

Abstract: Non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) curves are combined with the Kriging model to present a prediction method of the rail grinding profile for a grinding train. As a worn rail profile is a free-form curve, the parameterized model of a rail profile is constructed by using the cubic NURBS curve. Taking the removed area of the rail profile cross-section by grinding as the calculation index of the grinding amount, the grinding amount calculation model of a grinding wheel is established based on the area integral formula of the cubic NURBS curve. To predict the grinding amount of a grinding wheel in different modes, a Kriging model of the grinding amount is constructed, taking the travel speed of a grinding train, the grinding angle and grinding pressure of a grinding wheel as the variables, and considering the grinding amount of a grinding wheel as the response. On this basis, the prediction method of the rail grinding profile is presented based on the order-forming mechanisms. The effectiveness of this method is verified based on a practical application.

Cite this article as: YANG Yue, QIU Wen-sheng, ZENG Wei, XIE Huan, XIE Su-chao. A prediction method of rail grinding profile using NURBS curves and Kriging model [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2018, 25(1): 230–240. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-018-3732-9.

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