论文作者:薛玉兰 潘焕基 林强 真宫三男
文章页码:382 - 388
关键词:钴离子; 浮选; 电解质; 钴; 碳酸盐/二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钴
Key words:cobalt ion; flotation; electrolyte; cobalt; carbonate/cobalt diethyldithiocarbamate
摘 要:通过浮选试验,沉淀试验,溶液组分分析等手段查明了NaCl,Na2SO4,Na2CO3对钴离子浮选的影响和影响机理。指出:以二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠或丁黄药为捕收剂时,NaCl,Na2SO4对钴离子浮选无害;Na2CO3因与钴离子和捕收剂离子生成溶解度较大的混配形络合物对浮选不利,捕收剂需过量添加才能使钴完全浮选
Abstract: Effect of electrolytes such as NaCl,Na2SO4 and Na2CO3 on the cobalt ion flotation is inve-stigated.Also,its mechanism is discussed.NaCl and Na2SO4 have not harmful effect on suchflotation,bat Na2CO3 shows harmful effect because NaDDTC or BnX does not react completelywith Co2+ and some more soluble complex than Co(DDTC)2 or COX2 is formed in the solution con-taining large amounts of CO32- at pH 8.8.In this case,excessive addition of the collector isnecessary to complete the cobalt ion flotation.