Temperature-dependent Raman scattering and photoluminescence in YBa2Cu3O7 doped with SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O nanoparticles:comparative study
来源期刊:Rare Metals2019年第8期
论文作者:Munirah A.Al Messiere
文章页码:754 - 763
摘 要:A combined study examining the temperature dependencies of Raman scattering and photoluminescence(PL)of a YBa2 Cu3 O7(YBCO)matrix doped with SiO2(12 nm;0.01 wt%.,0.10 wt%)and Zn0.95Mn0.05O(20 nm;0.02 wt%,0.10 wt%)nanoparticles was presented.X-ray diffraction(XRD)analysis confirms that both YBCO types exhibit aperovskite structure with the orthorhombic Pmmm phase.The microstructure was examined using environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM).Raman scattering and photoluminescence measurements as functions of temperature were conducted in the 77-837 K range.The photoluminescence intensity is observed to decrease for the doped YBCO than for the pure YBCO,because of localized defects.The photoluminescence spectrum is primarily composed of three bands at 1.60,1.88,and 2.40 eV.A clearly pronounced correlation is observed between electronic and structural changes in the doped YBCO,which is due to the temperature,illumination,added oxygen or metal ions,and spectral parameters.The PL integrated intensity as a function of the inverse temperature was simulated using the Arrhenius model.This analysis reveals that the energy exchange between the different levels in the pure and doped YBCO was conducted via two vibration modes only,which are strongly linked to the oxygen and copper atoms in the YBCO matrix.The temperature dependencies of the modes at 340 and 500 cm-1 exhibit softening with temperature increase,resulting from microstructure control,which may be due to small concentrations of Si,Zn,and Mn substitutions at the chain Cu(1)and plane Cu(2)sites.
稀有金属(英文版) 2019,38(08),754-763
Munirah A.Al Messiere
Department of Physics,College of Science,Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
作者简介:*Munirah A.Al Messiere e-mail: malmessiere@iau.edu.sa;
收稿日期:13 August 2017
Munirah A.Al Messiere
Department of Physics,College of Science,Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
A combined study examining the temperature dependencies of Raman scattering and photoluminescence(PL)of a YBa2 Cu3 O7(YBCO)matrix doped with SiO2(12 nm;0.01 wt%.,0.10 wt%)and Zn0.95Mn0.05O(20 nm;0.02 wt%,0.10 wt%)nanoparticles was presented.X-ray diffraction(XRD)analysis confirms that both YBCO types exhibit aperovskite structure with the orthorhombic Pmmm phase.The microstructure was examined using environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM).Raman scattering and photoluminescence measurements as functions of temperature were conducted in the 77-837 K range.The photoluminescence intensity is observed to decrease for the doped YBCO than for the pure YBCO,because of localized defects.The photoluminescence spectrum is primarily composed of three bands at 1.60,1.88,and 2.40 eV.A clearly pronounced correlation is observed between electronic and structural changes in the doped YBCO,which is due to the temperature,illumination,added oxygen or metal ions,and spectral parameters.The PL integrated intensity as a function of the inverse temperature was simulated using the Arrhenius model.This analysis reveals that the energy exchange between the different levels in the pure and doped YBCO was conducted via two vibration modes only,which are strongly linked to the oxygen and copper atoms in the YBCO matrix.The temperature dependencies of the modes at 340 and 500 cm-1 exhibit softening with temperature increase,resulting from microstructure control,which may be due to small concentrations of Si,Zn,and Mn substitutions at the chain Cu(1)and plane Cu(2)sites.
Matrix YBa2Cu3O7; Nanoparticles; Raman scattering; Raman modes; Photoluminescence spectra;
Received: 13 August 2017
1 Introduction
Photoinduced superconductivity is commonly used to investigate h i gh-temperature superconductors (HTS);however,understanding of the general behaviours of these materials remains incomplete.Therefore,in HTS materials in which metal-insulator transitions occur,photoexcitation involving different charge-carrier concentrations has attracted considerable research interest
For YBCO compounds,it is well known that a threedimensional (3D) transition-metal substitution for chain Cu(l) and plane Cu(2) sites causes reduction in the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) with increasing doping concentration
As regards the material characterization,the T-dependent photoluminescence (PL) and Raman scattering are some of the most functional and powerful optical characterization techniques for materials.These methods have been used to study the optical characteristics of various materials,such as their band structures
To best of our knowledge,little information is currently available on the influence of adding nanosized particles on the optical properties of YBCO compounds.In this paper,a comparative study of the effect of adding SiO2 (12 nm) and Zn0.95Mn0.05O (20 nm) nanoparticles during the final sintering cycles of YBCO on the resultant luminescence was reported.The T dependencies of the Raman modes and PL for pure and foped YBCO specimens (with 0.01 wt%or0.10 wt%SiO2 or 0.02 wt%or 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.050nanoparticles) were investigated to explore the effects of these additive schemes on both modes with respect to T.The T dependence of the spectra was also discussed.
2 Experimental
Pure and doped YBCO specimens were prepared using the conventional solid-state reaction method.Single-phase YBCO was fabricated by mixing high-purity Y2O3 (99.9%,Sigma-Aldrich),Ba2CO3 (99.9%,Sigma-Aldrich),and CuO (99.9%,Sigma-Aldrich) according to the chemical formula of Y:Ba:Cu=1:2:3.This powder mixture was compressed to form pellets and then calcined at 950℃for12 h in air to produce an oxide precursor (YBCO) with no carbonate residue
During the final processing stage,SiO2 (99.9%,SigmaAldrich) orZno.95Mno.o5O nanoparticles with sizes of approximately 12 and 20 nm shown in Fig.1
The structure of the doped YBCO was analysed at room temperature using X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD,XRD-6100,Shimadzu Corp.) with Cu Kαradiation(λ=0.1 540 nm).The diffraction data were collected over a diffraction angle range of 2θ=20°-60°via step scanning with a width of 0.02°.XRD results were refined through Rietveld refinement using the Fullprof and Match 3 software (Version 3.2.1).The morphology was characterized using Philips XL-30 FEG environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM).ESEM was operated at 20 kV,high vacuum mode and 10 mm working distance.ESEM backscattered and secondary electron morphological images were acquired from different parts of the samples at magnifications ranging at 5000 times to get insight into micro structural information of the samples.The Raman and PL measurements were conducted using a micro-Raman spectrometer (Horiba LabRam ARAMIS) with the473-nm excitation line of a He-Cd laser.LowT measurements were conducted in a cryogenic cell (Linkam 600) in the 77-837 K range.
Fig.1 TEM images of a SiO2 and b Zn0.95Mn0.05O nanoparticles
3 Results and discussion
3.1 XRD analysis
Figures 2 and 3 show XRD patterns of the pure YBCO samples and those doped with SiO2 (Fig.2) and Zn0,95Mn0.05O (Fig.3) nanoparticles,with the main indexed diffraction signals being indicated.Predominantly,single-phase materials with orthorhombic Pmmm symmetry and minor secondary phases are obtained,confirming the efficacy of the proposed synthesis method regarding acquisition of the crystalline phase.No effects on the orthorhombicity of the structure of Y-123 were detected by adding a small concentration of SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O because it looks that it does not enter the YBCO structure.
The sample structural parameters were determined via Rietveld refinement using the Fullprof and Match 3 software,and the lattice parameters (the constants a,b,and c;the cell volume;and the lattice anglesα,β,andγ) for the pure YB CO (both tables) and the SiO2-and Zn0.95Mn0.05O-doped YBCO are listed in Table 1,respectively.It may be noted that,for the pure and doped samples,a,b,and c are almost unchanged,to within an estimated 0.0005-nm precision.Figures 2b and 3b show the observed and fitted profiles for samples sintered with 0 wt%,0.01 wt%,and0.10 wt%SiO2 and 0 wt%,0.02 wt%,and 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O nanoparticles,respectively.
3.2 Morphological study
Morphological analysis was carried out by cross-sectional samples mounted on ESEM sample holders using doublesided conductive tape to reduce the vibration during analyses.The obtained ESEM surface topographical data in Fig.4a-e show that the samples have particles with irregular shape and size as a result of adding SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O nanoparticles in comparison with pure YBCO.Additionally,particle agglomerations are evident in the samples.Furthermore,ESEM morphological characterizations show porosity in the samples with degree varying from one sample to another.The obtained ESEM will assist in identifying the impact of adding SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O nanoparticles with different concentrations on the microstructure of the samples.
Fig.2 a XRD patterns of pure YBCO and YBCO doped with 0.01 wt%and 0.10 wt%SiO2 nanoparticles and b XRD patterns of pure YBCO and YBCO doped with SiO2 after Rietveld (RP being quality of refinement)
Fig.3 a XRD patterns of pure YBCO and YBCO doped with 0.02 wt%and 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O nanoparticles and b XRD patterns of pure YBCO and YBCO doped with Zn0.95Mn0.05O after Rietveld refinements (RP being quality of refinement)
Table 1 Structural and statistical parameters of pure YBCO and YBCO doped with SiO2 or Zn0.95Mn0.05O 0btained via Rietveld refinement
Fig.4 ESEM images of a pure YBCO,b YBCO doped with 0.01 wt%SiO2,c YBCO doped with 0.10 wt%SiO2,d YBCO doped with0.02 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O,and e YBCO doped with 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O
3.3 PL spectroscopy
PL spectra for the pure and doped YBCO specimens are obtained within a T range of 77-837 K in increments of20 K under 473-nm laser excitation wavelength,corresponding to an energy of 2.62 eV.For simplicity,in Fig.5,only three PL spectra are present (T=77,97,and 297 K),corresponding to the materials in superconducting,transition and normal states,respectively.
PL spectra shown in Fig.5 reveal luminescence peaks located at 1.44,1.66,1.88,2.30,and 2.40 eV,fluctuating from narrow to broad upon the addition of Zn0.95Mn0.05O and SiO2 nanoparticles with different concentrations.PL intensity of the pure YBCO is approximately four times those of the Zn0.95Mn0.05O-and SiO2-doped YBCO samples and increases gradually from the normal to the superconducting states.As shown in Fig.5a,PL spectrum at 77 K is composed of three bands located at 1.60,1.88,and 2.40 eV.The maximum intensity is close to the laser energy excitation and sharp peaks appear in this region,which correspond to the resonant Raman modes.For T=97 and 297 K,the band intensity decreases at 1.6 eV.The band located at 2.4 eV is strongly correlated with the oxygen stoichiometry in CuO chains and CuO2 planes and corresponds to transitions from oxygen vacancies and photoexcitation in the CuO2 plane
In Fig.5b-e,PL spectra of the YBCO specimens doped with SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O exhibit a decrease in intensity compared to that of pure sample with convolution among T=77,97 and 297 K bands.The YBCO doped with0.01 wt%SiO2 (Fig.5b) exhibits almost the same behaviour as the pure specimen.However,for the sample sintered with 0.10 wt%SiO2 (Fig.5c),PL spectrum at 77 K is composed of three bands located approximately at 1.44,1.88,and 2.30 eV.For this specimen,inverse behaviour is obtained from the normal to superconducting states compared with the pure specimen.This new effect occurs because the added nanosized SiO2 particles effectively control the microstructure by generating finer twin boundaries and microscopic inhomogeneities rich with Si,which are uniformly incorporated within the YBCO matrix;hence,superconducting properties are produced
Fig.5 PL intensity as function of energy at different temperature for a pure YBCO and YBCO doped with b 0.01 wt%SiO2,c 0.10 wt%SiO2,d 0.02-wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O,and e 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O
As for the Zn0.95Mn0.05O-doped specimens,PL spectrum of YBCO doped with 0.02 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O(Fig.5d) is composed of three bands located at approximately 1.80,2.30,and 2.50 eV,and the behaviour reflected the transition from the superconducting to normal states,in contrast with that of the pure YBCO case.Finally,the intensities of the bands of the YBCO doped with 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O (Fig.5e) increase gradually from the normal state to the superconducting state.This sample shows the same behaviour as the pure YBCO sample,except a new band appears at 1.7 eV in PL spectrum measured at T=97 K.This behaviour may be attributed to the effect of substituting small amounts of Zn at Cu sites in the CuO2planes,which has been found to suppress the superconductivity in cuprate systems
The vibration density in the crystal and the carrier diffusion rates due to the defects increase with increasing T,and as a consequence,the integrated PL intensities can gradually increase with increasing T.This effect can be attributed to the exchange of photocarriers between different excited levels and the interaction of the photocarriers with the crystal vibration modes and defects
The integrated PL intensity results were analysed in the range of 77-817 K using the Arrhenius formula
Table 2 present a summary of the best-fit parameters obtained from the best fit of the integrated PL intensity as a function of T for the five samples.The estimated activation energies are 40.91 and 60.75 meV for the pure YBCO;44.41 and 61.37 meV,and 42.15 and 62.42 meV for the0.01 wt%and 0.10 wt%SiO2-doped YBCO samples,respectively;and 35.00 and 65.00 meV,and 40.00 and65.00 meV for the 0.02 wt%and 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O-doped YBCO samples,respectively.Those energies correspond practically to the mean energies of the vibration modes presented in Fig.7.
This result confirms that the energy exchange between the different levels in the pure and doped YBCO samples occurs via an increase in the defects that act as carrier traps.Through the I(0) parameter,the model confirms that the PL intensity decreases as the SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O concentrations increase.In addition,the a1 term,which corresponds to the quotient between the nonradiative and radiative relaxations,increases with the SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O concentrations.This behaviour can beexplained by recognizing that the SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O addition in YBCO matrix increases the density of the twin boundaries and the inhomogeneities,whereas the radiative relaxation process is reduced
Fig.6 Inverse T dependence of integrated PL intensity of a pure YBCO and YBCO doped with 0.01 wt%and 0.10 wt%SiO2 and b pure YBCO and YBCO doped with 0.02 wt%and 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O
Table 2 Parameters calculated from the best fit of pure YBCO and YBCO doped with Si02 or Zn0.95Mn0.05O
Fig.7 Raman spectra at various T values of a pure YBCO,YBCO doped with b 0.01 wt%SiO2,c 0.10 wt%SiO2,d 0.02 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O,and e 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O
3.4 Raman scattering analysis
The Raman spectrum measurements for the pure,SiO2-and Zn0.95Mn0.05O-doped YBCO specimens were performed in the range of 77-837 K.For clarity,the results of measurements performed at T values of 77,97,and 297 K are presented in Fig.7 The characteristic features of the Raman spectrum are clearly dependent on the xx (or yy),xy(or yx),x'x'(or y'y'),and x'y'(or y'x') polarizations of the incident and scattered light fields,respectively,after excitations of Ag,B1g,and Ag+B1g symmetries
The Raman spectra in Fig.7 consist of several vibration bands located at 334,435,500,564,and 634 cm-1.The mode at 564 cm-1 exhibits softening,whereas the other bands exhibit hardening.The band at 500 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum is due to a stretching vibration of the CuO bond along the crystal c-axis.The bands at 334 and435 cm-1 have been detected in rare-earth superconducting materials and are associated with the bending vibrations of oxygen in the CuO2 planes
The variations of the Raman mode frequencies at 340and 500 cm-1 with T shown in Figs.8 and 9 were determined using the Lorentzian function line fit of the Balkanski model,which is expressed as
The T-dependent terms in Eq.(2) indicate the real part of the proper phonon self-energy,and the constants A2 and A3define the cubic and quartic contributions⊿1 and⊿2,respectively
where A1=ω0 is a phonon frequency at the T=0 and h is Planck's constant.The results of fitting of the experimental high-T Raman data and the anharmonic coefficients A2 and A3 are shown in Table 3.
The Raman modes are presented in Figs.8 and 9.It is apparent that they decrease gradually with T increasing,which is due to the anharmonic as of the oxygen atoms'potential.In the majority of studies which examine the superconductivity effects on the Raman spectrum of YBCO,the 340-and 500-cm-1 modes are the main targets,because they are sensitive to oxygen disorder.Figure 8shows that the 340-cm-1 phonon is slightly shifted towards higher frequencies for the pure and SiO2-doped YBCO samples,whereas the Zn0.95Mn0.05O-doped samples exhibit a slight shift to lower frequencies for this phonon.However,below 200 K,the magnitude of the superconductivity-induced phonon softening and phonon stiffening of the B1g (Ag) modes at 340 cm-1 is suppressed significantly in the doped samples
Fig.8 T dependence of 340 cm-1 modes for a YBCO and YBCO doped with b 0.01 wt%SiO2,c 0.10 wt%SiO2,d 0.02 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O,and e 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O
Fig.9 T dependence of 500 cm-1 modes for a YBCO and YBCO doped with b 0.01 wt%SiO2,c 0.10 wt%SiO2,d 0.02 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O,and e 0.10 wt%Zn0.95Mn0.05O
Table 3 Fitting constants described in Eq.(1)
The phonon modes for the doped samples exhibit hardening at T values lower than 700 K,as a result of microstructure control that may be due to small concentrations of Si and Mn substitutions at the chain Cu(1) sites
4 Conclusion
In summary,the effects of adding SiO2 and Zn0.95Mn0.05O nanoparticles on YBCO matrix were examined considering the temperature dependence of PL and Raman scattering in the range of 77-837 K.Hence,it is observed that the PL intensity of the YBCO is four times greater than that of the YBCO with addition.The PL spectra exhibit fluctuating from narrow to broad with the addition of nanoparticles in different concentrations and temperature.The Arrhenius model with two activation energies was used to fit the temperature-dependent integrated PL intensity for pure and doped YBCO;these energies correspond practically to the mean energies of the vibration modes at 340 and500 cm-1.This effect is attributed to the oxygen vacanciesin the Cu-O chains,which trap at chain defect and prohibit their recombination with photogenerated holes.
Furthermore,the T dependence of the Raman frequencies at 340 and 500 cm-1 for both the pure and doped YBCO shows that the Raman modes decrease nonlinearly with temperature increase;this behaviour is associated with the oxygen vibrations of the CuO2 planes along the z-axis.For the 340 cm-1 mode,a softening with additive concentration increase is observed.However,the phonon at500 cm-1 in the pure and doped YBCO softens with temperature increase.These results are related to the adjustment of the local microstructure due to defect generation.Thus,examination of the temperature-dependent PL and Raman spectra constitutes a sensitive method of monitoring microstructural changes that may cause oxygen disorders in the Zn0.95Mn0.05O samples.
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