基于SCA与BPANN模型的近β Ti-55511合金热压缩流变行为对比


论文作者:史双喜 刘秀生 张晓泳 周科朝

文章页码:1665 - 1679


Key words:Ti-55511 alloy; flow stress; Arrhenius constitutive equation; back-propagation artificial neural network; finite element

摘    要:通过热压缩实验研究Ti-55511合金在变形温度973~1123 K、应变速率0.01~10 s-1条件下的流变行为。采用应变补偿Arrhenius (SCA)和反向传播人工神经网络(BPANN)方法对该热变形过程本构关系进行建模,并通过统计分析和交叉验证对模型进行评估。将两种模型扩展的应力、应变数据植入有限元,仿真热压缩实验过程。结果表明:流变应力对温度和应变速率敏感,随应变速率的增加或温度的降低而增加。尽管5次多项式拟合的SCA模型和12个神经元的BPANN模型均能描述合金流变行为,但BPANN拟合精度高于SCA。16次交叉验证测试也证实BPANN模型具有较高的预测精度。两种模型应用于仿真均有效可行,但BPANN模型在仿真精度上有较大优势。

Abstract: The flow behavior of Ti-55511 alloy was studied by hot compression tests at temperatures of 973-1123 K and strain rates of 0.01-10 s-1. Strain-compensated Arrhenius (SCA) and back-propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) methods were selected to model the constitutive relationship, and the models were further evaluated by statistical analysis and cross-validation. The stress-strain data extended by two models were implanted into finite element to simulate hot compression test. The results indicate that the flow stress is sensitive to deformation temperature and strain rate, and increases with increasing strain rate and decreasing temperature. Both the SCA model fitted by quintic polynomial and the BPANN model with 12 neurons can describe the flow behaviors, but the fitting accuracy of BPANN is higher than that of SCA. Sixteen cross-validation tests also confirm that the BPANN model has high prediction accuracy. Both models are effective and feasible in simulation, but BPANN model is superior in accuracy.

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