

论文作者:李鲲 梁习锋 杨明智

文章页码:1297 - 1306


Key words:strong wind; wind tunnel test; wind-break wall; aerodynamic force coefficient; contact wire

摘    要:基于列车穿越大风区时其气动力显著增大,可能导致列车脱轨及倾覆等事故,采用风洞试验方法研究不同高度挡风墙下动车组气动特性和触网处风速,分析大风环境下高速铁路挡风墙的防风效果进而比选确定挡风墙结构主要参数。研究结果表明:动车组在平地情况下的升力系数、侧力系数和倾覆力矩系数随侧滑角的增大而增大;当设置2.5 m高挡风墙时,动车组的升力系数、侧力系数和倾覆力矩系数的绝对值均大幅度降低;当挡风墙增高至5.0 m时,对动车组有一定的防护作用,但其防护性能比2.5 m高挡风墙的防护效果差;设置2.5 m高挡风墙对接触线有一定防护效果,5.0 m高挡风墙使得接触线和承力索处的风速均大幅度下降,最小降幅达到55%,说明5.0 m高挡风墙对接触网有更好的防护作用。综合考虑挡风墙对动车组倾覆的安全防护、接触网的防护及其自身加强措施、结构的经济合理性,建议大风区高速铁路挡风墙的合理高度为轨面以上2.5 m。

Abstract: When a train runs in strong wind area, the flow field around the train changes dramatically and accidents including derailment and overturning may happen. In order to study the coupling aerodynamic performance between the train model and the wind-break wall, and determine the optimized design parameters of the wind-break wall, wind tunnel tests were carried out to analyze the aerodynamic performance of train and velocity distribution around contact wire in this study. The results show that the lift coefficient, lateral force coefficient and moment coefficients increase with the increase of yaw angle, and the absolute values of them are greatly reduced when the wind-break wall with height of 2.5 m is built. When the wind-break wall height reaches 5.0 m, the protective effect is obvious but weaker than that of the 2.5 m windbreak wall. The dimensionless velocity of the contact wire at height of 5.0 m from the top of rail (TOR) significantly reduces when the wind break wall with height of 2.5 m is built. When the height of the wind-break wall increases to 5.0 m, the dimensionless velocities of both contact wire and messenger wire reduce significantly with the minimum decreasing amplitude of 55%.Therefore, the 5.0 m wind-break wall has better protective effect on the catenary. Considering the safety of the high-speed train and the catenary, and combining the wind-break wall self-strengthening and construction cost, the reasonable height of the wind-break wall is suggested to be 2.5 m high from the TOR.


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