Magnetic Phase Transition and Magnetic Entropy Change in La0.8Pr0.2Fe11.4Si1.6 Compound
来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths2007年第S2期
论文作者:李晓伟 李国栋 徐超 王立刚
文章页码:130 - 134
摘 要:The magnetic properties and the phase transformation of the partial substitution of Pr for La in LaFe11.4Si1.6 have been investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrating sample magnetic (VSM). The results indicated that the single phase NaZn13-type cubic structure is stabilized for the compound La0.8Pr0.2Fe11.4Si1.6 and large values of the isothermal magnetic entropy change SM around the curie temperature TC~194 K in relative low magnetic fields. The maximum value︱SM︱max~37.07 J/kg·K-1 under a field of 1.5 T. Such large MCEs are attributed to the sharp change of the magnetization at the Curie temperature, the field-induced IEM transition and a strong temperature dependence of the critical field BC.
摘 要:The magnetic properties and the phase transformation of the partial substitution of Pr for La in LaFe11.4Si1.6 have been investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrating sample magnetic (VSM). The results indicated that the single phase NaZn13-type cubic structure is stabilized for the compound La0.8Pr0.2Fe11.4Si1.6 and large values of the isothermal magnetic entropy change SM around the curie temperature TC~194 K in relative low magnetic fields. The maximum value︱SM︱max~37.07 J/kg·K-1 under a field of 1.5 T. Such large MCEs are attributed to the sharp change of the magnetization at the Curie temperature, the field-induced IEM transition and a strong temperature dependence of the critical field BC.