Evaluation of pitting corrosion of thixoformed A356 alloy using a simulation model



文章页码:1702 - 1706

Key words:rheocasting; gravity casting; A356 alloy; corrosion; pitting; pitting; microstructure

Abstract: Pitting behavior of thixoformed A356 alloy, with different reheating temperatures, was evaluated. Linear sweep voltammetric tests were used to study the pitting behavior of thixoformed, rheocast and gravity-cast A356 alloy in a 3.5% NaCl solution. A simulation method was also used in order to identify local galvanic corrosion current density between local galvanic couples. The results obtained show that the resistance to pitting corrosion of the thixoformed samples formed at 600 °C is higher than that of the samples formed at 610 °C as well as rheocast and gravity-cast samples. These results could be explained by morphological aspects of silicon phase as well as the area effect as related to galvanic corrosion between silicon particles and eutectic aluminum phase.

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