

论文作者:曹创华 邓专 柳建新

文章页码:345 - 356

Key words:Chang-Zhu-Tan area; CSAMT method; distance between transmitter and receiver; case study

摘    要:可控源音频大地电磁法(CSAMT)中的收发距和实测波区的响应数据息息相关,决定着该方法的有效勘探深度。长株潭地区是我国经济高度发展的重点区域,区内岩浆岩、褶皱、断裂发育;出露岩石有砾岩、砂岩、泥岩、白云岩、灰岩和花岗岩等,具有CSAMT探测地质构造和岩性接触带等地质现象的前提条件。但由于区内水系发育致使大部分岩石电阻率普遍较低,而花岗岩电阻率相对较高,在不同区域实施CSAMT时,满足波区条件的收发距有所不同。根据区内不同岩性组成的典型地层结构进行数值计算,计算出最佳收发距的大小,并选取实例进行分析,以期对此地区或者类似区域开展CSAMT法探测时有所参考。

Abstract: The response data of CSAMT method is closely related to transmission distance and measured wave region, which determines it’s effective exploration depth. Chang-Zhu-Tan area is the important regional and national area, there exist magmata rocks, folds, fracture and with conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone, dolomite, limestone and granite, which is natural prerequisite to use CSAMT method. However, resistivities of most rock are generally low with water system developmentally, and the resistivity of granite is relatively high, this makes different patches be measured to meet the specifications of receiving valid data from the implementation of CSAMT vary. Depending on the rock area in this article, typical of stratum structure consisting of the numerical calculation, the size of the best receiving distance was calculated, for expecting this area or similar area during some reference when CSAMT method detection was used.


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