Numerical simulation for explosion wave propagation of combustible mixture gas


论文作者:王成 宁建国 马天宝

文章页码:361 - 367

Key words:combustible mixture gas; explosion wave; interface treatment; combustion function mode

Abstract: A two-dimensional multi-material code was indigenously developed to investigate the effects of duct boundary conditions and ignition positions on the propagation law of explosion wave for hydrogen and methane-based combustible mixture gas. In the code, Young’s technique was employed to track the interface between the explosion products and air, and combustible function model was adopted to simulate ignition process. The code was employed to study explosion flow field inside and outside the duct and to obtain peak pressures in different boundary conditions and ignition positions. Numerical results suggest that during the propagation in a duct, for point initiation, the curvature of spherical wave front gradually decreases and evolves into plane wave. Due to the multiple reflections on the duct wall, multi-peak values appear on pressure—time curve, and peak pressure strongly relies on the duct boundary conditions and ignition position. When explosive wave reaches the exit of the duct, explosion products expand outward and forms shock wave in air. Multiple rarefaction waves also occur and propagate upstream along the duct to decrease the pressure in the duct. The results are in agreement with one-dimensional isentropic gas flow theory of the explosion products, and indicate that the ignition model and multi-material interface treatment method are feasible.

基金信息:the National Natural Science Foundation of China


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