

论文作者:张健 王斌昊 陈国宏 王若民 缪春辉 郑治祥 汤文明

文章页码:3283 - 3291


Key words:Cu-Al intermetallics; laminar composite; electroplating; interfacial reaction; growth kinetics; electrical resistivity

摘    要:采用纯Al片表面浸Zn后再电镀厚Cu层的方法制备Cu/Al层状复合材料。在473~673 K温度范围内对该复合材料进行退火,研究退火过程中Cu/Al界面扩散与反应、界面金属间化合物 (IMCs) 层的长大动力学以及Cu/Al层状复合材料电阻率。结果表明,经过473 K、360 h的退火处理,未观察到Cu-Al IMCs层,显示Zn中间层能有效抑制Cu/Al界面扩散。可是,当复合材料经573 K及以上温度退火时,Zn层中的Zn原子主要向Cu中扩散,从Al侧到Cu侧形成CuAl2/CuAl/Cu9Al4三层结构的反应产物。IMC层遵循扩散控制的生长动力学,Cu/Al复合材料的电阻率随退火温度及时间的增加而增大。

Abstract: Cu/Al laminar composite was prepared by dipping Zn layer and then electroplating Cu thick layer on pure Al sheet. During annealing the Cu/Al composites at temperature from 473 to 673 K, the Cu/Al interfacial diffusion and reaction and its kinetics and also the electrical resistivity of the composites were studied. The results show that no Cu-Al IMC layer is observable as the composites are annealed at 473 K for time till 360 h, indicating that the Zn intermediate layer can effectively suppress the Cu/Al interfacial diffusion. However, as the composites are annealed at 573 K and above, Zn atoms in the Zn layer dissolve into the Cu layer. Tri-layered reaction product of CuAl2/CuAl/Cu9Al4 then forms from the Al side to the Cu side. The IMC layer follows the diffusion-controlled growth kinetics. Electrical resistivity of the Cu/Al composites increases with the increase of the annealing temperature and time.


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