


论文作者:周国雄 赖旭芝 曹卫华 吴敏

文章页码:558 - 561


Key words:gas collector pressure; intelligent decoupling control; fuzzy control; expert control

摘    要:针对某钢铁焦炉集气管压力系统具有强耦合、强干扰、典型非线性的特点,结合模糊控制、PID控制、解耦控制和专家控制的优点,提出集气管压力的智能解耦控制方法,并将该控制方法应用于某焦化厂1号、2号焦炉智能解耦控制器。实际运行结果表明,当焦炉开盖、关盖、外送压力和煤气流量等因素引起集气管压力波动时,系统能迅速调节蝶阀开度使压力在15 s内达到稳定,并且能够保证集气管压力稳定在工艺要求的波动范围内。

Abstract: The collector pressure system of coke-oven is a strongly coupled, disturbed and non-lin-ear system. Based on the characteristics, an intelligent decoupling control method which incorporates fuzzy control, PID control, decoupling control with expert control was proposed. The actual operation results show that when the extern factors such as opening or closing the coke-oven cover, sending off the pressure, and gas flux cause the pressure fluctuate, the system can make the pressure stable in 15 s, which satisfies the requirement of technology through accommodating the corresponding butterfly-valve.



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