Effect of obstruction on thermal performance of solar water heaters


论文作者:李大鹏 王宇凡 刘刚 廖胜明 刘仙萍

文章页码:1273 - 1289

Key words:solar water heaters; thermal performance; obstruction; simulation

Abstract: Solar water heaters (SWH) are widely used in urban areas because of their advantages in reducing energy consumption and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. However, the performance of SWH subjected to obstructions is unclear yet. In this study, we present a numerical evaluation on thermal performance of fa?ade-installed SWH under three typical obstructed scenarios, based on various levels of sunshine duration. This study is carried out for four locations with various latitudes across China. Thermal performance is measured by solar fraction for annual and monthly evaluation. The results show that the obstruction can seriously degrade annual solar fraction of SWH, even in the 4-hour sunshine duration scenario, for all the studied locations. Interestingly, only lengthening sunshine duration in the standard day (e.g., from 2 h to 4 h) may not result in increasing annual solar fraction markedly. In terms of the monthly performance, solar fraction in January and December decreases significantly, while from May to August it just declines slightly, except for Guangzhou having a swift reduction. This study can provide insights into the behavior and promote the appropriate application of SWH in urban areas.

Cite this article as: LI Da-peng, WANG Yu-fan, LIU Gang, LIAO Sheng-ming, LIU Xian-ping. Effect of obstruction on thermal performance of solar water heaters [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(4): 1273-1289. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-020-4366-2.

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