
Stability and reliability of pit slopes in surface mining combined with underground mining in Tonglushan mine


论文作者:罗一忠 吴爱祥 刘湘平 王洪江

文章页码:434 - 439

Key words:surface-underground mining combination; stability; reliability; random finite element method ; numerical simulation

Abstract: Slope stability is of critical importance in the process of surface-underground mining combination. The influence of underground mining on pit slope stability was mainly discussed, and the self-stabilization of underground stopes was also studied. The random finite element method was used to analyze the probability of the rock mass stability degree of both pit slopes and underground stopes. Meanwhile, 3D elasto-plastic finite element method was used to research into the stress, strain and rock mass failure resulting from mining. The results of numerical simulation indicate that the mining of the underground test stope has certain influence on the stability of the pit slope, but the influence is not great. The safety factor of pit slope is decreased by 0.06, and the failure probability of the pit slope is increased by 1.84%. In addition, the strata yielding zone exists around the underground test stope. The results basically conform to the information coming from the field monitoring.

基金信息:the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars



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