


论文作者:郑明贵 陈艳红

文章页码:70 - 74


Key words:rare earth resources; supply; demand; industry policy

摘    要:稀土资源已经成为世界现代工业化建设中不可或缺的因素,有着重要的战略价值根据世界稀土资源的分布现状及世界稀土资源的供求状况,并结合我国稀土资源开采利用中存在的盲目滥采、落后开采、生态环境破坏严重、稀土产品深加工和后处理工艺技术水平低等问题,分析了我国进行稀土资源调控的政策方向,即建立稀土资源国家战略储备机制、建立并健全稀土期货交易市场、加强稀土产业政策的执行力度、谨慎制订稀土出口配额以及对稀土勘探、开采、分离、冶炼、深加工以及出口等设立专题分别进行重点研究与攻关,对我国未来稀土产业健康发展具有重要意义。

Abstract: Rare earth is indispensable for the world due to its strategic value. We analyzes the regulation and control direction on rare earth based on the distribution, supply and demand of global rare earth resources and the existing problems of China’s rare earth mining and development, including indiscriminate and excessive mining, backward mining, environmental pollution, under-developed technology in rare earth deep processing and post-processing. This paper suggest the following measures, such as establishing rare earth strategic reserve mechanism, building rare earth market futures market, strengthening policy enforcement, formulating rare earth export quota and more researches on rare earth exploration, mining, smelting, separation, deep processing and export.



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