文章页码:117 - 123
关键词:交换环; 半素环; 结合环; 半单纯环; 交换性条件; 结构定理; 文献; 正整数; 证明; 零因子环
摘 要:本文第一部分得出了与文献[1]定理3相对称的结果,是对文献[2]的推广。第二部分,得到下列定理:设R是半素环,C为R的中心(下同),如果对任意x,y∈R,恒有有界正整数m=m(x,y),n=n(x,y),使R满足xm yn±yn xm∈C,则R是交换环。第三部分,考察了Herstein条件的一种广义形式,得出若整数n(y)>1,则[x,y]n(y)-[x,y]∈C是半素环的交换性条件,从而改进了文献[4]的主要结果。最后讨论了Baer半单纯环的几个交换性问题。还得到无非零幂零元素的变(k′,s,t;2)(或(k,s,t;2))-环必交换。
Abstract: Some conditions for the commutativity of associative rings are discussedin this paper: 1) The notes[1] and [2] are generalized, that is Theorem 1; 2)Let R be a semi-prime ring, C be the centre of R, then R is commutatativeif there are positive integers (bounded) m=m(x, y) and n=n (x, y) depend-ing on variable x, y, so that xmyn+ynxm: ∈ C or xmyn-ynxm ∈ C for every x, y∈R; 3) A semi-prime ring satisfying [x., y]ny-[x, y] ∈C (here [x, y] isa commutator),n (y) (>1) ∈Z+ (the positive set) is a commutative ring. Finally,we make out the commutativities of Baer-semi-simple rings and variable (k’,s,t: 2) (or variable (k, s, t; 2))rings.