论文作者:黄开国 王淀佐
文章页码:379 - 387
关键词:浮游选矿; 无捕收剂浮选; 铜矿石; 黄铜矿; 硫化矿物; 氧化还原电位
Key words:Flotation; Collectorless flotation; Copper ores; Chalcopyrite; Sulfide minerals; redox potential
摘 要:在本研究中硫化铜矿石无捕收剂浮选取得了与加捕收剂浮选相同的选别指标,含铜1.88%的浸染铜矿无捕收剂浮选小型闭路试验,获得品位26.15%,回收率95.3%的铜精矿。研究结果表明,无捕收剂浮选中,黄铜矿的浮选速率比黄铁矿高,对铜-硫矿石的优先浮选有利;氧化还原电位较高的矿浆中容易实现硫化铜矿石的无捕收剂浮选;黄铜矿在酸性或碱性矿浆中的可浮性都比在自然pH状态下好;用石灰调浆能获得硫化铜矿浮选所需的pH值和稳定、适宜的氧化还原电位,对黄铁矿又有较好的抑制作用;加入硫化钠时,矿浆的氧化还原电位相应降低,但当充空气浮选时,随即上升为较高的氧化还原电位,适合于无捕收剂浮选,本研究不用硫化钠处理,也能实现硫化铜矿石无捕收剂浮选。
Abstract: In this work,the flotation of copper sulfide ores is achieved without using collectors.The resultsof the collectorless flotation tests are comparable to those obtained by sing thiol collectors.The gradeof the Cu concentrate obtained in the laboratory close-circuit ests is 26.15% Cu with a recovery of95.3%,where a disseminated copper ore containing 1.88% Cu s used.The effects of some factors,such as redox potential,pH and the addition of sodium ulfide,lime and frother,on the collectorlessflotation of chalcopyrite are discussed.