

论文作者:马蓓贝 陈水姣 黄也唯 聂桢桢 仇霄彬 解修强 吴振军

文章页码:255 - 264


Key words:electrochemical lithium storage performance; lithium-ion batteries; camellia dregs; MoS2; composites; pseudocapacity; anode

摘    要:以废弃油茶籽粕作为碳源,将MoS2负载于生物质碳上,再涂覆聚多巴胺盐酸盐构建复合型生物质碳/MoS2电极材料。研究不同MoS2含量复合电极材料的电化学储锂性能。SEM观察结果表明,该复合材料具有以MoS2作为夹层的三维泡沫状结构。XRD和HRTEM测试结果表明MoS2的层间距增大。XPS分析结果显示,活性材料中已形成Mo—N键。电化学性能测试结果表明,MoS2含量为63%的活性材料在100 mA/g电流密度下具有较高的初始比容量(1434 mA·h/g)。在大电流、长循环条件下此电极材料呈良好的循环稳定性,其容量保持率接近100%,在电化学动力学过程中具有较好的锂离子脱嵌能力。

Abstract: Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) was loaded on biocarbon using waste camellia dregs (CDs) as the carbon source, which was further coated with dopamine hydrochloride to construct biocarbon/MoS2 electrode composites. The electrochemical lithium storage performance of the composites with different MoS2 contents was investigated. SEM results demonstrated that the composite had a three-dimensional foam-like structure with MoS2 as the interlayer. XRD and HRTEM tests revealed that MoS2 interlayer spacing in the composite was expanded. XPS analysis showed that new Mo—N bonds were formed in the active material. The electrochemical tests showed that the composite with a MoS2 content of 63% had a high initial specific capacity of 1434 mA·h/g at a current density of 100 mA/g. After a long cycle at a high current, it also showed good cycling stability and the capacity retention was nearly 100%. In addition, it had good lithium ion deintercalation ability in the electrochemical kinetics test.

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