论文作者:孔华 段嘉瑞 何绍勋 宋辉
文章页码:642 - 646
关键词:变质杂岩; 细碧岩; 河口群
Key words:metamorphic complex; spilite; Hekou Group
摘 要:介绍了云南东川金沙江变质杂岩的地质背景,较详细地分析了变质杂岩的岩石学、岩石化学特征,鉴定出钠长黑云片岩、浅变质火山岩的原岩为细碧质凝灰岩,可与下元古界河口群变钠质火山岩系对比,是昆阳群地层的基底变质岩系,它的出露可能是地壳多层次伸展滑脱的结果,为进一步探讨该区的地质构造演化提供了事实基础.
Abstract: In this paper, the regional geological background is described briefly in the studied area;the characteristics of Jinshajiang metamorphic complex about petrology, petrochemistry and geochemistry have been detailed; the metamorphic volcanic rocks is regarded as spilitic tuff,and they can be compared with Hekou Group metamorphic volcanics, and are basement complex of Kunyang Group. The complex is detached possibly by crustal extention along the preexsiting structural plane.