Electrodeposition preparation of Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 and its activity toward methanol oxidation
LI Wei(李 伟), HUANG Qing-dan(黄青丹), ZHANG Qing-long(张庆龙),
HUANG You-ju(黄幼菊), ZHAO Ling-zhi(赵灵智), LI Wei-shan(李伟善)
Department of Chemistry, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Received 15 July 2007; accepted 10 September 2007
Abstract: A composite catalyst Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 was prepared on a glassy carbon by cyclic voltammetry methods in sulfuric acid solution containing Na2MoO4, H2PtCl6 and Nafion, and its activity for the methanol oxidation was studied with Pt-HxMoO3 as comparison. It is found that the electrocatalytic activity and the stability of Pt-HxMoO3 are improved by the Nafion. The activity of Pt-HxMoO3 reaches its maximum when the content of Nafion in the preparation solution is 0.012%(mass fraction). In this case the oxidation peak current of methanol on Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 is 1.76 times larger than that on Pt-HxMoO3 and keeps unchanged when the potential is set at 0.3 V (vs Hg-Hg2SO4) for 5 000 s in 1 mol/LCH3OH+0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution. The results from energy dispersive spectroscopy show that the content of Nafion in the composite is 0.57%. The results from scanning electron spectroscopy show that the composite of Nafion-Pt-HxMoO has a gain size of about 90 nm and distributes more uniformly than Pt-HxMoO3.
Key words: platinum-hydrogen molybdenum bronze; Nafion; electrodeposition preparation; methanol oxidation
1 Introduction
During the operation of a direct methanol fuel cell at low temperature, the intermediates of methanol oxidation poison the platinum catalyst surface. Among different approaches to solving this problem, the composite of platinum with hydrogen molybdenum bronze (Pt-HxMoO3) seems effective[1-6]. However, hydrogen molybdenum bronze is unstable in acid solution. It was reported that the stability of hydrogen molybdenum bronze could be improved to some extent by polymer, such as polyanine[1, 4] and polyethylene[7]. It is well accepted that Nafion is a good material for proton exchange membrane used in direct methanol fuel cell[8]. In this paper, the composite of Nafion with Pt-HxMoO3 (Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3) was prepared by electrodeposition and its activity and stability for methanol oxidation were considered.
2 Experimental
All the electrochemical experiments were performed on a potentiostat/galvanostat (PGSTAT 30, Autolab, ECO Echemie B.V. Company) controlled by a GPES program. A conventional three-electrode cell was used. A rotating glassy carbon disk with a diameter of 3 mm was used as the working electrode. The rotating rate of the working electrode in catalyst preparation and performance determination was 600 r/min. A platinum foil was used as the counter electrode and a mercurous sulfate electrode (Hg/Hg2SO4, +0.64 V(vs RHE)) was used as the reference electrode. All the potentials mentioned in this paper referred to this reference.
All the chemicals used were of analytical grade reagents, the Nafion solution with 5%(mass fraction) was purchased from the Aldrich Chemical Company. Solutions were prepared with de-ionized and bidistilled water. All the experiments were carried out at room temperature. The surface morphology and the element composition were obtained on a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JSM-6380(LA), JEOL Japan) operated at 15 kV and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, JED-2200, Japan), respectively. The Nafion in catalyst was detected by FTIR investigation (IRPrestige-21, Japan).
Pt/C and Pt-HxMoO3/C were prepared by cycling the rotating electrode between -0.65 and 0.2 V for 5 cycles at a scanning rate of 50 mV/s in x mmol/L Na2MoO4 +5 mmol/L H2PtCl6+0.5 mol/L H2SO4(x=0 and 2.5) under nitrogen atmosphere.
Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3/C was prepared in the similar ways as the preparation of Pt/C and Pt-HxMoO3/C. Four composite catalysts with different contents of Nafion in Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 were obtained in 5 mmol/L H2PtCl6 +2.5 mmol/L Na2MoO4+0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solutions containing 0.08%, 0.12%, 0.16%, and 0.20% Nafion, respectively.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation
Fig.1 presents the cyclic voltammograms of different catalysts in 1 mol/L CH3OH+0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution. It can be seen from Fig.1 that the current of methanol oxidation on the catalysts containing Nafion is larger than that without Nafion. This indicates that the activity of Pt-HxMoO3 toward methanol can be improved by the composite of Nafion in it.
Fig.1 Cyclic voltammograms of catalysts in 1 mol/L CH3OH+0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution(scanning rate: 50 mV/s)
It is noted that the improvement in catalytic activity is related to the content of Nafion in preparation solution. The current of methanol oxidation is largest for the catalyst prepared in the solution containing 0.12%Nafion (curve b in Fig.1. The electrode b is compared in the following experiment), with an increase of 75.8% in peak current compared with the catalyst without Nafion.
Fig.2 shows the cyclic voltammograms of Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3/C (b) and Pt-HxMoO3 in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution. It can be seen that the current for the hydrogen adsorption and desorption with Nafion is larger that that on the catalysts without Nafion. The real platinum surface area in the catalyst with Nafion, estimated by electric charge for the desorption of hydrogen from Fig.2, has an increase of 70.1% compared with the catalyst without Nafion, which is in the same order of the increase in peak current of methanol oxidation. This suggests that the improvement in catalytic activity of the Pt-HxMoO3 is ascribed to platinum dispersion due to the composite of Nafion in it.
Fig.2 Cyclic voltammograms of catalysts in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution(scanning rate: 50 mV/s)
3.2 Stability of catalyst
In order to understand the stability of the catalysts, potentiostat experiments were conducted. Fig.3 shows the chronoamperometric plots of catalysts Pt, Pt-HxMoO3 and Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3.
Fig.3 Chronoamperometric plots of Pt/C, Pt-HxMoO3/C and Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3/C in 1 mol/L CH3OH+0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution at 0.3 V
It can be seen from Fig.3 that the oxidation current of methanol on Pt-HxMoO3 is higher than that on Pt/C before 2 000 s, indicating that the activity of platinum is improved by hydrogen molybdenum bronze. However the current on Pt-HxMoO3 becomes smaller than that on Pt with the time increasing further. This is caused by the instability of hydrogen molybdenum. It should be noted that the current for the methanol oxidation on Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 is far larger than that on Pt-HxMoO3 and remains almost unchanged with time. This indicates that the Nafion in the composite catalyst improves not only the activity but also the stability of Pt-HxMoO3.
The stability improvement of Pt-HxMoO3 by Nafion can be confirmed by cycling the catalysts in 1 mol/L CH3OH+0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution after the experiment of Fig.3. The results are shown in Fig.4. After the potentiostat experiment, the peak current of methanol oxidation on Pt-HxMoO3 decreases by 45.2% while that on Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3/C almost keeps its previous voltammogram.
Fig.4 Cyclic voltammograms of Pt-HxMoO3 (a) and Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 (b) in 1 mol/L CH3OH+0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution(scanning rate: 50 mV/s)
3.3 Surface morphology and composition of catalysts
Fig.5 shows the SEM images of the surface of Pt-HxMoO3/C and Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3/C. It can be seen from Fig.5 that the distribution of Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 is more uniform than that of Pt-HxMoO3 and has a spherical size with average diameters of about 90 nm.
Fig.6 and Table 1 show the results obtained from SEM and EDS. It can be seen from Fig.6 and Table 1 that element F exists in Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 but not in Pt-HxMoO3, indicating that Nafion is present in Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 because Nafion contains element F, as shown in Fig.7. The calculated molar ratio of Pt to Mo ratio is approximately 82?18 for both Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3and Pt-HxMoO3, indicating that the composite of Nafion with Pt-HxMoO3 does not change the ratio of Pt to Mo in the catalyst. The content of Nafion in the catalyst, estimated with Table 1 and Fig.7 is 0.57%(mass fraction).
Fig.5 SEM images of Pt-HxMoO3/C (a) and Nafion-Pt- HxMoO3/C (b)
Fig.6 EDS of Pt-HxMoO3/C (a) and Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3/C (b)
Table 1 Composition of surface of electrode Pt-HxMoO3/C (a) and Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3/C (b)
Fig.7 Structure of Nafion (x=6-10, y=1)
3.4 FTIR analysis of catalyst
The existence of Nafion in the catalyst can be confirmed by FTIR. Fig.8 shows the FTIR spectra of Nafion, Pt-HxMoO3 and Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3. For Nafion, the peak at 1 200 cm-1 is assigned to symmetric stretching vibration mode of S=O; the 1 147 cm-1 peak to the stretching vibration of C—F bonds in CF2, the 1 056 cm-1 peak to the stretching vibration of S—OH single bonds in sulfonate; the 981 cm-1 peak to the stretching vibration of C—F bonds of side chain group; the 969 cm-1 peak to the stretching vibration of C—O—C bonds mold[9]. It can be seen from Fig.8 that there are no obvious absorption peaks for Pt-HxMoO3 while the absorption peaks of Nafion-Pt-HxMoO3 are similar to that of Nafion. The displacement of absorption peaks is likely due to the change of chemical environment when Nafion is codeposited with Pt and hydrogen molybdenum bronze.
Fig.8 FTIR spectra of Nafion, Pt-HxMoO3 and Nafion- Pt-HxMoO3/C
4 Conclusions
1) Nafion can be co-deposited with platinum and hydrogen molybdenum bronze in sulfuric acid solution containing Nafion, H2PtCl6 and Na2MoO4 by cyclic voltametry.
2) The activity and the stability of Pt-HxMoO3 toward methanol oxidation can be improved by the codeposited Nafion.
3) The activity of Pt-HxMoO3 is related to the content of Nafion in it. The activity of Pt-HxMoO3 reaches its maximum when the content of Nafion in preparation solution is 0.12%.
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(Edited by YUAN Sai-qian)
Foundation item: Project(20573039) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; project(2005DFA60580) supported by CISTC; project (2005B50101003) supported by Key Project of Guangdong Province
Corresponding author: LI Wei-shan; Tel: +86-20-39310256; E-mail: liwsh@scnu.edu.cn