Equilibrium analysis of mixed passengers in urban railway network


论文作者:吴建军 张璐 孙会君

文章页码:1535 - 1540

Key words:mixed passengers; urban railway network; capacity degradation; equilibrium

Abstract: A model is proposed to describe the passengers’ route choice behaviors in urban railway traffic with stochastic link capacity degradation by considering two types of demand, sensitive and insensitive passenger. The insensitive passengers choose their route without paying much attention to congestion. To the contrary, sensitive passengers who consider route congestion choose travel route based on generalized cost. An equilibrium state is given by variational inequalities in terms of travel generalized cost, which is represented by the combinations of mean and variance of total travel time. The diagonalization algorithm is given to solve this programming. Results show that insensitive passengers have large effects on the path choice than sensitive ones, especially for the larger demand.

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