
Electrically Conductive Honeycomb Monolith of Nanolaminated Ti3AlC2:Preparation and Characterization


论文作者:X.M.Fang X.H.Wang H.Zhang Y.C.Zhou

文章页码:125 - 128

摘    要:Nanolaminated Ti3AlC2 honeycomb monolith with parallel and uniform holes has been prepared through a facile extrusion route by using Ti3AlC2 powder as the main raw material.The fabricated honeycomb monolith has high compressive strength of 133 ± 11 and 59 ± 9 MPa,along and perpendicular to the extrusion direction,respectively.It also has good electrical conductivity,and excellent match of thermal expansion coefficient with the washcoat material of γ-AI2O3.These combined properties endow the honeycomb monolith a promising candidate as catalysis substrate for cleaning vehicle exhaust.


Electrically Conductive Honeycomb Monolith of Nanolaminated Ti3AlC2:Preparation and Characterization


1. Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science,Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences3. Science and Technology of Advanced Functional Composite Laboratory,ARIMPT

摘 要:Nanolaminated Ti3AlC2 honeycomb monolith with parallel and uniform holes has been prepared through a facile extrusion route by using Ti3AlC2 powder as the main raw material.The fabricated honeycomb monolith has high compressive strength of 133 ± 11 and 59 ± 9 MPa,along and perpendicular to the extrusion direction,respectively.It also has good electrical conductivity,and excellent match of thermal expansion coefficient with the washcoat material of γ-AI2O3.These combined properties endow the honeycomb monolith a promising candidate as catalysis substrate for cleaning vehicle exhaust.


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