来源期刊:Journal Of Wuhan University Of Technology Materials Science Edition1988年第1期
文章页码:55 - 69
摘 要:<正> A unified microstructure-physical model hasbeen derived from the view of microstructure bymeans of the similar method to the quantum physi-cal theory of scattering,and the model can beused to describe the changing rule of the featuresof heterogeneous inorganic materials withstatistical homogeneity.A good approximation, improved effective-medium approximation(IEMA) for the exact model hard to be solved,has been obtained,and can be well used to des-cribe the effective feature parameter K* of theheterogeneous materials.Moreover,the percolationtheory in the change of materials features hasbeen discussed in terms of the scaling relationof feature and geometry.The percolation theorycan also be well used to describe the materialsfeatures near critical point.The combination ofIEMA with the percolation theory is of paramountimportance for describing the quantitationrelation between microstructure and properties ofinorganic materials.
摘 要:<正> A unified microstructure-physical model hasbeen derived from the view of microstructure bymeans of the similar method to the quantum physi-cal theory of scattering,and the model can beused to describe the changing rule of the featuresof heterogeneous inorganic materials withstatistical homogeneity.A good approximation, improved effective-medium approximation(IEMA) for the exact model hard to be solved,has been obtained,and can be well used to des-cribe the effective feature parameter K* of theheterogeneous materials.Moreover,the percolationtheory in the change of materials features hasbeen discussed in terms of the scaling relationof feature and geometry.The percolation theorycan also be well used to describe the materialsfeatures near critical point.The combination ofIEMA with the percolation theory is of paramountimportance for describing the quantitationrelation between microstructure and properties ofinorganic materials.