文章页码:63 - 66
Key words:fine grain tungsten concentrates; sulfur and arsenic reducing; technical transformation
摘 要:宁化行洛坑钨矿主干流程产出的细粒钨精矿产品中WO3品位大于55%,但由于钨精矿中硫、砷杂质超标,钨精矿产品迭不到优质钨精矿要求,另外钨金属在硫化矿中损失严重,生产成本高为此,经过试验研究,将原设计的细粒粗精矿精选前预先脱硫浮选和中矿再磨后预先脱硫浮选改造为细粒摇床钨精矿与中矿再磨后摇床精矿集中脱硫的工艺流程,并通过药剂制度优化,最终实现了钨精矿含硫小于2.00%、含砷量小于0.20%,钨金属在硫精矿中损失率小于1.00%的技术指标,解决了困扰企业生产经营的难题,为企业带来了良好的经济效益。
Abstract: The grade of fine grain tungsten concentrates of Xingluokeng tungsten is greater than 55 %,but sulfur and arsenic are out of limits, the fine grain tungsten concentrates can not attain the standard of high quality, the WO3 lost badly in the sulphide ore moreover, because of that, the cost of production is very high. Therefore, the new technics of sulfur and arsenic reducing on fine grain tungsten concentrates of shaking table and fine grain tungsten concentrates of shaking table of middling after-grinding was used to substituted the quondam technics of sulfur and arqenic reducing on rough tungsten concentrate of shaking table and middling of after-grinding, the reagent regime also been optimized. The qualification of the content of S is less than 2.00% and As is less than 0.20% in the fine grain tungsten concentrates, WO3 losting is less than l.00% in the sulphide ore were achieved. The difficulty of production and management was solved; the new technics has a good economic effectiveness to the establishment.