

论文作者:周乃君 王晓元 王志奇

文章页码:312 - 317


Key words:waste heat from low-temperature exhaust; Organic Rankine Cycle; thermodynamic performance experiment; power generation efficiency

摘    要:采用R123为工质,以热风炉产生的烟气模拟工业炉排放的烟气作为实验热源,通过设计和搭建基于有机朗肯循环的余热发电系统实验台,研究膨胀机输出功率、系统热效率以及 效率随系统状态参数的变化规律。实验结果表明:膨胀机输出功率随蒸发压力和热源温度的升高而增大,实验条件下的最大输出功率为645 W。系统热效率随工质蒸发压力的升高而增大,最大热效率为8.5%。系统 效率随蒸发压力和热源温度的升高而增大,实验条件下的最大 效率为3.5%。工质过热度的提高不利于提升系统的综合性能。

Abstract: An Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) experimental system for low-temperature flue gas heat recovery was constructed. R123 was selected as the working fluid of the experimental system, and low-temperature flue gas produced by stove was treated as heat source to imitate the flue gas from industrial furnaces. The relationships among output power of expander, cycle efficiency and exergy efficiency and system parameters were researched. The results show that the output power of expander increases with the increase of evaporating pressure and temperature of heat source. The maximum of output power of expander efficiency is 645 W. The cycle efficiency increases with the increase of evaporating pressure and the maximum of cycle efficiency is 8.5%. The exergy efficiency increases with the increase of evaporating pressure and temperature of heat source. The maximum of exergy efficiency is 3.5%. Increase of the superheat degree has a bad influence on system performance.


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