文章页码:202 - 206
关键词:极化子; 基态能量; 有效质量
Key words:polaron; ground state energy; effective mass
摘 要:采用动量和坐标的线性组合算符,同时考虑体内及表面纵光声子与电子的相互作用,计算了磁场中的强耦合表面(或界面)极化子的基态能量、有效质量。结果表明:表面(或界面)极化子基态能量在磁场较弱时,随磁场抛物线性增大。而当磁场较强时随磁场线性增大。对于中间磁场,对表面极化子的基态能量和有效质量作了数值计算。其结果对于解释表面极化子在磁场中的行为是有帮助的。
Abstract: We have investigated the characteristics of strong-coupled surface polaron (SCSP) in a magnetic field by using Huybrechts'variational method. Both (LO) buck phonon-electron and surface phononelectron interaction are considered. It is shown that ground state energy of SCSP is parabolically increased with magnetic field when magnetic field is weak and linearly increased with magnetic field when magnetic field is strong. For general magnetic field, the grouud state energy and effective mass of SCSP are numerically calculated. The results are of help to explain the behaviour of SCSP in a magnetic field.