

论文作者:贺维勇 花均社 申淑兰

文章页码:54 - 57

关键词:粉末粒度; 合金电极; 电化学容量; 循环寿命

Key words:powder size; alloy electrode; electrochemistry capacity; cycling life

摘    要:研究了粉末粒度对AB5型储氢合金电化学性能的影响。结果表明 :当合金粉末粒度为 22.49~ 163.8μm时 ,随粉末粒度的减小,储氢合金电极的电化学容量降低;由于粉末粒度大的电极负极充放电循环寿命的衰减率小于粉末粒度小的衰减率,所以随粉末粒度的减小,储氢合金电极材料充放电循环寿命缩短。

Abstract: Effect of the powder size on electrochemistry performance for AB5 hydrogen storage alloy was studied. The result shows that the electrochemistry capacity of hydrogen storage alloy electrode reduces with reducing powder size. The charge discharge cycling life of hydrogen storage alloy electrode curtails with reducing the powder size because attenuation rate for the charge discharge cycling life of the bigger powder size is less than that of the smaller one.


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