文章页码:420 - 423
关键词:离子交换法; 钨; 控制; 阳离子杂质
Key words:ion-exchange process; tungsten; control; canon impurities
摘 要:在生产规模下对仲钨酸铵(APT)中阳离子钾与钙元素超标的原因进行了调查分析.并研究了控制APT中这些杂质含量的办法.结果表明:氯化铵质量是影响钾与钙超标的重要原因;此外,生产过程中多种因素造成的物理吸附也是影响钙元素超标的重要原因.为此研究了相应的解决办法,可使APT中钾与钙含量长期稳定控制在0.001%以下.
Abstract: The reason why the level of canons calcium and potassium goes beyond the normal limit and the way to solve this problem have been investigated. The trials were made directly in commercial column.The results show that the quality of amnionium chloride has an important effect on the quality of APT and the salt containing calcium occurring as a result of physical adsorption during production process is another important factor which causes the calcium in APT to go beyond the limit. Through our work the content of calcium and potassium in APT can be controled to less than 0. 001%.