文章页码:585 - 589
关键词:时序; 接口; 中断
Key words:time-sequence; interface; interrupt
摘 要:采用TP801A单板机为主机研制了一种十六路电器定时启闭系统。这种启闭系统具有通用性强,使用方便,工作可靠,价格便宜等优点。本文介绍了该系统的用途和设计思想;提供了该系统中接口电路的原理图并说明了其工作过程;分析了控制程序的结构和实现方法;最后讨论了扩充控制的途径。
Abstract: The timing on/off system for electric equipment with sixteen channels hasthe advantages of generality, convenience, reliability and it is cheap. This paperhas described its use and design method, and has given the principle diagram ofinterface circuit and explained work procedure of the circuit, and finally, analysedthe structure of control program and discussed the way of extending control.