

阳富强1, 2,吴超1, 2

(1. 中南大学 资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083;

2. 中南大学 国家金属矿安全科学技术研究中心,湖南 长沙,410083)

摘要:提出矿仓硫精矿自燃临界堆积厚度的概念,并介绍一种用于测算矿仓硫精矿自燃临界堆积厚度的金属网篮交叉点温度法。用自行组装成的一套实验系统测试高硫精矿及硫铁精矿2种矿样在不同恒温条件下的自热性质;基于Frank-Kamenetskii理论模型解算出2种矿样在环境温度分别为5,10,15,25,30 ℃条件下的自燃临界堆积厚度,并应用于铜陵有色冬瓜山铜矿矿仓硫精矿自燃的危险性分析。研究结果表明:硫铁精矿的自燃临界堆积厚度较高硫精矿的小,在不同环境温度下,2种矿样的自燃临界堆积厚度也不同,其值随着环境温度的升高而减小;该方法具有测试成本低、耗时少、实验的可重复性强等特点,通过对自燃临界堆积厚度的测算可以为预防矿仓硫精矿自燃火灾的发生提供重要理论依据,从而保证矿山生产的顺利开展。



中图分类号:TD75         文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2011)07-2109-06

A method for predicting critical accumulative thickness of sulfide concentrate spontaneous combustion in storage

YANG Fu-qiang1, 2, WU Chao1, 2

(1. School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;

2. National Research Center of Safety Science and Technology for Metal Mines,

Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract: The concept of critical accumulative thickness of sulfide concentrate spontaneous combustion in storage was put forward, and a wire-mesh basket crossing point temperature method for calculating the value was introduced. An experimental system was assembled, and the self-heating properties of sulfur-rich and iron-rich sulfide concentrates were tested under different constant temperature conditions. Based on Frank-Kamenetskii model, corresponding critical accumulative thickness of two samples at 5, 10, 15, 25, and 30 ℃ were gained; and the spontaneous combustion phenomenon of sulfide concentrate in Dongguashan copper mine was analyzed using this method. The research results show that critical accumulative thickness of iron-rich sulfide concentrate is smaller than that of sulfur-rich concentrate; the thickness are also different at diverse temperatures and become smaller with the temperature rising. This method has some advantages, such as low test cost, little time-consuming and good test repeatability and it can provide theoretical basis for preventing spontaneous combustion of sulfide concentrates through calculating critical accumulative thickness, and ensure smooth production of the mine.

Key words: sulfide concentrate in storage; spontaneous combustion; crossing point temperature method; wire-mesh basket; critical accumulative thickness


1  相关理论



其中:cp为硫精矿的比热容,J/(kg·K);ρ为硫精矿堆积时的密度,kg/m3;T为硫精矿的热力学温度,K;t为硫精矿的反应时间,s;λ为硫精矿的热传导系数,W/(m·K);Q为标准状态下单位质量硫精矿的氧化放热量,J/kg;A为指前因子,s-1;E为表观活化能,J/mol;R为气体常数,R=8.314 J/(mol·K)。








2  实验介绍

2.1  实验装置

测试系统由可程式高温试验箱、金属网篮、K型热电偶以及温度自动记录仪等组成。其中,可程式高温试验箱依靠自带的鼓风电机使工作室内的空气强制流动来保证箱内温度场及风流场的均匀;金属网篮是用孔径为80 μm的金属网筛手工制作而成的圆柱体模型(半径为2 cm,高为6 cm),用于装矿样;温度自动记录仪是以K型热电偶为传感器的数位温度表,可以直接记录温度,然后经电脑读出并分析。整个实验系统的构成见图1。

2.2  实验矿样

从冬瓜山铜矿不同矿仓内采集了具有代表性的2种矿样(高硫精矿、硫铁精矿),包装好运回到实验室后,过250 μm筛孔,用厚塑料袋封状,然后放入带有硅胶干燥剂的密闭容器中干燥。2种矿样的主要化学成分(质量分数)及电镜扫描结果见表1及图2。从表1和图2可知:矿样的含硫量较高,硫铁精矿有轻微的结块现象,2种矿样均发生过预氧化作用。

2.3  实验方法

将备有矿样的金属网篮置于试验箱内,通过箱体顶部的圆形孔将温度自动记录仪与热电偶数据线相连接。共有3个热电偶(分别用1号、2号、3号表示):1号置于金属网篮的外侧,用来测量试验箱内的温度(环境温度),2号、3号热电偶分别置于金属网篮的中心以及偏离中心点1 cm处的位置,依次用来测量矿样内部相应点的温度(3个热电偶处于同一水平位置)。由于温度每升高10 ℃时,物质的反应速率将增大2~3倍[16],通过操纵面板,将箱体的恒温温度设置为150~200 ℃(间隔为10 ℃),对矿样恒温加热约1.5 h(不同矿样的自热性质存在差异,必须满足不同的恒温温度及恒温时间才能产生自热现象)。

图1  交叉点温度法的测试系统

Fig.1  Test system of crossing point temperature method

表1  2种矿样的化学成分(质量分数)

                        Table 1  Chemical compositions of two sulfide concentrates                         %

图2  2种矿样的SEM图

Fig.2  SEM micrographs for two different sulfide concentrates

3  实验数据及分析

依据上述实验步骤分别测定了2种硫精矿在不同恒温条件下的氧化自热性质。高硫精矿在150,160,170,180,190以及200 ℃恒温条件下的自热曲线见图3。其中,θ1为矿样中心点的温度,θ2为偏离中心点1 cm处位置的温度,θ3为试验箱内的恒温温度(环境温度)。可以看出,在初始阶段,θ1 较θ2小;随着反应的进行,θ1与θ2交叉于某一点,最终θ1超过θ2;当反应完成后,θ1与θ2同时变小,直到与环境温度达到一致。

图3  高硫精矿在不同恒温条件下的θ-t曲线

Fig.3  T-t curves of sulfur-rich sulfide concentrate at different constant temperatures

4  硫精矿自燃临界堆积厚度的计算

将以上所测得的2种矿样在不同恒温条件下的交叉点温升速率分别代入式(3),得出不同矿样的对-1 000/(RTp)的关系图(见图4);进而获得2种矿样在相应温度范围内的表观活化能及相关性系数(如表2所示)。

图4  2种矿样ln(dT/dt)T=Tp和-1 000/(RTp)的相关性

Fig.4  Plot of ln(dT/dt)T=Tp versus -1 000/(RTp) for two samples

表2  2种矿样的表观活化能

Table 2  Overall activation energy of two sulfide concentrates

高硫精矿及硫铁精矿的导热系数分别取2.954和3.930 W/(m?℃),其比热容分别取0.607×103和0.506×103 J/(kg?℃),密度依次取2 310和3 762 kg/m3。当松散硫精矿以无限大平板的形式堆积时,取δc为0.88,将表2中求得的表观活化能E及QA代入式(2),就能计算出2种矿样在不同环境温度下的自燃临界堆积半厚度,最终得到相应条件下的临界堆积厚度(见 表3)。


表3  2种硫精矿样在不同温度下的自燃临界堆积厚度

Table 3  Spontaneous combustion critical thickness of two samples at different environmental temperatures    m

5  实例分析



6  结论

(1) 自行组装了一套测试系统,通过设置不同的恒温条件,运用金属网篮交叉点温度法测定了高硫精矿及硫铁精矿2种矿样的氧化自热性质;基于Frank- Kamenetskii模型解算出2种矿样在环境温度分别为5,10,15,25,30 ℃时的自燃临界堆积厚度。硫铁精矿的自燃临界堆积厚度较高硫精矿的小,不同环境温度条件下2种矿样的自燃临界堆积厚度不同,矿样的自燃临界堆积厚度随着环境温度的升高而减小,这与实际情况相符。

(2) 该方法具有测试成本低、耗时短、实验操作可重复性强等优点,应用它来确定矿仓硫精矿的自燃临界堆积厚度可以为矿山防治自燃火灾的发生提供重要的理论依据,进而保证矿山生产的顺利开展和安全。


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[6] Nelson M I, Balakrishnan E, Chen X D. A semenov model of self-heating in compost piles[J]. Trans Inst Chem Eng, 2003, 81B(5): 375-383.

[7] 仲晓星, 王德明, 周福宝, 等. 金属网篮交叉点法预测煤自燃临界堆积厚度[J]. 中国矿业大学学报, 2006, 35(6): 718-721.
ZHONG Xiao-xing, WANG De-ming, ZHOU Fu-bao, et al. Critical accumulative thickness prediction of coal spontaneous combustion with a wire-mesh basket crossing point method[J]. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 2006, 35(6): 718-721.

[8] Chen X D. On basket heating methods for obtaining exothermic reactivity of solid materials: The extent and impact of the departure of the crossing-point temperature from the oven temperature[J]. Trans Inst Chem Eng, 1999, 77B(4): 187-192.

[9] Chen X D, Chong L V. Several important issues related to the crossing-point temperature (CPT) method for measuring self- ignition kinetics of combustion solids[J]. Trans IChemE, 1998, 76B(2): 90-93.

[10] Jones J C. A new and more reliable test for the propensity of coals and carbons to spontaneous heating[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2000, 13: 69-71.

[11] Jones J C, Puignou A. On the thermal ignition of wood waste[J]. Trans IChemE, 1998, 76B(3): 205-210.

[12] Nugroho Y S, Mcintosh A C, Gibbs B M. Using the crossing point method to assess the self-heating behavior of Indonesian coals[C]//Proceedings of the 1998 27th International Symposium on Combustion, Combustion Inst, Pittsburg, PA, 1998: 2981-2989.

[13] Malow M, Krause U. The overall activation energy of the exothermic reactions of thermally unstable materials[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2004, 17(1): 51-58.

[14] Chen X D, Chong L V. Some characteristics of transient self-heating in an exothermically reactive porous solid slab[J]. Trans Inst Chem Eng, 1995, 73B(2): 101-107.

[15] Sujanti W, Zhang D K, Chen X D. Low-temperature oxidation of coal studied using wire-mesh reactors with both steady-state and transient methods[J]. Combustion and Flame, 1999, 117: 646-651.

[16] 孙金华, 丁辉. 化学物质热危险性评价[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2005: 106-156.
SUN Jin-hua, DING Hui. Heat risk evaluation on chemical materials[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2005: 106-156.

(编辑 赵俊)



通信作者:阳富强(1982-),男,湖南耒阳人,博士研究生,从事矿山安全、环境保护的研究;电话:13467517626;E-mail: ouyangfq@163.com

[1] 吴超, 李孜军. 硫化矿石结块和硫铁精矿自燃控制关键技术研究[R]. 长沙: 中南大学资源与安全工程学院, 2008: 1-5.WU Chao, LI Zi-jun. Key technology study on controlling spontaneous combustion of sulfur iron concentrate and the caking[R]. Changsha: Central South University. School of Resources and Safety Engineering, 2008: 1-5.

[2] 古德生, 李夕兵. 现代金属矿床开采科学技术[M]. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 2006: 270-350.GU De-sheng, LI Xi-bing. Modern mining science and technology for metal mineral resources[M]. Beijing: Metallurgy Industry Press, 2006: 270-350.

[3] WU Chao. Fault tree analysis of spontaneous combustion of sulfide ores and its risk assessment[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 1995, 2(2): 77-80.

[4] 吴超, 孟廷让. 高硫矿井内因火灾防治理论与技术[M]. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 1995: 3-7.WU Chao, MENG Ting-rang. Theory and technology for control of the mine spontaneous combustion of sulfide ores[M]. Beijing: Metallurgy Industry Press, 1995: 3-7.

[5] Janes A, Carson D, Accorsi A, et al. Correlation between self-ignition of a dust layer on a hot surface and in baskets in an oven[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 159(2/3): 528-535.

[6] Nelson M I, Balakrishnan E, Chen X D. A semenov model of self-heating in compost piles[J]. Trans Inst Chem Eng, 2003, 81B(5): 375-383.

[7] 仲晓星, 王德明, 周福宝, 等. 金属网篮交叉点法预测煤自燃临界堆积厚度[J]. 中国矿业大学学报, 2006, 35(6): 718-721.ZHONG Xiao-xing, WANG De-ming, ZHOU Fu-bao, et al. Critical accumulative thickness prediction of coal spontaneous combustion with a wire-mesh basket crossing point method[J]. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 2006, 35(6): 718-721.

[8] Chen X D. On basket heating methods for obtaining exothermic reactivity of solid materials: The extent and impact of the departure of the crossing-point temperature from the oven temperature[J]. Trans Inst Chem Eng, 1999, 77B(4): 187-192.

[9] Chen X D, Chong L V. Several important issues related to the crossing-point temperature (CPT) method for measuring self- ignition kinetics of combustion solids[J]. Trans IChemE, 1998, 76B(2): 90-93.

[10] Jones J C. A new and more reliable test for the propensity of coals and carbons to spontaneous heating[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2000, 13: 69-71.

[11] Jones J C, Puignou A. On the thermal ignition of wood waste[J]. Trans IChemE, 1998, 76B(3): 205-210.

[12] Nugroho Y S, Mcintosh A C, Gibbs B M. Using the crossing point method to assess the self-heating behavior of Indonesian coals[C]//Proceedings of the 1998 27th International Symposium on Combustion, Combustion Inst, Pittsburg, PA, 1998: 2981-2989.

[13] Malow M, Krause U. The overall activation energy of the exothermic reactions of thermally unstable materials[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2004, 17(1): 51-58.

[14] Chen X D, Chong L V. Some characteristics of transient self-heating in an exothermically reactive porous solid slab[J]. Trans Inst Chem Eng, 1995, 73B(2): 101-107.

[15] Sujanti W, Zhang D K, Chen X D. Low-temperature oxidation of coal studied using wire-mesh reactors with both steady-state and transient methods[J]. Combustion and Flame, 1999, 117: 646-651.

[16] 孙金华, 丁辉. 化学物质热危险性评价[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2005: 106-156.SUN Jin-hua, DING Hui. Heat risk evaluation on chemical materials[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2005: 106-156.