
DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2019.04.015



(1. 南开大学 人工智能学院,天津,300350;

2. 天津理工大学 电气与电子工程学院,天津,300384)

摘 要:




中图分类号:TP273             文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2019)04-0873-08

Quadrotor helicopter control based on LADRC &nonlinear mixed H2/H control structure

LIU Junjie1, GAO Qiang2, SUN Mingwei1, CHEN Zengqiang1

(1. College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China;

2. School of Electrical Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China)

Abstract: In order to realize the path tracking for a quadrotor helicopter, a nonlinear robust control strategy based linear active disturbance rejection control(LADRC) and nonlinear mixed H2/H control was proposed. The nonlinear model for the helicopter obtained by the Lagrange-Euler formalism was divided into rotational motion subsystem and translational motion subsystem. To stabilize the rotational movements, a nonlinear mixed H2/H controller was used. To track the reference trajectory, a linear active disturbance rejection controller was designed for translational motion subsystem. The results show that the proposed nonlinear robust control strategy has high performance and strong robustness in the presence of the parametric uncertainty and sustained external disturbance.

Key words: unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) control; nonlinear mixed H2/H control; linear active disturbance rejection control(LADRC); quadrotor helicopter; robust control

无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)也称“无人飞行器”,即不搭载飞行员的空中飞行器[1]。近年来,随着科学技术尤其是传感器技术和控制理论的不断提高[2], 无人飞行器的发展在自动控制领域引起了人们的高度关注。多种无人飞行器已经被用于执行各类任务,如地面监测、高空航拍、抗震救灾、军事侦察等[3],因此,开展具有垂直起降功能的高机动性、强稳定性的无人飞行器控制研究在空中机器人领域意义重大。作为一种典型的垂直起降无人飞行器,四旋翼无人直升机结构简单,通过2对旋翼产生的平衡力实现稳定悬停和改变飞行状态,并能完成低速飞行等动作[4]。然而,四旋翼直升机的控制量数目少于系统的自由度,属于欠驱动系统,在实际飞行过程中受诸多因素影响,是一个非线性强、参数不确定、耦合强、对外扰敏感的复杂对象,其跟踪控制问题成为控制领域的难点和热点。针对简化的四旋翼直升机模型,常见的线性算法有PID控制[5-6]、LQR控制[7]以及线性H控制[8]。由于四旋翼直升机模型中的强非线性,且在飞行过程中易受非线性阻力的影响,当飞行器远离平衡点时,线性控制算法可能失效,因此,研究人员使用反步法[9-10]、反馈线性化[11]、滑模控制[12]、浸入和不变控制[13]以及非线性H控制[14]等非线性控制方法进行控制器设计。针对拉格朗日-欧拉方程推导的非线性模型,RAFFO等[14]采用反步法和H控制对四旋翼直升机系统中的持续外部扰动进行抑制。MOKHTAR等[15]考虑四旋翼直升机非线性模型的不确定性,设计非线性H输出反馈控制器,并采用高阶滑模观测器进行扰动估计。RAFFO等[16]提出一种非线性鲁棒控制结构,将四旋翼直升机系统划分为旋转运动子系统和平移运动子系统,并采用非线性H控制器对旋转运动进行镇定,利用模型预测控制实现位置坐标的跟踪控制。自抗扰控制(active disturbance rejection control,ADRC)是韩京清[17]提出的一种新型实用控制技术,其不依赖系统的精确模型,可直接利用被控对象的输入输出信息对系统状态以及“总扰动”进行估计并在线补偿[18]。在此基础上,GAO[19]将非线性自抗扰控制器中的非线性环节进行线性化处理,极大简化了ADRC的参数整定方法。目前,自抗扰控制已逐步应用于各个领域,如工业过程[20]、伺服系统[21]、机器人控制[22]等。本文作者针对四旋翼直升机的非线性模型,将其划分为旋转运动子系统与平移运动子系统,在考虑持续外部扰动的情况下,利用线性自抗扰控制解决平移运动中系统位置坐标的跟踪问题;对于四旋翼直升机的旋转运动,采用一种非线性H2/H混合控制方法,在抑制外部干扰的同时保持良好的跟踪性能。

1  系统模型











图1  坐标系示意图

Fig.1  Diagram of coordinate system

















2  控制策略


2.1  旋转运动子系统控制






图2  控制结构

Fig. 2  Control structure





































2.2  平移运动子系统控制

将式(7)中的系统重新表达为状态空间形式,令 ,即



2.2.1  高度控制














2.2.2  横纵向运动控制





















其中:(i=7,8,9)为横向通道状态及总扰动的估计值;βi (i=7,8,9)为观测器增益;b03为可调参数;β7=3ωo3;ωo3为观测器带宽;u02为误差控制律,控制器增益;ωc3为控制器带宽;yd为侧向移动设定值。

3  仿真结果

仿真中,选取四旋翼无人直升机的物理参数为机体质量m=2.85 kg,桨距l=0.197 m,x,y和z轴转动惯量分别为Ixx=Iyy=0.055 2 kg·m2 kg·m2,重力加速度g=9.81 m/s2。参考路径设定为:x坐标变化设定值,y坐标变化设定值,z坐标变化设定值,偏航角设定值;飞行器的初始位置设定为(x,y,z)=(0,0,0) m,初始姿态角设定为(f,θ,ψ)=(0,0,0) rad。在位置和姿态输出通道中分别添加白噪声扰动,功率为10-7。在仿真过程中,考虑参数的不确定性,对惯性参数上下浮动20%后,进行仿真并比较结果。其中,非线性混合H2/H控制器参数被整定为:γ=1,σ=0.5,q22=1;LADRC控制器参数整定为:b01=1,b02=0.9,b03=0.9,ωo1=40,ωc1=150,ωo2=10,ωc2=5,ωo3=10,ωc3=5。

白噪声扰动下路径跟踪效果如图3所示。四旋翼直升机从初始位置(x,y,z)=(0,0,0) m开始,沿设定路径进行飞行,参考路径起点为(x,y,z)=(0,0,1) m,利用持续的白噪声信号干扰来模拟实际飞行产生的测量误差和外部干扰等因素,因此,在仿真结果中,系统输出存在不同程度的波动。从图3可以看出:四旋翼直升机轨迹能够较好地在较短时间内到达预期设定值,并较好地按照预设路线飞行;在对标称惯性参数进行20%上下浮动时,飞行轨迹没有发生较大变化,说明系统具有较强的鲁棒性。

四旋翼直升机在运动中位置坐标x,y和z的变化过程见图4。坐标x在大约2 s能够迅速跟上设定值,响应速度较快,y和z均能较好地稳定跟踪预设值。白噪声扰动下位置跟踪误差见图5。从图5可以看出:

图3  白噪声扰动下路径跟踪效果

Fig. 3  Path tracking under white noise disturbance

图4  白噪声扰动下位置坐标变化

Fig. 4  Position coordinates under white noise disturbance

图5  白噪声扰动下位置跟踪误差

Fig. 5  Attitude angle tracking error under white noise disturbance

图6  白噪声扰动下姿态角变化

Fig. 6  Attitude angle under white noise disturbance

对模型中标称惯性参数进行20%上下浮动,控制器参数保持不变,系统输出依然能够保持较小的跟踪误差,说明所采用的控制器对四旋翼直升机的参数不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性。图6所示为四旋翼直升机旋转运动中各姿态角的变化情况。从图6可见:在自噪声干扰下,滚转角f和俯仰角θ能够较平稳地变化;偏航角ψ在大约2 s达到设定值,尽管产生一定的超调量,但能够迅速到达稳定设定值并保持不变,在惯性参数进行20%变化时,仍然可以保持较好的控制效果。

4  结论

1) 针对四旋翼直升机的轨迹跟踪问题,设计了一种线性自抗扰与非线性H2/H混合控制结合的控制策略。首先,基于拉格朗日-欧拉方程获得四旋翼直升机的强非线性数学模型。在此基础上,将位置系统中的未知扰动作为系统的扩张状态,并设计相应的线性自抗扰控制器;针对姿态的稳定跟踪控制问题,采用了一种非线性H2/H混合控制方法,能够使外扰衰减的同时保持良好的H2跟踪性能。

2) 本文所设计的四旋翼直升机稳定控制算法能够较好地抑制系统参数不确定性和外部扰动的影响,具有响应速度快、鲁棒性强等优点。


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[14] RAFFO G V, ORTEGA M G, RUBIO F R. Backstepping/nonlinear H∞ control for path tracking of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle[C]//Proceedings of American Control Conference. Seattle, USA: IEEE, 2008: 3356-3361.

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[20] SUN Li, LI Donghai, HU Kangtao, et al. On tuning and practical implementation of active disturbance rejection controller:a case study from a regenerative heater in a 1000 mW power plant[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(23): 6686-6695.

[21] WANG Chengwen, QUAN Long, ZHANG Shijie, et al. Reduced-order model based active disturbance rejection control of hydraulic servo system with singular value perturbation theory[J]. ISA Transactions, 2017, 67(Supplement C): 455-465.

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(编辑  陈灿华)


基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(61573199,61573197)(Projects(61573199, 61573197) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China)



[1] NONAMI K, KENDOUL F, SUZUKI S, et al. Autonomous flying robots: unmanned aerial vehicles and micro aerial vehicles[M]. Tokyo: Springer Science & Business Media, 2010: 3-40.

[2] GUENARD N, HAMEL T, MAHONY R. A practical visual servo control for an unmanned aerial vehicle[J]. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2008, 24(2): 331-340.

[3] KOMMA V R, JAIN P K, MEHTA N K. An approach for agent modeling in manufacturing on JADE(TM) reactive architecture[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011, 52(9/10/11/12): 1079-1090.

[4] ZEGHLACHE S, SAIGAA D, KARA K, et al. Backstepping sliding mode controller improved with fuzzy logic: application to the quadrotor helicopter[J]. Archives of Control Sciences, 2012, 22(3): 315-342.

[5] MELLINGER D, MICHAEL N, KUMAR V. Trajectory generation and control for precise aggressive maneuvers with quadrotors[J]. International Journal of Robotics Research, 2012, 31(5): 664-674.

[6] MELLINGER D, KUMAR V. Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Shanghai, China: IEEE, 2011: 2520-2525.

[7] REYES V E, ENRIQUEZ C R, CAMACHO L S, et al. LQR control for a quadrotor using unit quaternions: modeling and simulation[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computing. Cholula, Mexico: IEEE, 2013: 172-178.

[8] FALKENBERG O, WITT J, PILZ U, et al. Model identification and H∞ attitude control for quadrotor MAV's[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Montreal, Canada: Springer, 2012: 460-471.

[9] MADANI T, BENALLEGUE A. Backstepping control for a quadrotor helicopter[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Beijing, China: IEEE, 2006: 3255-3260.

[10] MATOUK D, GHEROUAT O, ABDESSEMED F, et al. Quadrotor position and attitude control via backstepping approach[C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control. Algiers, Algeria: IEEE, 2016: 73-79.

[11] LEE D, KIM H J, SASTRY S. Feedback linearization vs. adaptive sliding mode control for a quadrotor helicopter[J]. International Journal of Control Automation & Systems, 2009, 7(3): 419-428.

[12] BESNARD L, SHTESSEL Y B, LANDRUM B. Quadrotor vehicle control via sliding mode controller driven by sliding mode disturbance observer[J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2012, 349(2): 658-684.

[13] ZHANG Xu, XIAN Bin, ZHAO Bo, et al. Autonomous flight control of a nano quadrotor helicopter in a GPS-denied environment using on-board vision[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015, 62(10): 6392-6403.

[14] RAFFO G V, ORTEGA M G, RUBIO F R. Backstepping/nonlinear H∞ control for path tracking of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle[C]//Proceedings of American Control Conference. Seattle, USA: IEEE, 2008: 3356-3361.

[15] MOKHTAR K, ABDELLAH M, BENALLEGUE A, et al. Nonlinear H∞ control of a quadrotor(UAV), using high order sliding mode disturbance estimator[J]. International Journal of Control, 2012, 85(12): 1-10.

[16] RAFFO G V, ORTEGA M G, RUBIO F R. An integral predictive/nonlinear H∞ control structure for a quadrotor helicopter[J]. Automatica, 2010, 46(1): 29-39.

[17] 韩京清. 自抗扰控制器及其应用[J]. 控制与决策, 1998, 13(1): 19-23.

[18] HAN Jingqing. From PID to active disturbance rejection control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2009, 56(4): 900-906.

[19] GAO Zhiqiang. On the centrality of disturbance rejection in automatic control[J]. ISA Transactions, 2014, 53(4): 850-857.

[20] SUN Li, LI Donghai, HU Kangtao, et al. On tuning and practical implementation of active disturbance rejection controller:a case study from a regenerative heater in a 1000 mW power plant[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(23): 6686-6695.

[21] WANG Chengwen, QUAN Long, ZHANG Shijie, et al. Reduced-order model based active disturbance rejection control of hydraulic servo system with singular value perturbation theory[J]. ISA Transactions, 2017, 67(Supplement C): 455-465.

[22] LONG Yi, DU Zhijiang, CONG Lin, et al. Active disturbance rejection control based human gait tracking for lower extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton[J]. ISA Transactions, 2017, 67(Supplement C): 389-397.

[23] CHEN B S, CHANG Y C. Nonlinear mixed H2/H∞ control for robust tracking design of robotic systems[J]. International Journal of Control, 1997, 67(6): 837-857.