
DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2019.08.031


贾颖姣1, 2,余云霞1,刘志强1,罗春1

(1. 中南大学 能源科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083;

2. 新奥泛能网络科技有限公司,北京,100176)

摘 要:



中图分类号:TB66    文献标志码:A     文章编号:1672-7207(2019)08-2026-07

Relationship between freezing methods of solution and ice grain size distribution

JIA Yingjiao1, 2, YU Yunxia1, LIU Zhiqiang1, LUO Chun1

(1. School of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;

2. ENN Ubiquitous Energy Network Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing 100176, China)

Abstract: Considering that in the vacuum freeze drying process, the pre-freezing stage will affect the distribution of ice crystal size of frozen material, which will ultimately affect the drying rate, energy consumption and the quality of freeze-dried products, based on the numerical simulation results using CFD of the temperature field changing during the prefreezing process, the size of ice grain size after freezing was calculated, and three kinds of freezing methods, i.e., maintaining shelf constant low temperatures, controlling the shelf to cool from room temperature with constant rates and cooling at constant rate containing crystal growth process, were studied to research the effects on the size distribution of the ice crystals. The formula of the fitting relationship between prefreezing parameter which included the temperature of shelf, the rate of temperature drop, the crystallization time and grain size distribution parameters of ice which included average value and uniforming of ice crystal were obtained, and the uncertainty analysis and the significance test were carried out. The results show that the fitted goodness and parameter accuracy are high and the significance level of polynomial distribution is above 0.98, which has reference for the optimization of freeze-drying curve.

Key words: computational fluid dynamics; particle size distribution; freezing; uniformity; regression formula


1 数值模拟

1.1 物理模型



图1 西林瓶装物料预冻模型示意图

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of freezing material model in vial

1.2 数学模型

在溶液的冻结过程中,固液相变界面随着时间的变化而移动,称为三维两相stefan问题[10-13]。针对该物理模型进行如下假设:1) 只发生热传递,忽略质传递,且传热方式为导热,忽略热辐射和热对流;2) 忽略固相和液相的密度差异性,即冷冻前后溶液体积不变;3) 冻结过程只发生在固液相界面上,其温度在固化温度和液化温度之间,瓶内冰晶为异质成核,不存在过冷情况;4) 冻结区域和液相区域各自分布均匀且内部各处物性分别一致,忽略包含的不凝性气体;5) 预冻后只有晶态,没有形成玻璃态物质。针对相变潜热的问题,采取多孔-焓法[14-16]来解决,其中,液相的体积分数由热焓平衡法[17]通过计算得出。能量方程如下:



H=h+ΔH                                  (2)






ΔH=βL                                      (5)







1.3 数值解法

运用Ansys ICEM软件建模并划分网格,且进行网格无关性验证[9]。导入Ansys Fluent 15.0 软件,选取凝固和熔化(融化)模型,采用有限体积法的二阶迎风格式对控制方程进行空间离散化,残差设置为10-6,运用SIMPLE算法对模型温度进行求解。将所得温度场变化的数据导入Matlab软件计算冰晶粒度,并针对该方法进行模型验证[9]。粒晶颗粒粒度计算公式[6]







1.4 计算参数

1.4.1 几何模型 


表1 几何模型尺寸

Table 1 Geometric modelmm


1.4.2 模拟工况 

选取搁板温度作为预冻过程中的控制变量,分别采用以下3组不同的冻结方式:1) 将常温物料放入温度恒定的搁板上进行预冻(以下简称恒温条件);2) 先将物料放入常温冻干箱内,然后控制搁板温度以一定速率下降直至冻结(以下简称恒温降条件);3) 先使搁板温度由常温按照一定的速度下降至养晶温度 Tm并维持一段时间,而后继续以同样的速度降温(以下简称混养晶条件)。具体模拟工况如表2所示,这3种冻结方式都在常压环境下进行。

表2 3种不同冻结方式下的模拟工况

Table 2 Simulation conditions of three different freezing modes

2 关系式回归研究

2.1 恒温预冻方式





图2 恒温预冻方式拟合曲线

Fig. 2 Fitting curves in constant temperature condition












2.2 恒温降预冻方式







图3 恒温降预冻方式拟合曲线

Fig. 3 Fitting curves in constant temperature condition drop

2.3 混养晶预冻方式

在混养晶条件下,模拟出各设定养晶温度条件下冰晶粒度的平均值和标准差,结果如图4所示,可得45 min为粒度分布最均匀的养晶时间。


图4 混养晶预冻方式拟合曲线

Fig. 4 Fitting curves in crystal growing condition







3 模型检验和不确定度分析

3.1 多项式模型的有效检验






若F>F1(p, n-p-1),则拒绝H0,所得多项式分布在置信水平α上是显著的。所得结果如表3所示。

3.2 不确定度分析


3.2.1 均方根误差 







3.2.2 校正决定系数 






3.2.3 回归参数标准偏差 




各参数标准偏差se(Ai)(i=1, 2, 3, 4)为



表3 不同预冻条件下拟合多项式显著性检验

Table 3 Significance test of fitting polynomial under different pre-freezing conditions

表4 不同预冻条件下拟合多项式的不确定度

Table 4 Uncertainties of fitting polynomials under different pre-freezing conditions

4 结论

1) 在搁板温度恒定的冻结方式下,搁板温度-平均粒径与搁板温度-标准差之间的回归关系式均为三次项式;在降温速率恒定的冻结方式下,温降温度-平均粒径与温降速率回归关系式均为三次多项式。而在含养晶过程的恒温降过程中,养晶时间-平均粒径关系式为二次多项式,而养晶时间-标准差关系式为四次多项式。

2) 拟合优度和参数准确度比较高,而且多项式分布显著性水平在0.99以上。

3) 后续研究可根据结果推算到其他预冻条件下的冰晶粒度分布情况,定量研究预冻条件对冻干效率和产品质量的影响,优化冻干曲线。


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(编辑  陈灿华)

收稿日期: 2018 -09 -10; 修回日期: 2018 -11 -12

基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51676209);湖南省科技计划重点研发项目(2016NK2139); 中南大学研究生自由探索创新项目(2018zzts489)(Project(51676209) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(2016NK2139) supported by the Key Science and Technology Plan of Hunan Province; Project(2018zzts489) supported by Independent Innovation and Exploration Programs for Graduate Students of Central South University);

通信作者:刘志强,博士,教授,从事低温工程传热传质与系统节能研究;E-mail: liuzq@csu.edu.cn


[1] 赵延强. 具有初始孔隙多孔物料冷冻干燥的实验研究[D]. 大连: 大连理工大学化工机械与安全学院, 2015: 24-28.

[2] 黄鸿兵, 徐丰莲, 周光宏. 冷冻贮藏过程中温度波动对猪肉肌间冰晶颜色和新鲜度的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2006, 27(8): 49-52.

[3] ARGYROPOULOS D, HEINDL A, MULLER J. Assessment of convection, hot-air combined with microwave-vacuum and freeze-drying methods for mushrooms with regard to product quality[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2011, 46(2): 333-342.

[4] LIN Liulan, WANG Zhikun, ZHOU Liping, et al. The influence of prefreezing temperature on pore structure in freeze-dried β-TCP scaffolds[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2013, 227(1): 50-57.

[5] GROHGANZ H, LEE Y Y, RANTANEN J, et al. The influence of lysozyme on mannitol polymorphism in freeze-dried and spray-dried formulations depends on the selection of the drying process[J]. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2013, 447(1/2): 224-230.

[6] NAKAGAWA K, HOTTOT A, VESSOT S, et al. Modeling of freezing step during freeze-drying of drugs in vials[J]. AIChE Journal, 2007, 53(5): 1362-1372.

[7] NAKAGAWA K, HOTTOT A, VESSOT S, et al. Modeling of freezing step during vial freeze-drying of pharmaceuticals: influence of nucleation temperature on primary drying rate[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, 6(2): 288-293.

[8] NAKAGAWA K, OCHIAI T. A mathematical model of multi-dimensional freeze-drying for food products[J]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2015, 161: 55-67.

[9] 贾颖姣, 刘志强. 冻结方式对预冻甘露醇冰晶粒度分布的影响[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 50(7): 1704-1711.

[10] 王新房, 汪春华, 吴光超. 基于有限元的一类 Stefan 问题数值模型研究[J]. 自动化技术与应用, 2007, 26(5): 9-12.

[11] BARRETT J W, GARCKE H, NURNBERG R. On stable parametric finite element methods for the Stefan problem and the Mullins–Sekerka problem with applications to dendritic growth[J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2010, 229(18): 6270-6299.

[12] GUPTA S C. The classical Stefan problem: basic concepts, modelling and analysis with quasi-analytical solutions and methods[J]. Contemporary Physics, 2018, 59(4): 428-429.

[13] SLOTA D. The application of the homotopy perturbation method to one-phase inverse Stefan problem[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, 37(6): 587-592.

[14] ZHAO Weihuan, ELMOZUGHI A F, OZTEKIN A, et al. Heat transfer analysis of encapsulated phase change material for thermal energy storage[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 63: 323-335.

[15] ZHANG Y, DU K, HE J P, et al. Impact factors analysis of the enthalpy method and the effective heat capacity method on the transient nonlinear heat transfer in phase change materials (PCMs)[J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2014, 65(1): 66-83.

[16] BRENT A D, VOLLER V R, REID K T J. Enthalpy-porosity technique for modeling convection-diffusion phase change: application to the melting of a pure metal[J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 1988, 13(3): 297-318.

[17] KOTAS T J. The exergy method of thermal plant analysis[M]. Stoneham Ma: Butterworth Publishers, 1985: 99-161.

[18] KAIALY W, NOKHODCHI A. Freeze-dried mannitol for superior pulmonary drug delivery via dry powder inhaler[J]. Pharmaceutical Research, 2013, 30(2): 458-477.

[19] MEHTA M, BHARDWAJ S P, SURYANARAYANAN R. Controlling the physical form of mannitol in freeze-dried systems[J]. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2013, 85(2): 207-213.

[20] 李庆扬. 数值分析[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社有限公司, 2001: 73-76.