


(南华大学 机械工程学院,湖南 衡阳,421001)

摘 要:




中图分类号:TH165          文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2014)04-1085-06

Model identification and motion control for conducting polymer actuators

YANG Yi, WANG Xiangjiang, ZENG Qingsheng

(School of Mechanical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China)

Abstract: Conducting polymer can be used to manufacture bending actuators due to their biocompatibility, requiring low actuation voltages and ability to operate in air or liquid media, and an experimental system was established for its movement displacement measurement and control research.Firstly, in order to establish the conducting polymer actuators control system’s transfer function model, a least squares off-line identification and neural network on-line identification method were employed to set up accurate second order mathematical model.Secondly, based on the system model, the inverse model was proposed,and open-loop inverse model feed-forward control were studied. Finally, the feed-forward controller with a PID was used to precision motion control ,and its command following performance was compared with that of traditional PID control.The experimental results show that the inverse model feed-forward controller with a PID has high accuracy and robustness.

Key words: conducting polymer actuators; model identification; inverse model; motion control; robustness

导电聚合物是一种新兴的电致聚合物(也叫人工肌肉),可用作驱动器和传感器的智能材料,它在生物机器人和生物医学设备中有广阔的应用前景[1-6]。聚吡咯(PPy)和聚苯胺是2种最常用的导电聚合物。导电聚合物与电解液接触,在正电压作用下会发生氧化反应。在氧化过程中,负离子进入或正离子离开导电聚合物,以保持电势平衡,在负电压作用下会发生与氧化反应相反的还原反应。负离子迁移的导电聚合物在氧化反应作用下会发生体积膨胀,在还原反应作用下会发生体积收缩。正离子迁移的导电聚合物则完全相反。不同配置的导电聚合物驱动器有双层弯曲型、多层弯曲型、直动型。多层聚吡咯弯曲型驱动器的中间层为非晶、多孔隙的聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)层,它不仅是聚吡咯聚合物的基体材料,而且是电解液的容器。驱动器的两边为聚吡咯层。当驱动器两侧加上电压时,正极被氧化负极被还原。被氧化的聚吡咯层吸收负离子而膨胀,被还原的聚吡咯层释放负离子而收缩,最终导致驱动器弯曲。导电聚合物驱动器只需要很低的驱动电压(2 V以下),就可产生相当大的应力和应变输出,并且同时具有质量小和生物相容性好等优点,可广泛应用于机器人和生物医学领域,例如生物微操作系统、仿生系统和生物医学设备[7-9]。根据驱动器的静态和动态行为建立精确的数学模型对驱动器的可行性研究、优化设计和控制都是十分有用的[10-12],但模型的精度、适应性和基于有效数学模型控制其弯曲运动的控制方法还有待进一步研究[13-15] 。在此,本文作者通过制作3层膜聚吡咯驱动器的实验装置,采用离线和在线辨识方法建立新的系统模型来实现对驱动器控制,再通过离线和在线辨识方法证明模型辨识的有效性。设计包括基于逆模前馈控制、PID控制和逆模前馈PID控制等多种方法对辨识模型进行控制,实验结果证明逆模前馈PID控制器能提供准确的运动控制精度。

1  实验装置


图2所示为模型辨识和系统控制的实验装置。利用MATLAB的实时工具箱RTW对硬件在回路中进行实时控制,选用的工作方式为单机型Real-time windows target方案,通过目标链接的方式和Simulink联系在一起,按照单独的实时内核方式驱动外部硬件设备,完成系统实时控制。

图1  导电聚合物驱动器的几何形状

Fig. 1  Geometry of conducting polymer actuator

图2  实验装置示意图

Fig. 2  Schematic representation of experimental setup

2  模型辨识

为了建立驱动器的辨识模型,通过实验得到系统模型参数。实验中用于模型辨识和系统控制的是1个长约5 mm、宽约2 mm的PPy驱动器,输入电压信号u(t),u(t)=2sin(πt),输出结果y(t)由激光传感器测量。系统被视为1个黑箱,系统模型参数通过输入电压u(t)和输出y(t)确定。

2.1  离线辨识



其中: ;ai和bi分别为线性系统参数;z-1为向后移位运算符号,z-1y(t)=y(t-1)。










在图2所示的系统中,输入u(t)=2sin(πt),由激光位移传感器测量得到输出y(t),由Simulink对输入输出结果进行记录,其采样时间设定为0.002 s。将测量结果代入由式(5)编写的程序中,得到离散传递函数的二阶模型为



图3  模型辨识过程示意图

Fig. 3  Schematic of model validation procedure

图4  驱动器实际输出和模型预测输出以及输出误差比较

Fig. 4  Comparison of real actuator output and output predicted by model and associated modeling error

2.2  在线辨识



图5  神经网络在线辨识方法示意图

Fig. 5  Schematic of neural network identification method










,0<α<2         (13)




图6  模型参数的收敛性

Fig. 6  Convergence of model parameters

图7  驱动器实际输出和在线辨识模型预测输出以及输出误差比较

Fig. 7  Comparison of real actuator output and output predicted by model and associated modeling error from on-line identification

3  控制系统的设计和执行

















图8  逆模型控制器示意图

Fig. 8  Schematic of inversion-based feedforward controller

图9  驱动器实际输出和逆模型控制系统期望输出比较以及跟踪误差

Fig. 9  Comparison of real actuator output and desired output under inversion-based feedforward controller and associated tracking error

图10  PID控制方法示意图

Fig. 10  Schematic of PID control strategy

图11  驱动器实际输出和PID控制系统期望输出比较以及跟踪误差

Fig. 11  Comparison of real actuator output and desired output under PID controller and associated tracking error




图12  逆模前馈PID控制器示意图

Fig. 12  Schematic of feedforward controller with PID controller

在图2所示系统中,由Simulink构建如图12所示的RTW系统进行控制实验。图13所示为逆模前馈 PID控制的实验结果。必须指出的是,跟踪误差e(t)远比逆模型控制和经典的PID控制的小。这是因为系统中逆模前馈控制起关键作用, PID控制是在出现误差时再进行调整,经典的PID所需要调整的误差较大,而逆模前馈PID控制由于只需要调整逆模前馈控制后的误差,所需要调整的误差要小得多,所以,控制效果要比经典PID控制的效果好。为定量反映3种控制方法的效果,由式(22)可得表1所示的3种控制方法均方根误差SRM

表1  3种控制方法的均方根(RMS)误差

Table 1  RMS of tracking errors under three control strategies

图13  驱动器实际输出和前馈PID控制系统期望输出比较以及跟踪误差

Fig. 13  Comparison of real actuator output and desired output under feedforward PID controller and associated tracking error



4  结论

(1) 运用离线和在线辨识方法建立了导电聚合物驱动器中典型3层共轭PPy驱动器的二阶离散传递函数。通过神经网络在线辨识,进一步验证了模型的准确性。

(2) 针对高度敏感的智能驱动器出现的系统参数不稳定性和受干扰性,逆模前馈PID控制系统是最优的控制方法。但必须注意的是,它的执行是基于反馈控制器(需要1个外部传感器)。当不方便安传感器时,可以使用基于准确传递函数的逆模型,这样的模型可以通过在线辨识方法确定。


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(编辑  陈灿华)





[1] Vidal F, Plesse C, Palaprat G, et al. Conducting IPN actuators: From polymer chemistry to actuator with linear actuation[J]. Synthetic Metals, 2006, 156: 1299-1304.

[2] 贺曦敏. 以导电聚合物构建的驱动器的制备与性能研究[D]. 北京: 清华大学化学系, 2006: 4-20.

[3] 徐岩, 赵刚, 杨立明, 等. IPMC人工肌肉的制备工艺研究[J]. 功能材料, 2013, 44(11): 1646-1650.

[4] Han G, Shi G. Conducting polymer electrochemical actuator made of high-strength three-layered composite films of polythiophene and polypyrrole[J]. Sensors and Actuators B, 2004, 99: 525-531.

[5] Gaihre B, Alici G, Spinks G M, et al. Synthesis and performance evaluation of thin film PPy-PVDF multilayer electroactive polymer actuators[J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 2011, 165: 321-328.

[6] Hiraoka M, Fiorini P, O’Callaghan J, et al. Miniature conductive polymer actuators for high pressure generation in lab onchip systems[J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 2012, 177: 23-29.

[7] Fuchiwaki M, Tanaka K, Kaneto K. Planate conducting polymer actuator based on polypyrrole and its application[J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 2009, 150: 272-276.

[8] Alici G, Devaud V, Renaud P, et al. Conducting polymer microactuators operating in air[J]. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2009, 19: 1-9.

[9] Nguyen C H, Alici G, Wallace G G. Modelling trilayer conjugated polymer actuators for their sensorless position control[J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 2012, 185: 82-91.

[10] Shoa T, Yoo D S, Walus K, et al. A dynamic electromechanical model for electrochemically driven conducting polymer actuators[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2011, 16(1): 42-49.

[11] Alici G. An effective modelling approach to estimate nonlinear bending behaviour of cantilever type conducting polymer actuators[J]. Sensors and Actuators B, 2009, 141: 284-292.

[12] Du P, Lin X, Zhang X. A multilayer bending model for conducting polymer actuators[J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 2010, 163: 240-246.

[13] John S W, Alici G, Cook C D. Inversion-based feedforward control of polypyrrole trilayer bender actuators[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2010, 15(1): 149-156.

[14] Yao Q, Alici G, Spinks G M. Feedback control of tri-layer polymer actuators to improve their positioning ability and speed of response[J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 2008, 144: 176-184.

[15] Fang Y, Tan X, Alici G. Robust adaptive control of conjugated polymer actuators[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2008, 16(4): 600-612.