

奚国华1, 2,高宏洋1,许  为1,喻寿益1,桂卫华1

(1. 中南大学 信息科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083;

2. 中国北方机车车辆工业集团公司,北京,100035)

摘 要:

摘  要:为了提高异步电机定子磁链观测精度,减小观测误差受其运行过程中温度、频率和磁路等因素的影响,使用定子磁链全阶观测器观测定子磁链。利用静止坐标系下的异步电机数学模型,分析当电机参数改变时,高速运行状态下定子磁链观测器u-i模型和低速运行状态下i-n模型的观测误差变化情况,然后给出定子磁链全阶观测器增益矩阵的确定方法。在Matlab/Simulink仿真环境下,进行了仿真验证。研究结果表明:定子磁链观测精度主要是随着电机在运行过程中转速和转矩的变化而变化;采用此方法在保证观测器稳定的前提下,依据不同的转速区间,选择合适的观测器极点配置,可以提高异步电机全速运行状态下定子磁链的观测精度;采用此方法有效地提高了全速范围内定子磁链的观测精度,并且实现简单。



中图分类号:TM301.2         文献标识码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2008)04-0793-06

A method to determine gain matrix of stator flux full order observer

XI Guo-hua1, 2, GAO Hong-yang1, XU Wei1, YU Shou-yi1, GUI Wei-hua1

(1. School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;

2. China Northern Locomotive & Rolling Stock Industry (Group) Corporation, Beijing 100035, China)

Abstract: In order to improve observation accuracy of the stator flux and minimize observation error which is influenced by temperature, frequency and magnetic path in motor operation process, a full order observer was presented. The change of observation error was analyzed in the case of stator flux observer u-i model at high speed and i-n model at low speed when the parameters of motor changed based on the mathematical model in the stationary coordinates. A method to determine the gain matrix of full order observer was presented. The results show that the error changes with the change of motor speed and torque. On the premise of assuring stability of the observer, according to different speed ranges, choosing the proper way to set the pole of observer, the method can be used to improve the observation accuracy of stator flux at high speed, and it is also validated in the Matlab/Simulink condition. It is shown that it can improve observer accuracy of the induction motor stator flux effectively.

Key words: induction motor; stator flux; full order observer




若采用带有低通滤波器的u-i模型,虽然能降低积分环节对直流量的积累作用,但是,当电机定子频率接近转折频率ωc时,会引起新的幅值误差和相位误差,降低磁链观测器的精度[2];若采用i-n模型,虽然使系统不受主电感、漏电感、转子电阻的影响, 然而,i-n 模型涉及转速及转子参数,鲁棒性变差,故高速下模型精度无法保证[3]。若采用全速u-n模型,虽然可以综合前2种模型的优点,但该模型没有考虑与电机最大电磁转矩近似成反比的定子漏电感,故会造成控制系统精确度下降[4],而且实现复杂[5]。在此,本文作者分析定子磁链u-i模型和i-n模型的观测误差和电机参数对观测误差的影响。由于定子磁链全阶观测器具有较强的抗噪声能力[6-7],增益矩阵对观测器精度和动态性能有很大的影响[8-10],因此,采用该观测器并针对电机在运行过程中参数和状态的变化,给出一种确定增益矩阵的方法,使观测器对电机参数变化具有很好的鲁棒性。

1  异步电动机数学模型



2  定子磁链u-i模型的误差分析






借助Matlab/Simulink 仿真工具可以定量分析Rs对定子磁链观测误差的影响。设电动机参数如下:额定功率为1.5 kW;额定转速为1 440 r/min;额定转矩为8 N?m;Rs为4.25 ?;Rr为0.24 ?;Lm为0.651 H;Ls为0.666 H;Lr为0.671 H;p为2;转动惯量J为0.02 N?m2。为保证定子磁链幅值不变,电机在恒压频比方式下运行,不考虑电动机的摩擦阻力矩,当时,其仿真结果如图1和图2所示。

图1  时,定子磁链幅值之比

Fig.1  Ratio of stator flux when

图2  时,定子磁链相位误差

Fig.2  Phasic error of stator flux when

从图2可以看出,电动机在额定转速的30%及以上运行时,定子磁链观测值与实际值基本相同;而当电动机在额定转速的30%以下运行时,随着负载转矩的增加,定子磁链观测值逐渐变得不准确。当供电频率为5 Hz,转矩为7 N?m时,定子磁链观测值的幅值约为实际幅值的1.3倍;当供电频率为5 Hz,转矩为0 N?m时,定子磁链相位误差达到-0.2 rad,即-11.5?。


3  定子磁链i-n模型的误差分析





图3  定子磁链的i-n模型框图

Fig.3  Frame of stator flux i-n model

利用Matlab/Simulink仿真软件,分析Tr变化对定子磁链的影响。时仿真结果如图4和图5所示。可以看出,Tr对定子磁链观测值的影响与Rs的影响类似。定子磁链的相位误差随着负载转矩的增加而增大,与电机转速关系不大;当频率为5 Hz,转矩为7 N?m时,定子磁链观测值为实际值的1.44倍,相位误差为0.30 rad,即17.2?。

图4  时,定子磁链幅值之比

Fig.4  Ratio of stator flux when

图5  时,定子磁链相位误差

Fig.5  Phasic error of stator flux when

4  定子磁链全阶观测器增益矩阵的确定







图6  定子磁链观测器极点随转速的变化曲线

Fig.6  Curves of pole of stator flux observer when

 it varies with rotation speed



图7  定子电阻随温度增加1倍时,定子磁链观测器极点随转速的变化曲线

Fig.7  Curves of pole of stator flux observer with rotation speed when stator resistance increases double with temperature

根据式(19)和(20)确定定子磁链全阶观测器的增益矩阵,利用Matlab/Simulink仿真工具,得到时的结果,如图8和图9所示。可以看出,定子磁链观测值最大值只有实际值的1.2倍,最大相位误差只有-0.1 rad,即-5.7?。相对于原来的1.4倍和-17.2?,观测精度提高,而且这种方法便于实现。

图8  时,定子磁链幅值之比

Fig.8  Ratio of stator flux when and

图9  时,定子磁链相位误差

Fig.9  Phasic error of stator flux when and

5  结  论

a. 异步电机直接转矩控制系统磁链观测器误差随定子电阻Rs和转子时间常数Tr变化而增加,特别是在低速运行时,Rs和Tr变化明显降低定子磁链观测值的幅值和相位精度。

b. 定子磁链全阶观测器增益矩阵对观测器的精度和动态特性影响较大,一般采用极点配置的方法来确定。

c. 根据转速值所在区间不同,选择对应的增益矩阵,可以使磁链观测器的极点配置在较好位置上,从而降低电机参数变化对磁链观测精度的影响。


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[10] Casadei D, Serra G, Tani A. Analytical investigation of torque and flux ripple in DTC schemes for induction motors[C]//IEEE IECON’97, 1997: 552-556.

[11] Beno?t R, Frédérique B, Gregory C, et al. A methodology to determine gains of induction motor flux observers based on a theoretical parameter sensitivity analysis[J]. IEEE Trans Power Electronics, 2000, 15: 983-995.

[12] 奚国华, 沈红平, 喻寿益, 等. 异步电机无速度传感器直接转矩控制系统[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2007, 27(21): 76-82.
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[14] 李 磊, 胡育文. 新型速度自适应磁链观测器在直接转矩控制中的应用[J]. 东南大学学报, 2001, 33(4): 103-107.
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[15] 郑泽东, 李永东, 王琛琛. 异步电机全阶自适应磁链观测和速度辨识研究[J]. 电气传动, 2006, 36(7): 7-10.
ZHENG Ze-dong, LI Yong-dong, WANG Chen-chen. Study of adaptive flux observer and speed identification method for induction motor[J]. Electric Drive, 2006, 36(7): 7-10.

[16] 郭有贵, 喻寿益, 朱建林. 带不同负载时矩阵变换器的输入输出特性[J]. 中南工业大学学报: 自然科学版, 2003, 34(5): 555-558.
GUO You-gui, YU Shou-yi, ZHU Jian-li. The input and output properties of a matrix converter with different loads[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology: Natural Science, 2003, 34(5): 555-558.

[17] LI Zhen, XU Long-ya. A mutual MRAS identification scheme for position sensor-less field orientation control of induction machines[C]//IEEE Industry Applications Conference Thirtieth IAS Annual Meeting. IAS’95, 1995: 159-165.

[18] 金孟加, 邱建琪, 史涔溦. 基于新型定子磁链观测器的直接转矩控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2005, 25(24): 137-143.
JIN Men-jia, QIU Jian-qi, SHI Ceng-wei. A novel startor flux estimator for direct torque controlled magnet synchronous motor drives[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2005, 25(24): 137-143.

[19] 粟 梅, 许心东, 张泰山, 等. 双级矩阵变换器驱动异步电动机的特性分析[J]. 中南大学学报: 自然科学版, 2005, 36(4): 658-663.
SU Mei, XU Xin-dong, ZHANG Tai-shan, et al. Performance analysis of two-stage matrix converter driven asynchronous motor[J]. Journal of Central South University: Science and Technology, 2005, 36(4): 658-663.




通信作者:喻寿益(1940-),男,江西南昌人,教授,博士生导师, 从事自适应控制、过程控制和进化计算理论与应用等研究;电话:0731-8836739;E-mail: s_yushouyi@sina.com

[1] 李汉强. 矢量控制异步电机等效电路及其参数变化因素分析[J]. 武汉交通科技大学学报, 1999, 23(5): 469-472.LI Han-qiang. The analysis of equivalent circuit and parameters variations of vector control in induction motor[J]. Journal of Wuhan Transportation University, 1999, 23(5): 469-472.

[2] 万宇宾, 胡婵娟, 万淑芸. 基于电压模型的定子磁链观测器及参数设计方法[J]. 电气传动, 2006, 36(3): 15-18.WAN Yu-bin, HU Chan-juan, WAN Shu-yun. Stator flux linkage estimator and parameter design method based on voltage model[J]. Electric Drive, 2006, 36(3): 15-18.

[3] Habetler T G. Stator resistance tuning in a stator flux-oriented drive using an instantaneous hybrid flux estimator[J]. IEEE Trans Power Electron, 1998, 13(1): 125-132.

[4] 樊双英, 张爱玲. 一种改进异步电动机定子磁链观测器的研究[J]. 电机与控制学报, 2005, 9(6): 547-549.FAN Shuang-ying, ZHANG Ai-ling. Study of asynchronous machine with an improved of stator flux observatory[J]. Electric Machines and Control, 2005, 9(6): 547-549.

[5] 韦立祥, 刘丛伟, 孙旭东, 等. 一种消除电压型磁链观测器中直流偏置误差的新方法[J]. 清华大学学报: 自然科学版, 2001, 41(9): 51-54.

[6] Marko H, Jorma L. Parameter sensitivity of full-order flux observers for induction motors[J]. IEEE Trans Ind Application, 2003, 39(4): 1127-1135.

[7] 谢鸿鸣, 陈伯时. 异步电机定子磁链的间接观测方法[J]. 电气传动, 1999, 29(1): 11-15.XIE Hong-ming, CHEN Bo-shi. Indirect stator flux linkage calculation methods of induction motor[J]. Electric Drive, 1999, 29(1): 11-15.

[8] Tajima H, Guidi G, Umida H. Consideration about problems and solutions of speed estimation method and parameter tuning for speed sensorless vector control of induction motor drives[J]. IEEE Trans on Industry Application, 2002, 38(5): 1282-1289.

[9] 李建军, 盛洁波, 桂卫华, 等. 异步电机定转子参数的辨识方法研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2006, 21(1): 70-74.LI Jian-jun, SHENG Jie-bo, GUI Wei-hua, et al. Research on parameter identification method for induction motor[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2006, 21(1): 70-74.

[10] Casadei D, Serra G, Tani A. Analytical investigation of torque and flux ripple in DTC schemes for induction motors[C]//IEEE IECON’97, 1997: 552-556.

[11] Beno?t R, Frédérique B, Gregory C, et al. A methodology to determine gains of induction motor flux observers based on a theoretical parameter sensitivity analysis[J]. IEEE Trans Power Electronics, 2000, 15: 983-995.

[12] 奚国华, 沈红平, 喻寿益, 等. 异步电机无速度传感器直接转矩控制系统[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2007, 27(21): 76-82.XI Guo-hua, SHEN Hong-ping, YU Shou-yi, et al. Speed sensorless direct torque control system of asynchronous motor[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2007, 27(21): 76-82.

[13] 胡 楷. 交流驱动系统模型参考自适应控制技术[D]. 长沙: 国防科技大学机电工程与自动化学院, 2004.HU Kai. MRAS based contral method for induction motor drivers[D]. Changsha: School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Automation, University of Defense Science and Technology, 2004.

[14] 李 磊, 胡育文. 新型速度自适应磁链观测器在直接转矩控制中的应用[J]. 东南大学学报, 2001, 33(4): 103-107.LI Lei, HU Yu-wen. The application of new type of speed adapt flux observe to direct torgue contral[J]. Southeast College Transection, 2001, 33(4): 103-107.

[15] 郑泽东, 李永东, 王琛琛. 异步电机全阶自适应磁链观测和速度辨识研究[J]. 电气传动, 2006, 36(7): 7-10.ZHENG Ze-dong, LI Yong-dong, WANG Chen-chen. Study of adaptive flux observer and speed identification method for induction motor[J]. Electric Drive, 2006, 36(7): 7-10.

[16] 郭有贵, 喻寿益, 朱建林. 带不同负载时矩阵变换器的输入输出特性[J]. 中南工业大学学报: 自然科学版, 2003, 34(5): 555-558.GUO You-gui, YU Shou-yi, ZHU Jian-li. The input and output properties of a matrix converter with different loads[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology: Natural Science, 2003, 34(5): 555-558.

[17] LI Zhen, XU Long-ya. A mutual MRAS identification scheme for position sensor-less field orientation control of induction machines[C]//IEEE Industry Applications Conference Thirtieth IAS Annual Meeting. IAS’95, 1995: 159-165.

[18] 金孟加, 邱建琪, 史涔溦. 基于新型定子磁链观测器的直接转矩控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2005, 25(24): 137-143.JIN Men-jia, QIU Jian-qi, SHI Ceng-wei. A novel startor flux estimator for direct torque controlled magnet synchronous motor drives[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2005, 25(24): 137-143.

[19] 粟 梅, 许心东, 张泰山, 等. 双级矩阵变换器驱动异步电动机的特性分析[J]. 中南大学学报: 自然科学版, 2005, 36(4): 658-663.SU Mei, XU Xin-dong, ZHANG Tai-shan, et al. Performance analysis of two-stage matrix converter driven asynchronous motor[J]. Journal of Central South University: Science and Technology, 2005, 36(4): 658-663.