


刘洪骁1,董洪波1,王喆鑫1,蔡  增1,朱知寿2

(1. 南昌航空大学 航空制造工程学院,南昌 330063;

2. 北京航空材料研究院 先进钛合金航空科技重点研究院,北京 100095)

摘 要:

针对TB17钛合金,研究不同工艺参数下的室温变形及变形后的时效析出行为。通过组织观察及XRD分析,在应变量为0.22以下的室温变形状态以及经室温变形后在(350 ℃,0.5 h)的低温时效过程中均发生马氏体相变;变形过程中产生的形变诱导马氏体及低温时效过程中产生的等温马氏体都属于板条型马氏体,且均在晶界附近析出;不同点在于等温马氏体呈平行规则分布,而形变诱导马氏体呈现不规则分布;在500 ℃长时间时效的条件下马氏体相全部分解,细小的α相沿着变形带结构析出,形成大量交错分布的条状α相。在分步变形实验中,等温马氏体在二次变形中起到了降低变形抗力与减小弹性模量的作用。



文章编号:1004-0609(2019)-10-2306-06       中图分类号:TG166.5       文献标志码:A

TB17是我国新一代具有自主知识产权的航空用近β型钛合金,固溶处理状态具有中高强度与高塑性,冷成型性和可焊性好,经时效处理后强度可高达1400 MPa[1-2],是理想的高强度航空材料。β类钛合金在高温单相区固溶处理后能获得单一的亚稳β相,经快冷均能保留至室温组织中。由于β相所属的体心立方比密排六方的α相滑移系要多,因此β类钛合金拥有良好的室温变形性能。



1  实验

实验所用材料为中国航发北京航空材料研究院提供的d 50 mm×200 mm的TB17原始棒料,经EDS测试其名义成分为Ti-6.1Mo-3.8Al-2.7Cr-1.3V-0.86Sn- 0.24Nb,相变点为(865±5) ℃,原始组织如图1所示,原始晶粒较为粗大。变形前的材料在865 ℃下固溶45 min空冷,室温变形实验在Gleeble-3500型热模拟试验机上进行,采用d 8 mm×12 mm的压缩试样。

首先,对TB17的单步室温变形及时效行为进行研究,变形试验共5大组,变形完成后对部分试样进行时效处理,时效分为低温时效和中温时效两种,时效完成后皆空冷;其次,为了分析两步变形及变形中的时效对组织的影响定制了第6组实验,总应变量为0.325,第一步变形应变量0.22,第二步变形应变量0.105,在两次变形中间加入(350 ℃,0.5 h)的低温时效,时效完成后空冷,以上两组实验的应变速率均设置在0.01 s-1。各组实验参数设定如表1所列,上述实验完成后对各试样进行XRD分析及组织观察。

表1  TB17单步变形及时效实验参数

Table 1  Parameter of single step deformation and aging of TB17

图1  TB17原始组织

Fig. 1  Original microstructure of TB17

2  结果与讨论

2.1  室温变形下的组织与相变分析

图2所示为应变速率为0.01 s-1时TB17钛合金经室温变形后的XRD谱。当应变量为0.105时,除了β相衍射峰,还出现了较多的马氏体衍射峰,而应变为0.22时仅出现了单一的β相衍射峰。

图2  TB17钛合金经在不同应变量下的XRD谱

Fig. 2  XRD pattern of TB17 titanium alloy with different strain


2.2  变形及时效后的组织与相变分析

图4与图5所示分别为TB17钛合金经预变形后再经低温时效处理后的XRD谱和SEM像,预变形条件为应变速率0.01 s-1、应变量0.22,时效条件分别为(250 ℃,0.5 h)、(350 ℃,0.5 h)、(500 ℃,8 h)。从图5中可看到,经变形后,在250 ℃时效的条件下只有单一的β相衍射峰;而在350 ℃时效时,除了β相衍射峰外还出现了许多微弱的马氏体峰,时效温度上升到(500 ℃,8 h)时马氏体峰消失并出现大量较强的α相衍射峰。

图3  TB17钛合金室温变形及变形后经预时效处理的SEM像

Fig. 3  SEM images of TB17 titanium alloy in room temperature deformation and subsequent aging treatment

针对在(350 ℃,0.5 h)的条件下出现马氏体衍射峰这一情况进行了组织观察,发现在部分晶界处出现了板条马氏体,并沿着晶界平行规则分布,如图5所示。由于是在等温时效过程中产生的,也被称为等温马氏体。与形变诱导马氏体相比较,两者从形貌上皆属于板条马氏体,不同点在于等温马氏体在紧贴在晶界处呈平行规则排布,而形变诱导马氏体则沿着晶界两边随意分布。而在(250 ℃,0.5 h)的时效条件下未出现马氏体转变,做出以下解释:虽然在250 ℃与350 ℃时效过程中材料均发生了不同程度的回复作用,但由于在250 ℃时温度过低,位错、空位等晶体缺陷的浓度并未明显降低,因此基体仍处在较强的强化状态,马氏体析出受到较强的抑制,因此在250 ℃时没有明显的马氏体转变。


图4  TB17钛合金经变形再时效后的XRD谱

Fig. 4  XRD pattern with different aging conditions after deformation of TB17

图5  (350 ℃,0.5 h)时效过程中析出的等温马氏体SEM像

Fig. 5  SEM iage of isothermal martensite precipitated in (350 ℃, 0.5 h) aging process

图6所示为TB17钛合金先经应变量0.22的预变形后,再在500 ℃时效8 h后的SEM像。从图6(a)中可以观察到,条状α相呈细长分布均匀。图6(b)较好地展示了时效过程中条状α相的形成过程,大量细小α相呈明显的“连点成线”现象。变形过程会产生大量的变形带,其中位错密度高,位错等缺陷为后续α析出提供了大量的形核点,因此点片状α优先在变形带析出,最后点片状α相相互连接组合形成长条状α相。

2.3  应力-应变曲线分析

图7所示为TB17在不同应变速率下,应变量为0.22时的应力-应变曲线图。首先,从图中可发现弹性变形阶段曲线走势基本一致,但到了塑性变形阶段曲线走势出现了较为明显的差异。应变速率为0.1 s-1的条件下变形抗力先升高后小幅下滑,稳定后保持水平阶段;而应变速率为0.01 s-1时,变形抗力保持一个小幅度平稳上升趋势。

图6  TB17钛合金变形后经(500 ℃,8 h)时效处理后的SEM像

Fig. 6  SEM images of deformed TB17 titanium alloy after aging treatment at 500 ℃ for 8 h

图7  TB17钛合金在不同应变速率下的室温变形应力-应变曲线

Fig. 7  Stress-strain curve of TB17 titanium alloy with different strain rates in room temperature deformation

产生上述现象的根本原因是材料在不同变形条件下流变软化与流变硬化的协同作用。当应变速率为0.1 s-1时,由于变形速度较大使得组织内各晶粒变形不均匀,因此在塑性变形的初步阶段表现出较大的变形抗力,但随着塑性变形程度的增加,变形不均匀的程度进一步加剧致使部分区域出现绝热温升现象,流变软化于流变硬化趋于平衡,因此出现变形抗力的平稳下降并基本保持水平状态。而应变速率为0.01 s-1时,变形速度较小,同时,随着塑性变形程度的不断增大,位错的增殖与塞积使材料表现出较强的流变硬化效果,使得材料变形抗力保持稳定上升状态。


图8  TB17单步与分步加时效变形下应力-应变曲线

Fig. 8  Stress-strain curves of TB17 titanium alloy under single step deformation and two-step deformation with aging treatment deformation

从析出相的角度分析,根据前面的XRD与组织分析可知,第一步室温变形完成后形变诱导马氏体基本分解破坏,但经(350 ℃,0.5 h)低温时效处理后获得一定量的等温马氏体,等温马氏体的形成消耗了由第一次变形在晶界处产生的大量晶体缺陷,使得晶界恢复到一个相对松弛的状态;再者,低温时效过程中,变形金属发生了静态回复,这些因素使得材料在二次变形时变形抗力比第一次变形时略低。


3  结论

1) TB17的室温变形机制为位错滑移、形变孪晶及形变诱导马氏体转变,当应变量达到0.22左右时马氏体转变基本消失,形变诱导马氏体属于板条型马氏体,在晶界两侧呈不规则分布。

2) 经应变量为0.22的室温变形后,TB17钛合金在(350 ℃,0.5 h)的低温时效过程中于晶界处析出板条马氏体,而当时效温度降至250 ℃时不发生马氏体转变,等温马氏体也属于板条型马氏体,并在晶界处呈平行规则分布;室温变形的TB17合金经(500 ℃,8 h)时效处理后,细小的α相优先在变形带析出并形成条状α相。

3) 应变速率为0.1 s-1的条件下变形抗力先升高后小幅下滑,稳定后保持水平阶段;而应变速率为0.01 s-1时,变形抗力保持一个小幅度平稳上升趋势。与单步变形相比,达到相同变形量时,分步变形加时效的条件下的变形抗力略小。在二次变形时屈服强度无明显变化且弹性模量相对较小。等温马氏体在二次变形中起到了降低变形抗力与减小弹性模量的作用。


[1] WANG Zhe, WANG Xin-nan, ZHU Zhi-shou. Characterization of high-temperature deformation behavior and processing map of TB17 titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 692: 149-154.

[2] 王哲, 王新南, 祝力伟, 朱知寿. TB17 钛合金等温时效析出行为[J]. 航空材料学报, 2016, 36(5): 1-6.

WANG Zhe, WANG Xin-nan, ZHU Li-wei, ZHU Zhi-shou. Isothermal aging precipitate of TB17 titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Aeronautical Materials, 2016, 36(5): 1-6.

[3] LAN C, WU Y, GUO L, CHEN H, CHEN F. Microstructure texture evolution and mechanical properties of room temperature rolled Ti-32.5Nb-6.8Zr-2.7Sn biomedical beta titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2018, 34: 788-792.

[4] MANDA P, NANDAM S R, CHAKKINGAL U, SINGH A K. Microstructure texture and mechanical properties of hot rolled metastable β-titanium alloy Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr[J]. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2015(2): 1118-1126.

[5] 刘全明, 张朝晖, 刘世锋, 杨海瑛, 赵福才, 鲁慧慧. 航空紧固件用钛合金TC16研究与发展[J]. 热加工工艺, 2014, 43(4): 17-19.

LIU Quan-ming, ZHANG Zhao-hui, LIU Shi-feng, YANG Hai-ying, ZHAO Fu-cai, LU Hui-hui. Research and development of titanium alloy TC16 for aviation fasteners[J]. Thermal Processing, 2014, 43(4): 17-19.

[6] LAN C, LI G, WU Y, GUO L, CHEN F. Effects of room temperature deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-35Nb-2Zr-0.3O alloy for biomedical applications[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2017, 27(7): 1537-1542.

[7] XU T, LI J, ZHANG F, WANG F, LIU X, FENG Y. Microstructure evolution during room temperature- deformation and aging response after annealing of TB8 Titanium alloy[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45(3): 575-580.

[8] 朱宝辉, 曾卫东, 陈 林, 胡晓晨. 固溶时效工艺对Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn钛合金棒材组织及性能的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2018, 28(4): 39-46.

ZHU Bao-hui, ZENG Wei-dong, CHEN Lin, HU Xiao-chen. Influences of solution and aging treatment process on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn titanium alloy rods[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2018, 28(4): 39-46.

[9] CHEN Y, DU Z, XIAO S, XU L, TIAN J. Effect of aging heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of a new β high strength titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 586: 588-592.

[10] MANTANI Y, TAKEMOTO Y, HIDA M, SAKAKIBARA A, TAJIMA M. Phase transformation of α" martensite structure by aging in Ti-8mass%Mo alloy[J]. Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, 2005, 69(4): 385-391.

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[12] WAN M, ZHAO Y, ZENG W, CAI G. Effects of cold pre-deformation on aging behavior and mechanical properties of Ti-1300 alloy [J]. Journal of Alloys& Compounds, 2015, 619: 383-388.

[13] XU T, LI J, ZHANG S, ZHANG F. Cold deformation behavior of the Ti-15Mo-3Al-2.7Nb-0.2Si alloy and its effect on α precipitation and tensile properties in aging treatment[J]. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2016, 682: 404-411.

[14] 陈 威, 姚姗姗, 刘若蕾, 孙巧艳, 肖 林, 孙 军. Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al 合金低温时效的相变行为及其对力学性能的影响[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2016, 45(7): 1726-1731.

CHEN Wei, YAO Shan-shan, LIU Ruo-lei, SUN Qiao-yan, XIAO Lin, SUN Jun. Phase transformation behavior and mechanical properties ofTi-10V-2Fe-3Al alloy subjected to low temperature aging[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45(7): 1726-1731.

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Room temperature deformation and aging precipitation behavior of TB17 titanium alloy

LIU Hong-xiao1, DONG Hong-bo1, WANG Zhe-xin1, CAI Zeng1, ZHU Zhi-shou2

(1. School of Aeronautical Manufacturing Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China;

2. Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Titanium Alloys, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China)

Abstract: The room temperature deformation behavior of TB17 titanium alloy and the subsequent aging precipitation behavior were studied in this work. After structure observation and XRD analysis, martensite phase was detected both in room temperature deformation with a strain less than 0.22 and a low temperature aging process at 350 ℃ warmed for  0.5 h. Deformations induced martensite and isothermal martensite which are formed in room temperature deformation and low temperature aging process, respectively, both belong to lath martensite and precipitated near grain boundaries, the different is the latter one exhibits a parallel regular distribution, but the former one shows a little mess. As aging temperature raises to 500 ℃, martensite decomposes, fine α phase precipitates along the deformation band, a mass of needle-like α phase staggers distribution in microstructure. During the step deformation test, isothermal martensite makes an effect on resistance force reduction and a decrease in elasticity modulusin second-step deformation.

Key words: deformation induced martensite; isothermal martensite; low temperature aging; elasticity modulus

Foundation item: Project(2015ZE56011) supported by Aviation Science Fund, China; Project(YC2018015) supported by the Innovation Fund Foundation of Nanchang Hangkong University, China

Received date: 2018-11-12; Accepted date: 2019-03-11

Corresponding author: DONG Hong-bo; Tel: +86-13065107162; E-mail:

(编辑  王  超)




摘  要:针对TB17钛合金,研究不同工艺参数下的室温变形及变形后的时效析出行为。通过组织观察及XRD分析,在应变量为0.22以下的室温变形状态以及经室温变形后在(350 ℃,0.5 h)的低温时效过程中均发生马氏体相变;变形过程中产生的形变诱导马氏体及低温时效过程中产生的等温马氏体都属于板条型马氏体,且均在晶界附近析出;不同点在于等温马氏体呈平行规则分布,而形变诱导马氏体呈现不规则分布;在500 ℃长时间时效的条件下马氏体相全部分解,细小的α相沿着变形带结构析出,形成大量交错分布的条状α相。在分步变形实验中,等温马氏体在二次变形中起到了降低变形抗力与减小弹性模量的作用。

[1] WANG Zhe, WANG Xin-nan, ZHU Zhi-shou. Characterization of high-temperature deformation behavior and processing map of TB17 titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 692: 149-154.

[2] 王哲, 王新南, 祝力伟, 朱知寿. TB17 钛合金等温时效析出行为[J]. 航空材料学报, 2016, 36(5): 1-6.

WANG Zhe, WANG Xin-nan, ZHU Li-wei, ZHU Zhi-shou. Isothermal aging precipitate of TB17 titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Aeronautical Materials, 2016, 36(5): 1-6.

[3] LAN C, WU Y, GUO L, CHEN H, CHEN F. Microstructure texture evolution and mechanical properties of room temperature rolled Ti-32.5Nb-6.8Zr-2.7Sn biomedical beta titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2018, 34: 788-792.

[4] MANDA P, NANDAM S R, CHAKKINGAL U, SINGH A K. Microstructure texture and mechanical properties of hot rolled metastable β-titanium alloy Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr[J]. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2015(2): 1118-1126.

[5] 刘全明, 张朝晖, 刘世锋, 杨海瑛, 赵福才, 鲁慧慧. 航空紧固件用钛合金TC16研究与发展[J]. 热加工工艺, 2014, 43(4): 17-19.

LIU Quan-ming, ZHANG Zhao-hui, LIU Shi-feng, YANG Hai-ying, ZHAO Fu-cai, LU Hui-hui. Research and development of titanium alloy TC16 for aviation fasteners[J]. Thermal Processing, 2014, 43(4): 17-19.

[6] LAN C, LI G, WU Y, GUO L, CHEN F. Effects of room temperature deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-35Nb-2Zr-0.3O alloy for biomedical applications[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2017, 27(7): 1537-1542.

[7] XU T, LI J, ZHANG F, WANG F, LIU X, FENG Y. Microstructure evolution during room temperature- deformation and aging response after annealing of TB8 Titanium alloy[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45(3): 575-580.

[8] 朱宝辉, 曾卫东, 陈 林, 胡晓晨. 固溶时效工艺对Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn钛合金棒材组织及性能的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2018, 28(4): 39-46.

ZHU Bao-hui, ZENG Wei-dong, CHEN Lin, HU Xiao-chen. Influences of solution and aging treatment process on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn titanium alloy rods[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2018, 28(4): 39-46.

[9] CHEN Y, DU Z, XIAO S, XU L, TIAN J. Effect of aging heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of a new β high strength titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 586: 588-592.

[10] MANTANI Y, TAKEMOTO Y, HIDA M, SAKAKIBARA A, TAJIMA M. Phase transformation of α" martensite structure by aging in Ti-8mass%Mo alloy[J]. Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, 2005, 69(4): 385-391.

[11] XIN S, ZHAO Y, LU Y, LI Q, YANG H. Role of grain boundaries in the high temperature performance of a highly stabilized beta titanium alloy I: Thermal stability[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A Structural Materials Properties Microstructure & Processing, 2013, 559(1): 7-13.

[12] WAN M, ZHAO Y, ZENG W, CAI G. Effects of cold pre-deformation on aging behavior and mechanical properties of Ti-1300 alloy [J]. Journal of Alloys& Compounds, 2015, 619: 383-388.

[13] XU T, LI J, ZHANG S, ZHANG F. Cold deformation behavior of the Ti-15Mo-3Al-2.7Nb-0.2Si alloy and its effect on α precipitation and tensile properties in aging treatment[J]. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2016, 682: 404-411.

[14] 陈 威, 姚姗姗, 刘若蕾, 孙巧艳, 肖 林, 孙 军. Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al 合金低温时效的相变行为及其对力学性能的影响[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2016, 45(7): 1726-1731.

CHEN Wei, YAO Shan-shan, LIU Ruo-lei, SUN Qiao-yan, XIAO Lin, SUN Jun. Phase transformation behavior and mechanical properties ofTi-10V-2Fe-3Al alloy subjected to low temperature aging[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45(7): 1726-1731.

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