


(中南大学 资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083)

摘 要:




中图分类号:X513         文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2012)01-0287-06

Aerodynamic measurement model of micro-particle adhesion force

ZHONG Jian, WU Chao, HUANG Rui

(School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract: Based on the current domestic and international research of micro-particle adhesion force measurement technology, the basic idea of micro-particle adhesion force measurement technology (removal technology) was analyzed and concluded. Three motion patterns (moving, sliding and rolling) of the micro-particle removed from the solid surface were analyzed. According to the related theory of the aerodynamics and the correlated characteristics of the micro-particle, the basic assumptions of the micro-particle adhesion force measurement model were made. Based on the assumptions, the aerodynamic measurement model of the micro-particle adhesion force was established. Those three motion patterns of the micro-particle removed from the solid surface were analyzed based on the aerodynamic measurement model, suggesting that the rolling pattern has the largest micro-particle adhesion force and is the most easily-occurring pattern when the micro-particle is removed from the solid surface. As for the rolling patterns, the measurement model was analyzed and simulated, using the visualization software-MATLAB. The maps of the relationships between the micro-particle adhesion forces and the parameters of the measurement model were drawn, respectively. At last, the micro-particle adhesion forces under the corresponding conditions were obtained.

Key words: micro-particle; adhesion; removal; measurement technology; aerodynamic model

人类的很多活动都会产生粉尘微颗粒,粉尘微颗粒污染普遍存在,几乎无孔不入,且威胁着人类的健康和安全,微颗粒已成为安全和环保领域的一个重要研究课题。随着人类科技水平的不断提高,研究可以不断地由宏观的经典力学向微观的黏附力学深入开展,对微颗粒黏附、清除、预防方面的研究也越来越受到关注。在国际上,《微颗粒测定、黏附与去除国际会议》每两年召开一次[1];而在国内,这方面还处于起步阶段。Hu等[2]运用静电场分离技术来测试带电微颗粒和室内地板材料之间的黏附力,在两平行电极板间加上静电场,静电分离的情况采用了电流计来监测,以微颗粒刚分离时产生的静电力来衡量黏附力;Salazar-Banda等[3]基于离心分离技术原理采用了微型离心管黏附力测试装置,测试了样品微颗粒与测试圆盘之间的黏附力,以微颗粒刚分离时产生的离心力来衡量黏附力;范建国等[4]采用光学束缚实验装置测试了样品微颗粒小球与蓝宝石玻璃表面的黏附力,基于激光分离技术原理以微颗粒刚分离时产生的脉冲光压力来衡量黏附力;Ripperger等[5]基于振动分离技术原理在垂直于衬底表面的方向上加了正弦振动,以微颗粒刚分离时产生的惯性力来衡量黏附力;Nicholas  等[6-8]采用显微操纵分离技术装置,以微颗粒刚分离时微型高精度操纵器的位移与微悬臂梁的弹性系数之积来衡量黏附力;柳冠青等[9-11]使用原子力显微镜 (AFM)测试装置,将带有样品微颗粒的探针与表面进行轻微的接触和分离,得到微悬臂梁的力与距离的曲线,以此来衡量黏附力。由此可知:当前在微颗粒黏附力测试技术的应用方面已取得一定的发展,但在测试模型基础理论方面的研究并不是很多。为此,本文作者试图从微颗粒黏附力测试模型基础理论出发,建立微颗粒黏附力测试的空气动力学模型,并对测试模型进行求解及可视化模拟分析,这将进一步丰富微颗粒黏附力测试模型基础理论,也将对微颗粒的清除和保洁具有一定的指导意义和应用价值。

1  微颗粒黏附力测试技术的基本思路



(1) 拉升模式:对于一个黏附在固体表面的微颗粒,当施加在微颗粒上的清除力沿黏附表面的法线方向时,而且该清除力(Fr)大于黏附力(Fad)时,黏附于固体表面的微颗粒可以通过拉升模式而从固体表面分离,即:

Fr>Fad                  (1)

(2) 滑动模式:当施加在微颗粒上的清除力沿固体表面方向,并且该清除力大于微颗粒与固体表面之间的静摩擦力(可以用黏附力来间接表示)时,微颗粒可以通过滑动模式而从固体表面分离,即:

Fr             (2)

(3) 滚动模式:当施加在微颗粒上的清除力矩(Mr)大于阻抗力矩(Ma可用黏附力来间接表示)时,微颗粒可以通过滚动模式而从固体表面分离,即:

Mr>Ma                 (3)

图1  微颗粒从固体表面清除的3种运动模式

Fig.1  Three movement patterns of micro-particle removed from solid surface

2  微颗粒黏附力测试的空气动力学模型

2.1  测试模型的基本假设条件


2.2  测试模型的建立
















图2  微颗粒黏附力测试的空气动力学模型图

Fig.2  Aerodynamic measurement model of micro-particle adhesion force

2.3  测试模型的求解



FL=Fad                  (10)


Fr=Ks(Fad-FL)               (11)


MD+Fr×lr+FL×a0=Fad×a0        (12)









在式(13)~(15)所测试的黏附力中,若按某组测试数据:ρ=1.205 kg/m3,μ=18.1×10-6 kg/(m·s)(标准状况下空气的物性参数[15]),u=8.3 m/s,x=0.02 m,dp=2 μm,Ks=0.01,a0/rp=0.01(可得lr=0.999 95rp),代入可得各模式下所测试的黏附力为:


Fad=1.244 4×10-12 N           (16)


Fad=5.101 6×10-10 N           (17)


Fad=8.860 2×10-10 N           (18)




将式(19)用MATLAB 7.1绘成曲线,如图3所示。图3中来流速度分别取位置A(8.3 m/s),B(12.1 m/s)和C(16.9 m/s),求得其对应的黏附力依次为:8.860 2× 10-10,1.559 6×10-9和2.574 3×10-9 N;若假设来流速度可以从0开始慢慢增大,即图3中的速度线可以在横坐标上移动,那么其所对应的黏附力线也会在纵坐标上相应的移动,则理论上分析可知:在来流速度逐渐增大的过程中,必然会有一个来流速度所对应的黏附力线达到该微颗粒黏附力而可以使微颗粒从固体表面清除,可用这个来流速度所对应的黏附力来表征该微颗粒黏附力。

图3  微颗粒黏附力Fad与来流速度的关系

Fig.3  Relationship between micro-particle adhesion force and current velocity



将式(20)用MATLAB 7.1绘成曲线,如图4所示。图4中粒径分别取4,6和8 μm,求得其对应的黏附力依次为:3.544 2×10-9,7.974 7×10-9和1.417 8× 10-8 N。由图4可知:在相同条件下,粒径越大其黏附力也越大。



图4  微颗粒黏附力Fad与粒径dp的关系

Fig.4  Relationship between micro-particle adhesion force and diameter

将式(21)用MATLAB 7.1绘成曲线,如图5所示。图5中距原点的距离分别取10,30和50 mm,求得其对应的黏附力依次为1.253 0×10-9,7.234 3×10-10 和5.603 7×10-10 N。由图5可知:在刚开始的一段距离内微颗粒黏附力随着距原点的距离增大而急剧减小,在之后其减小趋势比较缓慢。

图5  微颗粒黏附力Fad与距原点的距离x的关系

Fig.5  Relationship between micro-particle adhesion force and distance from origin




将式(22)用MATLAB 7.1绘制成三维图,如图6所示。由图6可知:随着来流速度和粒径的增加,微颗粒黏附力也随之增大,且在假设的条件下微颗粒黏附力的直观范围为:(0~8.3)×10-8 N。

图6  微颗粒黏附力Fad与来流速度、粒径dp的三维图

Fig.6  Three-dimensional map of micro-particle adhesion force, current velocity and distance from origin



将式(23)用MATLAB 7.1进行数据处理和可视化编程,生成一个动态的立体三维切片图,并借助色彩实现其四维表达[16],如图7所示。图7中切片的位置取来流速度为10 m/s、距原点的距离为30 mm和50 mm、粒径为5 μm;从图7可以看出大部分微颗粒的黏附力主要集中范围为:(0~1.5)×10-7 N。

图7  微颗粒黏附力与各参数关系的四维图

Fig.7  Four-dimensional map of relationship between micro-particle adhesion force and parameters

3  结论

(1) 由基于静电场分离、离心分离、激光分离、振动分离、显微操纵分离和原子力显微镜(AFM)分离的微颗粒黏附力测试技术的特点分析得出:微颗粒黏附力测试技术的基本思路为清除技术思路。并可根据微颗粒从固体表面清除的拉升、滑动和滚动3种运动模式对微颗粒黏附力测试模型进行分析。

(2) 根据建立的微颗粒黏附力测试的空气动力学模型求得各清除运动模式下所测试的微颗粒黏附力,可知微颗粒被清除时滚动模式最易发生。

(3) 就滚动模式绘制了微颗粒黏附力与测试模型中各参数之间的关系图,可知气流的来流速度越大、微颗粒的粒径越大、距原点的距离越小所测试的微颗粒黏附力就越大,并得到了相应条件下所测试的微颗粒黏附力的大小。


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(编辑 杨幼平)



通信作者:吴超(1957-),男,广东揭阳人,教授,博士生导师,从事安全与环境保护方面的研究;电话:0731-88876524;E-mail: wuchao@csu.edu.cn


[1] 夏长念, 吴超, 贺兵红. 微粒子黏附、清除和预防的研究成果综述[J]. 清洗世界, 2006, 22(12): 24-29.

[2] Hu B, Freihaut J D, Bahnfleth W P, et al. Measurements and factorial analysis of micro-sized particle adhesion force to indoor flooring materials by electrostatic detachment method[J]. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2008, 42(7): 513-520.

[3] Salazar-Banda G R, Felicetti M A, Gon?alves J A S, et al. Determination of the adhesion force between particles and a flat surface, using the centrifuge technique[J]. Powder Technology, 2007, 173: 107-117.

[4] 范建国, 夏宇兴. 微米颗粒黏附力的光学测量法[J]. 中国激光, 2003, 30(11): 1023-1026.

[5] Ripperger S, Hein K. Measurement of adhesion forces in air with the vibration method[J]. China Particuology, 2005, 3(1/2): 3-9.

[6] Nicholas J W, Dieker L E, Sloan E D, et al. Assessing the feasibility of hydrate deposition on pipeline walls-adhesion force measurements of clathrate hydrate particles on carbon steel[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2009, 331: 322-328.

[7] Taylor C J, Dieker L E, Miller K T, et al. Micromechanical adhesion force measurements between tetrahydrofuran hydrate particles[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2007, 306: 255-261.

[8] Dieker L E, Aman Z M, George N C, et al. Micromechanical adhesion force measurements between hydrate particles in hydrocarbon oils and their modifications[J]. Energy and Fuels, 2009, 23: 5966-5971.

[9] 柳冠青, 李水清, 姚强. 微米颗粒与固体表面相互作用AFM测量[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2009, 30(5): 803-806.LIU Guan-qing, LI Shui-qing, YA0 qiang. AFM measurement of the interaction between a micro-sized fiy ash particle and a substrate[J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophycics, 2009, 30(5): 803-806.

[10] Tanem B S, Lunder O, Borg A, et al. AFM adhesion force measurements on conversion coated EN AW-6082-T6 aluminium[J]. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2009, 29: 471-477.

[11] Rakotondrabe M, Rougeot P. Presentation and improvement of an AFM-based system for the measurement of adhesion forces[C]//Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. Bangalore, India, 2009: 585-590.

[12] Burdick G M, Berman N S, Beaudoin S P. Describing hydrodynamic particle removal from surfaces using the particle Reynolds number[J]. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2001, 3: 445-457.

[13] Burdick G M, Berman N S, Beaudoin S P. Hydrodynamic particle removal from surfaces[J]. Thin Solid Films, 2005, 488: 116-123.

[14] 朱克勤, 许春晓. 黏性流体力学[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2009: 94-100.ZHU Ke-qin, XU Chun-hui. Viscous hydromechanics[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2009: 94-100.

[15] 张学学, 李桂馥. 热工基础[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2000: 404.ZHANG Xue-xue, LI Gui-fu. Fundament of thermo- technology[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2000: 404.

[16] 李艳强. 微颗粒在表面的黏附力学及其可视化应用研究[D]. 长沙: 中南大学资源与安全工程学院, 2007: 31-33.LI Yan-qiang. Visual research on the mechanical models of micro-particle adhesion on the surface[D]. Changsha: Central South University. School of Resources and Safety Engineering, 2007: 31-33.