

谢正文1, 2,吴超2,李孜军2,阳富强2

(1. 中国计量学院 质量与安全工程学院,浙江 杭州,310018;

2. 中南大学 资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083)

摘 要:




中图分类号:X915.5         文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2012)05-1858-06

Evaluation on spontaneous combustion tendency of sulfide ores based on entropy and set pair analysis theory

XIE Zheng-wen1, 2, WU Chao2, LI Zi-jun2, YANG Fu-qiang2

 (1. College of Quality and Safety Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China;

2. School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract: The theories of entropy and set pair analysis were combined to establish a new model for evaluating spontaneous combustion tendency of sulfide ores. The oxidation increment of samples at ambient temperature, self-heating point, and self-ignition point were chosen as the basic evaluation indexes. The weight of each factor was determined from the avail value of data reflected by the entropy, and the subjective problems were avoided. The expression formula of connection degree between every sample and the appraisal criterion was obtained. Based on the relationship between the test values of evaluation factors and different levels of the standard threshold, the samples were ranked through the identity, difference and antagonism of set pair analysis. Then the index connection degree and comprehensive connection degree were obtained, and the samples were further classified. Spontaneous combustion tendency of 10 samples from a typical metal mine was evaluated by this new model. It is shown that the evaluation results are consistent with the factual, so this method is effective and objective for evaluating sponataneous combustion tendency of sulfide ores.

Key words: sulfide ores; spontaneous combustion tendency; entropy weight; set pair analysis

硫化矿石破碎后表面积增大,堆放在潮湿空气中将发生化学反应并放出热量,在一定的外界条件下极易引发自燃火灾[1-2]。矿井火灾的发生会诱发一系列的安全与环境问题,同时造成矿物资源的巨大浪费[3-4]。由于矿产资源的需求量日益增加,矿山开采深度必将加大,深井开采的高温现象可能导致矿山硫化矿石自燃事故的频发。因此,开展硫化矿石自燃倾向性判定工作是保证新建矿山实现安全、高效开采的前提。随着硫化矿石自燃灾害的日益突出,研究人员在近几年发明多种新的判定硫化矿石自燃倾向性的方法,例如Navarra等[5]利用M?ssbauer技术测试矿样中的磁黄铁矿含量是否高于10%;李萍等[6]提出硫化矿自燃倾向性判定的绝热氧化测试法;赵军等[7]采用程序升温氧化法测定矿样在氧化中的总吸氧量和自热起始温度2个指标的综合效果来进行判定;中南大学先后采取综合指标测试法、金属网篮交叉点温度法以及TG/DSC联合测试法等[8]。在诸多方法中,比较成熟且应用较广的是综合指标测试法进行测定,所测定的指标一般包括矿样中各种矿物的成分及含量、矿样的含硫量、矿样的吸氧速度常数(低温氧化增重率)、矿样中的Fe2+与Fe3+总含量、矿样的自热点以及自燃点等[1, 8]。由于只是对各项指标的测试结果进行简单排序,并未考虑各个指标的权重,使得该方法在判定矿样的自燃倾向性中仍带有一定程度的主观性。为对硫化矿石的自燃倾向性进行客观评价,有研究者提出硫化矿石爆堆自燃危险性评价的火灾爆炸指数法[9]、未确知测度模型[10]等;这些方法在进行综合判定中涉及到的测定指标较多,使得评价过程过于繁琐。集对分析作为一种新的不确定性分析理论,已在水质综合判定、堤防工程安全评价、施工系统稳定性分析以及投资决策等领域得到广泛应用[11-12],并取得较好的效果。本文作者选取决定硫化矿石自燃倾向性的关键测试指标,利用信息熵理论确定各个指标的权重,建立硫化矿石自燃倾向性综合判定的集对分析模型并进行实例应用。

1  集对分析理论概述


          集对是由相互关联的2个集合所组成的对子。设集合A和B构成集对 H=(A, B),在某个具体的问题背景W下,对集对H的N个特性展开分析。其中,有S个为集对H中的A和B所共有,P个为集合A和B相对立,其余 F=N-S-P个特性关系不确定;则2个集合的联系度μ由式(1)[11-12]表示:


其中:S/N为A和B这2集合的同一度,记为a;F/N为2个集合的差异度,记为b;P/N为对立度,记为c;i为差异标记,在[-1, 1]区间视情况取不同值;j为对立度系数,取值-1;i, j可以只起标记作用;满足a+b+c=1。

由式(1)可知,联系度μ反映了同一、差异和对立3者之间的联系。i=1时,差异度转化为同一度;i=-1时,转化为对立度;i在[-1, 1]区间取值时,同一与对立各占一定比例。运用该理论可以描述随机、模糊和灰色等不确定系统。

2  硫化矿石自燃倾向性综合判定的集对分析

2.1  自燃倾向性判定因子的确定






参照文献[10],将硫化矿石的自燃倾向性判定等级划分为A,B,C和D 4个级别,分别表示自燃倾向性极大、自燃倾向性大、自燃倾向性一般和自燃倾向性小(见表1)。

表1  硫化矿石自燃倾向性综合判定的分级标准

Table 1  Indexes grade classification of spontaneous combustion tendency of sulfide ores

2.2  基于熵权的集对分析模型



R=(rst)m×n (s=1, 2, …, m; t=1, 2, …, n)      (4)






(s=1, 2, …, m; t=1, 2, …, n)         (6)

为保证ln fst始终有意义,对fst进行修正,见式(7)。







就某个矿样s而言,通过比较中a,b和c的相对大小来确定其自燃倾向性等级;具体参照如下判定准则[17, 19]

max[a, b, c]=b时,归为Ⅱ级;

max[a, b, c]=a,且a+b≥0.7时,判为Ⅰ级,否则归为Ⅱ级;

max[a, b, c]=c,且b+c≥0.7,则判为Ⅲ级,否则归为Ⅱ级;

max[a, b, c]=c,且c≥0.7,则判为Ⅳ级。

3  工程实例


表2  待判矿样的主要化学成分及判定因子测试值

Table 2  Chemical compositions and test results for different samples


依据式(5)~(8),计算出常温氧化增重率、自热点、自燃点3项指标的熵值H3=(0.985 21,0.988 57,0.986 19),进一步获得各个指标对应的权重W3=(0.369 47,0.285 54,0.344 99)。


表3  各个矿样的联系度

Table 3  Connection degree of each sample


文献[20]初步建立了硫化矿石自燃倾向性的分级标准,即将矿样划分为易自燃(Ⅰ)、易自热不易自燃(Ⅱ)、无自热自燃(Ⅲ) 3大类,并依据各个指标的测试值将该10个矿样进行了综合排序。由表4可知:1号、2号、6号和10号矿样的自燃倾向性为A级(危险性极大),这与综合测试排序结果Ⅰ级相吻合;表明这些矿样所在的矿体在开采中应引起重视,比如投入部分资金以采取相应的防灭火措施。8号矿样的自燃倾向性等级为B级,即危险性大,这与该矿样的自热点、自燃点均较低的实际情况比较相符合;而综合测试排序结果简单划为Ⅱ级,重视程度不够。3号、4号、5号、7号和9号矿样的自燃倾向性同归为C级(危险性一般),对应综合测试排序法的结果Ⅱ级;由于硫化矿石发生自燃的危险性还与井下环境、采矿方法、现场管理等外界因素密切联系,因此在生产中仍要引起  注意。

表4  矿样的指标联系度、综合联系度和评价结果

Table 4  Index connection degree, comprehensive connection degree for each sample and evaluation results


4  结论

(1) 硫化矿石自燃倾向性的综合判定工作是一项系统工程,影响判定结果的因素表现出诸多不确定性。以矿样的常温氧化增重率、自热点、自燃点作为基本判别因子,计算出各个矿样与判别因子之间的联系度;进一步对具体测试值与判别标准做了同一、差异、对立的集对分析,获得指标联系度、综合联系度,最终确定了各个矿样的自燃倾向性等级。

(2) 在计算各项判定指标的权重过程中引入熵值理论,依据信息熵反映实测数据的效用值获得氧化增重率、自热点、自燃点3个因子的权重分别为0.369 47,0.285 54和0.344 99,避免了以往确定指标权重的主观性,更加符合客观实际。

(3) 运用该方法对采自国内某典型矿山的10个代表性矿样的自燃倾向性进行了判定,所得结果与综合测试排序法给出的评价结果比较一致,或者更加客观。该方法应用简便,逻辑性强,为硫化矿石自燃倾向性的综合判定提供了一种新思路。


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[16] 阳富强, 吴超, 李孜军, 等. 基于距离判别分析理论的硫化矿石自燃倾向性等级划分[J]. 煤炭学报, 2010, 35(12): 2111-2115.
YANG Fu-qiang, WU Chao, LI Zi-jun, et al. Grade classification of spontaneous combustion tendency for sulfide ores based on distance discrim inant analysis theory[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2010, 35(12): 2111-2115.

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ZHANG Xian-qi, LIANG Chuan, LIU Hui-qing. Application of attribute recognition model based on coefficient of entropy to comprehensive evaluation of groundwater quality[J]. Journal of Sichuan University: Engineering Science Edition, 2005, 37(3): 28-31.

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LI Zi-jun. Key technique research on spontaneous combustion mechanism and prevention of sulfide ores[D]. Changsha: Central South University. School of Resources and Safety Engineering, 2007: 58-94.

(编辑 邓履翔)



通信作者:谢正文(1981-),男,湖南湘潭人,博士,讲师,从事火灾安全及防护技术研究;电话:13466583286;E-mail: xiezhengwen@126.com


[1] 吴超, 孟廷让. 高硫矿井内因火灾防治理论与技术[M]. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 1995: 4-49.WU Chao, MENG Ting-rang. Theory and technology of the spontaneous combustion control of sulfide ores in mines[M]. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press, 1995: 4-49.

[2] 阳富强, 吴超, 吴国珉, 等. 硫化矿石堆自燃预测预报技术[J]. 中国安全科学学报, 2007, 17(5): 89-95.YANG Fu-qiang, WU Chao, WU Guo-min, et al. Prediction and forecast techniques of spontaneous combustion of sulfide ore piles[J]. China Safety Science Journal, 2007, 17(5): 89-95.

[3] YANG Fu-qiang, WU Chao, HU Han-hua, et al. Fire-extinguishing techniques research on spontaneous combustion of a sulfide iron ore dump in mining stope[C]// Progress in Safety Science and Technology. Beijing: Science Press, 2008: 869-874.

[4] WU Chao, LI Zi-jun, YANG Fu-qiang, et al. Risk forecast of spontaneous combustion of sulfide ore dump in a stope and controlling approaches of the fire[C]//Proceedings of the 21st World Mining Congress. Polish Acad Science,2008, 53(4): 565-579.

[5] Navarra A, Graham J T, Somot S, et al. M?ssbauer quantification of pyrrhotite in relation to self-heating[J]. Minerals Engineering, 2010, 23: 652-658.

[6] 李萍, 叶威, 张振华, 等. 硫化亚铁自然氧化倾向性的研究[J]. 燃烧科学与技术, 2004, 10(2): 168-170.LI Ping, YE Wei, ZHANG Zhen-hua, et al. Investigation of natural oxidation tendency for ferrous sulfide[J]. Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 2004, 10(2): 168-170.

[7] 赵军, 张兴凯, 王云海. 硫化矿石自燃倾向性鉴定技术研究[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2009, 5(6): 105-109.ZHAO Jun,ZHANG Xing-kai,WANG Yun-hai. Study on appraisal technique of sulf-ores spontaneous combustion tendency[J]. Journal of Safety Science and Technology, 2009, 5(6): 105-109.

[8] 阳富强, 吴超, 李孜军, 等. 硫化矿石自燃倾向性测试方法研究进展[J]. 科技导报, 2011, 29(21):73-79.YANG Fu-qiang, WU Chao, LI Zi-jun, et al. The test methods for assessing spontaneous combustion tendency of sulfide ores[J]. Science and Technology Review, 2011, 29(21):73-79.

[9] 夏长念, 吴超. 采场硫化矿石爆堆自燃危险性评价研究[J]. 火灾科学, 2005, 15(2): 106-110.XIA Chang-nian, WU Chao. Study of risk assessment technique for evaluating the spontaneous combustion of sulfide ores in mining stope[J]. Fire Safety Science, 2005, 15(2): 106-110.

[10] 阳富强, 吴超. 基于未确知测度理论的硫化矿石爆堆自燃危险性评价[J]. 中南大学学报: 自然科学版, 2010, 41(6): 2373-2380.YANG Fu-qiang, WU Chao. Risk assessment on spontaneous combustion of sulfide ore dump in stope based on uncertainty measurement theory[J]. Journal of Central South University: Science and Technology, 2010, 41(6): 2373-2380.

[11] 高军省, 高绣纺, 潘红忠. 基于集对分析理论的水安全评价方法研究[J]. 长江大学学报: 自然科学版, 2009, 6(3): 44-47.GAO Jun-sheng, GAO Xiu-fang, PAN Hong-zhong. Research on the assessment method of water security by set pair analysis[J]. Journal of Yangtze University: Nat Sci Edit, 2009, 6(3): 44-47.

[12] Su M R, Yang Z F, Chen B. Set pair analysis for urban ecosystem health assessment[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009, 14(4): 1773-1780.

[13] 赵克勤, 宣爱理. 集对论: 一种新的不确定性理论与应用[J]. 系统工程, 1996, 14(1): 18-23.ZHAO Ke-qin, XUAN Ai-li. Set pair theory: A new theory method of non-define and its applications[J]. System Engineering, 1996, 14(1): 18-23.

[14] WU Chao, LI Zi-jun. A simple method for predicting the spontaneous combustion potential of sulfide ores at ambient temperature[J]. Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy A, 2005, 114(2): 125-128.

[15] WU Chao, LI Zi-jun, ZHOU Bo. Correlations among factors of sulfide ores in oxidation process at ambient temperature[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2004, 14(1): 175-179.

[16] 阳富强, 吴超, 李孜军, 等. 基于距离判别分析理论的硫化矿石自燃倾向性等级划分[J]. 煤炭学报, 2010, 35(12): 2111-2115.YANG Fu-qiang, WU Chao, LI Zi-jun, et al. Grade classification of spontaneous combustion tendency for sulfide ores based on distance discrim inant analysis theory[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2010, 35(12): 2111-2115.

[17] ZHAO Xiao-liang, QI Qing-jie, LI Rui-feng. The establishment and application of fuzzy comprehensive model with weight based on entropy technology for air quality assessment[J]. Procedia Engineering, 2010, 7: 217-222.

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