


(南京航空航天大学 江苏省精密与微细制造技术重点实验室, 江苏 南京,210016)

摘 要:




中图分类号:V232.9;TH131.4       文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2013)05-1822-07

Analysis of fretting frictional contact parameters of aviation involute spline couplings

HU Zhenggen, ZHU Rupeng, JIN Guanghu, NI De

(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Precision and Micro-Manufacturing Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China)

Abstract: Based on the finite element method, the frictional contact property of aviation involute spline couplings was analyzed, the contact stress and relative slip distributions of aviation involute spline couplings were obtained, and the influence of contact length, wall thickness of spline and friction coefficient on contact characteristics of spline couplings was considered. The results show that the contact stress and relative slip distributions of involute spline couplings are uneven, and the value of the end is relatively larger. Increasing the contact length cannot increase the carrying capacity, and the ratio of contact length and spline pitch circle diameter cannot be larger than 1.2, with the optimal ratio being 0.5. With the decrease of spline wall thickness, the contact stress and relative slip of the end increase. Friction coefficient is negligible to contact stress, but is inversely proportional to relative slip.

Key words: spline; finite element method; fretting friction; contact parameters; contact stress; relative slip


1  渐开线花键副有限元模型

1.1  花键副几何模型

花键副的精确建模对微动摩擦接触分析的准确性至关重要。本文使用的模型是基于VB.net对CATIA二次开发得到,齿面精度能满足分析要求,齿廓参数参照GB/T 3478.1—2008。图1所示为典型的圆齿根花键副几何模型[1],内花键为主动轴,外花键为从动轴,外花键和内花键的齿侧间隙为0;x方向沿外花键接触面,z方向为花键副的轴向方向。模型计算参数及材料属性如表1所示。图1中:Db为外花键内孔直径;Do为内花键轴径;D为分度圆直径;a1为轴向接触长度;a2为径向接触宽度;T为施加扭矩。

表1  渐开线花键副模型参数

Table 1  Parameters of involute spline couplings

图1  典型花键副几何模型

Fig.1  Geometry model of typical spline couplings

1.2  花键副有限元模型

将CATIA中的几何模型导入ANSYS workbench13.0,实现无缝连接,获得有限元分析几何模型。由于摩擦接触分析属非线性问题,需消耗大量的计算资源,为节省计算资源,提高计算精度,取1对齿啮合进行分析,用循环对称边界条件得到花键副全齿应力图。网格密度对有限元分析结果精度的影响较大,需对其进行试算。首先,采用一定的网格密度进行计算,而后在接触区域细化网格。多次试算后,若计算结果差异很小,则表明计算结果收敛。图2所示为经过网格试算的花键副有限元模型。从图2可见:当单元总数为44 300,节点总数为202 548时,计算结果趋于收敛。

图2  花键副有限元模型

Fig.2  Finite element model of typical spline couplings

1.3  边界条件与接触设置

1.3.1  边界条件


1.3.2  接触设置

花键副的接触属于弹性体之间的面–面接触问题。接触面和目标面选取很重要,若选择不当会引起穿透量过大,影响求解精度。在一般情况下,当凸面和平面或凹面接触时,应指定凹面或平面为目标面,因此,花键副的内花键齿面设定为目标面。2个接触表面之间穿透量取决于法向接触刚度,需要确定接触物体的法向接触刚度。若法向接触刚度过大,则会增加求解的收敛次数,可能导致结果不收敛;若法向接触刚度过小,则接触面之间的节点穿透量过大,造成接触模型不稳定,导致分析结果错误。基于以上因素,本文先使用小的法向接触刚度系数,而后逐步增大法向接触刚度系数,直到前、后2次的分析结果相差很小为止,从而确定最佳法向接触刚度系数。经过0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 1.1共5种法向接触刚度系数的计算结果比较,当法向接触刚度系数为1.0时可以得到较好结果。非线性摩擦接触问题的算法主要有增广拉格朗日法和罚函数法,经计算比较发现:这2种方法的计算结果几乎相同。综合考虑计算时间及精度,本文采用增广拉格朗日法对花键副非线性摩擦接触进行分析。


图3 花键副接触应力和相对滑移分布云图

Fig.3  Contact pressure and relative slip maps of spline couplings

2  计算结果与分析

为考察接触应力和相对滑移分布规律及其影响因数,对接触应力p、相对滑移δ、轴向接触位置z、径向接触位置x、接触长度a1、外花键内孔直径Db进行无量纲处理。其中接触应力相对于平均接触应力pc,相对滑移和径向接触位置相对于径向接触宽度a2,轴向接触位置相对于轴向接触长度a1,接触长度和外花键内孔直径相对于分度圆直径D。pc=15.838 MPa,a2=2.887 mm。

2.1  接触应力及相对滑移分布




2.2  接触长度的影响


图4  花键副接触应力和相对滑移分布

Fig.4  Contact pressure and relative slip distributions of spline couplings


2.3  花键壁厚的影响



图5  接触长度对接触应力和相对滑移的影响

Fig.5  Effect of contact length on contact pressure and relative slip

2.4  摩擦因素的影响


图6  外花键内孔直径对接触应力和相对滑移的影响

Fig.6  Effects of bore diameter of external spline on contact pressure and relative slip

图7  摩擦因素对接触应力和相对滑移的影响

Fig.7  Effect of friction coefficient on contact pressure and relative slip

3  结论

(1) 外花键靠近输出轴的端面接触应力和相对滑移达到最大值,微动磨损严重,因此,齿向修形将会改善花键副接触应力和相对滑移的端面集中现象。

(2) 花键副接触长度对花键副接触应力和相对滑移的影响较大,在保证强度的条件下,应尽量取较小的接触长度,使得 a1/D<1.2。

(3) 花键壁厚会影响花键副接触特性,壁厚越小,端面接触应力及相对滑移增大,但对接触齿面的中部影响较小。

(4) 接触区域摩擦因素对接触应力没有影响,但对相对滑移影响较大。


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(编辑  陈灿华)



通信作者:朱如鹏(1959-),男,江苏建湖人,教授,博士生导师,从事机械传动、结构强度、机械CAD 及自动化研究;电话:025-84892500;E-mail: rpzhu@nuaa.edu.cn


[1] 布尔加科林夫. 航空齿轮传动和减速器手册[M]. 常春江, 等, 译. 北京: 航空工业出版社, 1988: 199-203.

[2] Kececiogulu D, Koharcheck A. Reliability of aircraft splines with or without a wear induction period[J]. Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress and Reliability in Design, 1983, 105(2): 163-170.

[3] Leen S B, Mccoll I R, Ratsimba C H H, et al. Fatigue life prediction for a barrelled spline coupling under torque overload[J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2003, 217(3): 123-142.

[4] Leen S B, Hyde T R, Williams E J, et al. Development of a representative test specimen for frictional contact in spline joint couplings[J]. Journal of Strain Analysis, 2000, 35(6): 521-544.

[5] Leen S B, Richardson I J, Mccoll I R, et al. Macroscopic fretting variables in a splined coupling under combined torque and axial load[J]. Journal of Strain Analysis, 2001, 36(5): 481-497.

[6] Leen S B, Hyde T H, Ratsimba C H H, et al. An investigation of the fatigue and fretting performance of a representative aero-engine splined coupling[J]. Journal of Strain Analysis, 2002, 37(6): 565-583.

[7] Madge J J, Leen S B, Shipway P H. A combined wear and crack nucleation–propagation methodology for fretting fatigue prediction[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2008, 30(9): 1509-1528.

[8] Ratsimba C H H, Mccoll I R, Williams E J, et al. Measurement, analysis and prediction of fretting wear damage in a representative aero-engine spline coupling[J]. Wear, 2004, 257(11): 1193-1206.

[9] Hyde T H, Leen S B, Mccoll I R. A simplified fretting test methodology for complex shaft couplings[J]. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineer Materials and Structures, 2005, 28(11): 1047-1067.

[10] Ku P M, Valtierra M L. Spline wear-effects of design and lubrication[J]. Journal of Engineering for Industry, 1975, 97(B4): 1257-1263.

[11] Valtierra M L, Pakvis A, Ku P M. Spline wear in jet fuel environment[J]. Lubric Eng, 1975, 31(3): 136-142.

[12] Ding J, Mccoll I R, Leen S B. The application of fretting wear modelling to a spline coupling[J]. Wear, 2007, 262(9/10): 1205-1216.

[13] Ding J, Leen S B, Williams E J, et al. Finite element simulation of fretting wear-fatigue interaction in spline couplings[J]. Tribology-Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2008, 2(1): 10-24.

[14] Mccoll I R, Ding J, Leen S B. Finite element simulation and experimental validation of fretting wear[J]. Wear, 2004, 256(11/12): 1114-1127.

[15] Mccoll I R, Waterhouse R B, Harris S J, et al. Lubricated fretting wear of a high-strength eutectoid steel rope wire[J]. Wear, 1995, 185(1/2): 203-212.

[16] Wei S S, Williams J W, Leen S B. Finite element, critical-plane, fatigue life prediction of simple and complex contact configurations[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2005, 27(4): 403-416.

[17] Ding J, Leen S B, Mccoll I R. The effect of slip regime on fretting wear-induced stress evolution[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2004, 26(5): 521-531.

[18] Medina S, Olver A V. Regimes of contact in spline couplings[J]. Journal of Tribology, 2002, 124(2): 351-357.

[19] Medina S, Olver A V. An analysis of misaligned spline couplings[J]. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2002, 216(5): 269-278.

[20] 陈卓, 朱如鹏. 航空发动机渐开线花键强度分析[J]. 机械工程与自动化, 2009, 155(4): 90-92.

[21] 韩晓娟. 挠性花键联接的强度计[J]. 燕山大学学报, 2001, 25(1): 45-46.

[22] 周仲荣, Vincent L. 微动磨损[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2002: 140-142.

[23] 周仲荣, 朱旻昊. 复合微动磨损[M]. 上海: 上海交通大学出版社, 2004: 142-144.