: 219-228. [13] 贺永东, 张新明, 游江海. 复合添加微量铬,锰,钛,锆对Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金组织与性能的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2005, 15(12):1917-1924. HE Yongdong, ZHANG Xinming, YOU Jianghai. Effect of minor Cr, Mn, Ti and Zr on microstructure...DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2019.12.004 微量Mn对Al-Zn-Mg-Zr合金板材组织与断裂韧性的影响 陈景超1, 2,柴文茹1, 2,汪庆1, 2,杨臻珅1, 2,刘胜胆1, 2, 3,叶凌英1, 2, 3,唐建国1, 2, 3 (1. 中南大学 材料科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083; 2. 中南大学 有色金属材料科学与工程教育部重点实验室......
文章编号: 1004-0609(2005)06-0917-06 Mn, Zr对Mg-Gd-Y合金组织与力学性能的影响 彭卓凯, 张新明, 陈健美, 肖 阳, 蒋 浩, 邓桢桢 (中南大学 材料科学与工程学院, 长沙 410083) 摘 要: 研究了微量Mn, Zr对Mg-13%Gd和Mg-9%Gd-4%Y合金铸态和挤压后的微观组织及力学性能的影响. 结果表明: 在铸态, 含Zr合金的晶粒明显小于不含Zr的合金, 而Mn对合金的铸态显微组织影响不大; 将Mg-9%Gd-4%Y-0.6%Mn和Mg-9%Gd-4%Y-0.6%Zr合金挤压后, 都可以得到非常细小均匀的等轴晶, 晶粒尺寸约14μm; 这两个合金在挤压时效态(T5)的力学性能都明显优于WE54合金的, 且Mg-9%Gd-4%Y-0.6%Zr合金比Mg-9%Gd-4%Y-0.6......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2018) 25: 1340-1349 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-018-3830-8 Effect of ageing temperature on precipitation of Al–Cu–Li–Mn–Zr alloy DENG Yan-jun(邓燕君), HUANG Guang-jie(黄光杰..., Chongqing 400044, China Central South University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018 Abstract: The precipitation behaviors of an Al–Cu–Li–Mn–Zr alloy at different ageing......
of the high-Mn tube allowed room temperature precipitation of fine Mn-rich particles, which increased the cathodic reactivity of that region by providing more cathodic sites, and increased the susceptibility to pitting by removing noble Mn from solid solution. Such an effect was not observed for the low-Mn alloy. Key words: cold deformation; Mn precipitation; aluminium tube alloy 1 Introduction......
, reaction time is 2.5 h. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that the products of oxidation-precipitation are Fe3O4 and α-FeOOH, in which the content of Fe is 52.73%. Then the residual Mn is 1.15 mg/L... h后过滤,在60 ℃下烘干滤渣. 1.1.4 氢氧化钠沉淀锰 在除铁废水中加入氢氧化钠溶液调节pH至一定值,反应30 min后过滤得到锰渣. 根据实验步骤,其工艺流程图如图1所示. 图1 酸性矿山废水中锌铁锰分离及回收工艺流程 Fig.1 Process of separation and recovery of Zn, Fe and Mn......
C和Mn元素配分行为对冷轧中锰TRIP钢组织性能的影响田亚强,黎旺,宋进英,魏英立,董福涛,陈连生华北理工大学教育部现代冶金技术重点实验室摘 要:采用冷轧+两相区温轧退火(CR+WR+IA)热处理工艺,研究了两相区退火时间对超细晶铁素体与奥氏体中组织形貌演变,C和Mn元素配分行为以及力学性能的影响.结果表明... MPa,断后伸长率及均匀伸长率分别为23.6%和18.1%,强塑积达到26.928 GPa·%.关键词:中锰TRIP钢;温轧;C,Mn配分;超细晶;力学性能;......
W-Ni-Fe-Co (Mn) 系重合金中锰的作用机制研究 郭丽颖1,彭军2,李慧3,李严冬4,金琼5,刘子瑜3 (1.齐齐哈尔127厂;2.重庆456厂;3.内蒙古金属材料研究所,包头014034;4.包头商检局;5.牡丹江121厂) 摘要:通过锰的加入量的变化对93W-Ni-Fe-Co合金力学性能的影响; 以及对合金中钨颗粒和粘结相的含量与组成, 合金的显微及断口形貌, 锰及氧,硫的分布状态以及它们间所形成夹杂物的类型,结构,尺寸,形态与分布等的系统研究, 探讨了锰在W-Ni-Fe-Co (Mn) 系重合金中的作用机制. 关键词:W-Ni-Fe-Co; (Mn); 系重合金; 锰氧硫的分布及其夹杂物; 晶界净化; 锰的作用机制; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
:On the basis of the thermodynamic calculation of precipitation and considering the effect of strain on the precipitation behavior and chemical composition (Si and Mn), the kinetics of precipitation...MODELING OF STRAIN-INDUCED PRECIPITATION KINETICS IN Nb MICROALLOYED STEELS D. Wu1,C.M. Li2,X.G. Zhou1,Z.Li3,Z.Y. Liu1 (1.State Key Lab. of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang......
或氧化物[4].湿法回收操作条件较火法冶金温和,并且金属回收率高,产物杂质少,成为目前国内外的研究热点[10].针对三元材料有价金属浸取主要方法是酸浸法.无机酸能解离出氢离子,表现出较强的酸性,对Li,Co,Mn,Ni具有较强的浸取效果.常用的无机酸浸取剂主要是盐酸(HCl)[11],硫酸(H2SO4)[12-14],硝酸(HNO3)[15-17]等.钴,锂,镍,锰等金属均以离子形式存在于浸出液中...;Route design of cobalt-nickel-manganese-lithium precipitation separation process 图2 沉淀物提纯工艺图 Fig. 2 Diagram of precipitate purification process 2 结果与讨论 2.1 用草酸铵沉淀法从钴镍锰锂中分离钴 在含有钴......
, and consequently, Mn(OH)2 can contaminate the manganese carbonate product. Hence, the formation of Mn(OH)2 should be avoided and the solution pH value of 7.0-7.5 is adequate for the carbonate precipitation... in Table 2. As indicated in Table 2, the Mn precipitation rates with three feeding methods are similar while the contents of Ca and Mg in the carbonate product are greatly different. The obtained products......