) Abstract:Forty-three phase diagrams of ternary system concerning rare earth salts, α-amino acids and water, which were constructed by phase equilibrium methods, were expounded. The influences of the factors such as cations, anions, the structure of amino acids, temperature on the phase diagrams were discussed. Under the guidance of phase equilibrium results, over 150 new solid complexes were......
: O642.4
文献标识码: A
Phase equilibrium and properties of
Mn2+-NH+4-SO2-4-H2O system
PENG Chang-hong1, MU Si-guo1, CHEN Yi-feng2, TANG Mo-tang1
(1. School of Metallurgical Science and Engineering... with the experimental results.
Key words: salt-water system; solubility; phase equilibrium
system. The mole fraction of La in T-phase is about 8%, and that of Zn is from 16% to 43%. There exist a two-phase equilibrium which consists of T-phase plus hcp-Mg and a three-phase equilibrium which...[7-8], though it will reduce the ambient temperature strength to a certain extent.
The phase equilibrium of Mg-Zn-RE system is the basic information for alloys preparation, and the compounds......Isothermal section of Mg-Zn-La system in Mg-rich corner at 400 ℃
来源: 《中国有色金属学报(英文版)2007年增刊第1期》——黄明丽 李洪晓 任玉平 丁桦 郝士明 陈辉
phase and equilibrium phase were analyzed. The simulation results indicate that nonstoichiometric L10 pre-precipitation phase formed first, and then would gradually transform into L12 equilibrium... was higher and interatomic potential was smaller than that of L12 equilibrium phase. Therefore, it is concluded that L10 phase was unstable, and phase transformation would occur to L12 which was more......
technique (SHTT) and high temperature equilibrium technique were combined to investigate the phase diagram of the CaO-SiO2-5%MgO-20%Al2O3-TiO2 system. The 1300 °C to 1500 °C liquidus lines... results, the phase diagram is constructed for the specified region of the CaO-SiO2-5%MgO-20%Al2O3-TiO2 system. Key words: phase diagram; liquidus; equilibrium; TiO2; single hot thermocouple technique......
Phase Equilibrium of Ternary Systems LaX3-C18H16N3O2Cl-H2O梁宏斌,王文林,胡道道,张卫平摘 要:Antipyrineandsomeofitsderivativescanbeusedinsynergisticextractionoftherareearthions.Someoftheirrareearthcomplexesshowthelumin...关键词:......
图分类号:TQ 02;TF 801.2 文献标识码:A Element potential method and its application for multi-phase equilibrium calculation WANG... calculation of multi-phase reaction system in metallurgical and chemical fields, the element potential method for multi-phase equilibrium calculation was deducted based on the least Gibbs function principle......
electron microscopy. The results show that two ternary compounds T1 and T2 can be in equilibrium with the Mg-based solid solution in Mg-Zn-Ca system. T1 phase is a linear compound...; ternary compound; structure; composition; phase equilibrium 1 Introduction Alloying is the most effective method to modify the microstructures and properties of the structural Mg-based alloys. Zn......