Calculation of free energy of Al-Cu-Li alloy under electric field ZHANG Jian-jun(张建军)1, WANG Yong-xin(王永欣)1, CHEN Zheng(陈 铮)1, 2, LIU Bing(刘 兵)1 1. School of Materials Science and Engineering...; Abstract: Based on Thomas-Fermi model, the interior potential boundary condition with the effect of electric field was defined, the calculation method of free energy for atom cluster under......
Effect of surface free energy of ceramic glaze on oil droplet shape and its behavior in water LIANG Jin-sheng(梁金生), MENG Jun-ping(孟军平), LIANG Guang-chuan(梁广川), WANG Li-juan(王丽娟), ZHANG Jin...-hydrophilic functional ceramic was prepared by adjusting the chemical components of ceramic glaze. Effect of surface free energy of ceramic glaze on oil droplet shape and its behavior in water were......
of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract:The surface free energy (SFE) of (1× 1)-surfaces of crystals, without reconstructionand adsorption..., respectively. Key words:surface free energy; crystal; geometrical thermodynamics; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
engine (HFPE) were introduced. The basic vibration equation of free piston assembly (FPA) was established based upon the energy conversion between the injected fuel and the friction together...Asymmetric vibration characteristics of two-cylinder four-stroke single-piston hydraulic free piston engineREN Hao-ling(任好玲), XIE Hai-bo(谢海波), YANG Hua-yong(杨华勇), GUO Jian-fei(郭剑飞) (State Key......
Gibbs Free Energy of Formation of 3Y2O3·5Al2O3徐秀光,王常珍,涂赣峰摘 要:<正> Thermodynamic properties of 3Y2O3·5Al2O3double compound have been determined... is;3Y2O3(s)+SAl2O3(s)=3Y2O3·SAl2O3(s)The following result is obtained:AfG°(3Y2O3·5Al2O3)=-939500+765.90T±710J/molwhere,△fG°(3Y2O3·5Al2O3)is the free energyof formation of 3Y2O3·5Al2O3 from Y2O3......
Standard Gibbs Free Energy of Formation of Zirconium Oxysulphides隋智通,肖兴义,黄克勤,王常珍摘 要:<正> 1.IntroductionThe chemistry of rare earthoxysulphides is well known [1-5] and theyhave extensive technological applications,but the d-transition metal oxysulphides wasnot known until recently [6-9].Therefore,itis necessary to study the thermodynamicproperties......
, and the dynamic process of rock breaking under the free surface was studied including stressed zone, crush zone, crack initiation and propagation. Then the crack propagation conditions, specific energy, etc... an important role to the macro crack propagation when rock is broken by the disc cutter under the free surface. Figure 7 Variation of cutting force with penetration 3.1.4 Energy consumption The energy......
Calculation of electric field effects on the Gibbs free energy of the Al-Li-Mg alloyZHANG Jianjun,CHEN Zheng,WANG Yongxin,LIU Bing,and LI Yongsheng School of Materials Science and Engineering,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China摘 要:Based on the Thomas-Fermi model,the calculation methods of the monatomic Gibbs free energy were found......
Study on the Surface Free Energy of Ground CaO by JGC付正义摘 要:CaO formed by decomposing CaCO3 at 1450℃ was ground in a vibrational mill, then the long-time ground sample was reheated at different temperatures. Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC) was used to measure the variation of the sample’s surface free energy under grinding and reheating......
Free vibration of vibrating device coupling two pendulums using multiple time scales methodLI Jun(李珺), LIU Chu-sheng(刘初升), PENG Li-ping(彭利平), WANG Hong(王宏)(School of Mechanical and Electrical... analysis. Based on energy analysis, dynamic equations with cubic nonlinearities were established using Lagrange’s equation. In order to obtain approximate solution, multiple time scales method, one......